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          IT HAD BEEN TWO HOURS and Sebastian was completely drunk

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IT HAD BEEN TWO HOURS and Sebastian was completely drunk. Snafu thoughts besieged his brain to the point he only felt all bubbly and extremely dizzy. More and more people crowded the bar, the atmosphere was getting high while the electronic music blared out loud throughout the place. He felt more relaxed and the problems he was currently facing for some time only lurked painstakingly within his flesh. Every once in a while, Sebastian eminently forgot Ivory's presence who was constantly looking at him intently, fashed he would drink too much. Alcohol was the only thing that could make him forget everything.

Sebastian was absolutely happy if he was given the chance to have a child, but he wanted to get them from the woman he loved, not someone he once loved. Margarita was his past and it literally took him months to get over her. Now Sebastian had finally moved on, but all of a sudden, she came back into his life.

Just as Sebastian was about to take another sip, the bottle was taken away from his hand in a flash.

"What the hell." Sebastian muttered, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion before he trailed his eyes up to find a very upset Ivory Stan.

At this point, the older brother who used to be her protector was on a jaunt somewhere, leaving her to switch the role of being the keeper of him. Sebastian only rolled his eyes and started making his way to the bar again. Every step he took, he would trip over nothing and stumbled forward before grabbing onto something to steady himself. Ivory had been scolded him for the entire time, causing Sebastian to wander off without her consent.

"We should go home." Ivory told him, following hot on his trails.

Sebastian shook his head furiously. "I'm not finish."

Ivory scowled deeply, sighing in the process. "You're way too drunk, Sebastian."

"That's our purpose here, isn't it?" The older Stan tried to reach out for the Brandy he ordered, but Ivory swiftly gave the bottle to random people next to her. "Rude."

"You have enough."

"No!" Sebastian slightly whined, stumbling forward. "I'm not drunk yet."

"You're completely drunk." Ivory said, helping to steady him. "Let's go. It's already two in the morning."

"Time flies, eh?" Sebastian slightly hiccuped, squinting his eyes on the bottle behind her. "Let me finish my drink first."

"God, no." Ivory responded firmly as she gently shoved him backward. "Don't drink too much, Sebastian. You'll end up being sick, trust me it doesn't feel good. And it's even worse in the morning."

"Oh, Cupcake, you act like I don't know a thing about getting drunk." Sebastian slurred as he playfully poked her cheek, which Ivory instantly swatted his hand away.

"Let's go." Ivory demanded and led him out of the bar, holding his broad shoulders from behind to keep him from falling as they pushed their way out past dozens of people. "Are you feeling much better now?"

Sebastian shrugged nonchalantly. "Ask me tomorrow."

After a few minutes of finding a way out of the bar, Ivory managed to drag Sebastian into the parking lot without any paparazzi or fans noticing their appearance. Once the car presented in front of the siblings, Ivory carefully helped him get into the car and put a seatbelt on him before she also got in.

"My head hurts." Sebastian groaned and rubbed his temple, his vision hazing every now and then.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Ivory replied as she spared a brief glance at her brother, noticing how he was verily drunk. "We almost arrived at the apartment. Look, I have to go to work early in the morning, I suggest you to stay home and rest."

"I've missed today's meeting with my assistant, Cupcake. I can't do it again."

"Seeing your current condition right now, I don't think you're going to wake up in a good shape later." Ivory replied calmly.

With jaded eyes, Sebastian reached into his pocket to retrieve his phone, intending to check what time it was. But when he unlocked the phone instead of his and Ivory's dog wallpaper, the white screen of Messages blinded his eyesight. It took him a few seconds to readjust his eyes to the effulgence before he ascertained what the text was about. The alcohol still flowed in his nerves as he chuckled, causing perplexity to slug Ivory's soul. "I just got myself into another problem."

Ivory raised an eyebrow, throwing him a discomfiture look. "What now?"

"I accidentally sent a text to Nia."

"What?" Ivory questioned, still gluing her eyes on the road. "What did you send her? Your naked photos?"


"Then, what is it?"

Sebastian paused for a moment, observing each word that was on the screen. Even though he was at a drunken state right now, it didn't stop him to ponder on what he said to the ginger head. The thought immediately infested the top spot in his mind as a wide grin emblazoned his lips.

"I will marry her someday."


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