It begins

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Natsuki POV

I opened the door to the literature club, creaking it open. What should I expect? It was led by Monika, one of the most popular girls at school. She had long brown hair that was always tied in a ponytail. She had brains and beauty, and was currently in the student council center. It must be packed with students! But as I opened the door, I was disappointed. There were only three other members in the club. Monika, Yuri and one other girl I recognized, but didn't know her name. I had known Monika from just how popular she was, and had known Yuri from two years ago when she was in the same class as me, but we had never talked, and I only knew her name.

"Hello Natsuki!" Monika said as she got up and greeted me, "have you finally decided you are joining the literature club?"

"Yeah!" I said, "I just figured that manga is literature, and I kinda like poems, so..." I looked down.

"That's great Natsuki," Monkia announced, "Natsuki, this is Sayori!" She pointed to a girl with salmon colored hair and a red bow. She had her coat unbuttoned, her skirt flying as she dashed across the room to meet us. 

"Hello!" Sayori said "so glad to have you here!" Sayori jumped about. At that moment, I confirmed that I liked this new girl, she seemed like my type of friend.

"Over there is Yuri" Monika said. Yuri seemed to jump as the sound of her name. She was sitting in the corner, reading a thick book.

"Y-yes?" Yuri stuttered out, standing up, but not seeming to know what is happening. "Oh, you have a new member."

"Yes, this is Natsuki" both Monika and Sayori said, which made Yuri jump again.

"Hello Natsuki," Yuri said, unsteady on her feet, "nice to have you in the club."

"Hello Yuri and thank you" I said, forcing out the words. Also, I decided I didn't like Yuri, she seemed too fragile and too shy. So I just looked the other way and started to talk to Monika and Sayori.


Yuri POV

I sat back down in the corner, and began to read my book again. I really didn't mean to be so awkward, and unsteady. Although, I didn't have a real goal to impress any new club members, but I didn't want to seem like a let-down. As I became more focused into my book, the conversation that Natsuki, Monika, and Sayori were having, blurred into the backroad. The words filled my mind, and I lost all worries of the awkward moment I just had.

I must have been reading for a long time, because when I looked up, everyone but Monika was gone. Monika, was instead stacking papers, and making sure the place was clean before she left.

"W-where is everyone?" I said as I stood up.

"They left," Monika pointed out, "its fifteen minutes past the time we we all leave." Monika smirked, as she continued to stack papers. "You were way into your book, so we decided not to bother you."

I blushed, and messed around with my hair "oh," I whispered, just barely enough to hear, "how clumsy of me..." I trailed off as I picked up my backpack and helped Monika put away a few more things. As I began to walk out the door I heard Monika's voice.

"What do you think about Natsuki?" She asked, looking at me with very serious eyes "how do you feel about her?"

"She is nice and all" I said, looking away, "b-but not the type of person I would hang out with, I don't think" I said, unable to make eye contact with Monika.

"Oh, I see," Monika said, slightly disappointed "Well you will have to get used to each other soon" she smiled, "she is now a real member of the club after all."

"Yes," I said as she walked out the door, "I-I understand."

As I left Monika in the room by herself, I couldn't help but feel bad. "All she wants us to do is get along..." I thought to myself. "I completely ignored that new member today, I guess I have to just try again tomorrow." I then made up my mind, as I walked home.


Monika POV

"This is going to be a fun fun run," Monika thought to herself as she sat down in the classroom. "The player will log into absolute destruction." Monika chuckled to herself as she thought about what she was going to do "let's first log into the game files" , Monika thought as she teleported into the game files, and she clicked into the Yuri.chr file and looked at her levels of good traits and bad traits. " Oh Yuri" Monika smiled "its the beginning of the game, and I promise to leave you be this round!" She looked down "I guess I feel nicer this time around."

After leaving Yuri's good traits, and left Natsuki's traits the same as well. "Now that you are at your best girls, let's change something in the codes." Monika then began to delete some code, and type in the new code. "Ooo I have caused trouble haven't I" Monika started to laugh at she stared at the code: Natsuki Has A Crush On Yuri.

"Oh" Monika laughed even more "I know how to make this worse." She typed in the code, in this moment she wanted to see the future so badly. Code: Yuri Cuts Herself Under Pressure.

"Ahhhahahahahaahahahahaha" Monika said, "I have messed up the story haven't I" Monika smiled, content with the changes. "Well, if I didn't type in that code it would of happened anyways," Monika smiled softly, "I guess I'm just speeding up the process, and adding a little more drama!" Monika said "isn't that right..."

She exited the game's code. And packed her stuff up and left the school. "I can't wait to see the drama tomorrow!"


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