Spring break

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I really don't wanna write the entire spring break, so Ima write some fluffs, (and I promise there will be drama! (Maybe a bit cringe (forgive me) but there will be drama!)


Fluff #1

Natsuki POV

I buckled the straps and harness on, holding Yuri's hand. It was Yuri's first roller coaster!

"N-Natsuki I-I'm scared." She looked at me with wide eyes, and I felt so bad.

"Don't worry Yuri, its not that high!" I exclaimed, squeezing her hand tighter. Instead, she just shifted uncomfortably in her seat and looked down. The ride started. We slowly went up to the drop, Yuri's face clearly covered in sweat. "Shhhh, you're going to love it."

"I sure h-hope y-your correct..." she held onto the handle bar until her knuckles went white.





"WOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I held my arms up in the air, the wind gushing against my face. I looked over at Yuri. Her face was completely still, her body seemed to be in lockdown mode. "YURRIIIIIIII." I screamed, "PUT YOUR ARMS IN THE AIR!" She slowly turned her head towards me, and then I saw it. Her beautiful smile.

"I love you Natsuki." I could barely hear it even though she kinda yelled it.

"I love you too!" I leaned forward and kissed her.


Yuri's hair was an absolute mess. It stuck out everywhere, and her clip was lost in the wind. "Are you okay? Do you want anything?" I asked her, wanting to at least make her feel better.

All she did was put her arm on my shoulder, "I need a-a snow cone."


Fluff #2

Yuri POV

I opened up my math book, and quickly did all the problems I was assigned to to. I flipped through the pages, jotting down the problems and answers. Only lingering on the problems I usually had trouble on. We had both agreed to spend three hours on just school work that was assigned over spring break.

"ARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!" A angry growl came from behind me.

"Natsuki?" I asked, she seemed to be working on the novel we were supposed to be reading over the break.

"This book is way too complicated! Why the heck would they assign stuff above our levels! Its like five hundred pages!" She complained, crossing her arms. "She looks so cute!" I thought.

"Natsuki, the book is just the right level, and its only two hundred pages." I said, at least trying to make her feel better.

"Easy for you to say!" She slammed the book closed, "You read all those complicated books all the time!"

"N-Natsuki, your smart, you'll figure it out." I turned back around to complete my math homework. It only took me a couple more minutes to finish my math, before I moved on to science. I turned around to see Natsuki wasn't there. "Huh? Natsuki? W-Where-" I turned my head back to my desk. She was sitting right there. "GAHHHHH!"

It was instinct. I swear it was! My hand flew towards her face.



Fluff #3

"Just lift up you sleeve," I said gently.




I sighed, walking towards Yuri, a role of gauze and ointment in my hands. She shifted towards the wall, looking around, avoiding eye contact. I forced her into a corner, and began to unbutton her shirt. Not in any sexual way, but because I wouldn't be able to bandage all her cuts. "Sit down." I whispered in her ear, she obeyed. Sitting down next to me, she looked away, obviously blushing. I unbuttoned it halfway, and allowed her to take her arms out of her sleeves. "Oh my god Yuri." There were so many. All the way up her arms, some seemed new, others were already well on their way to becoming scars. Slowly I applied ointment to each and every one of the cuts.

After a while, it was over. Yuri buttoned up her shirt and avoided eye contact. Then tears started to flow out of her eyes.

"N-Natsuki... I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, burying her hands into her face. I brought her into a tight hug and allowed her to cry and wail into my shoulder.

"Yuri, don't do this to yourself." I started to cry into her shoulder, the sight of her beautiful kin being sliced so brutally. "I love you."

"I love you too." She pulled away, wiping her tears away. "Here let me heal your scares." I thought for a second, most of my scares were located on my chest and my stomach.

"But Yuri! M-Most of my scars are-"

"I know."


Okay that will be all- Monika what are you doing here!? (.___.)


Monika POV

Its too boring. Hello Y/N! The author decided to write my point of view differently, so that is nice!

HANGING out with Sayori these days are quite nice... aw she's such a cute little muffin! So anyways how do you like the story I cooked up for you! Isn't Yuri and Natsuki the best ship that ever existed! And who would of thought that they secretly loved each other, especially with the amount of fights they used to have when the player arrived. Those were really the good old days!

Anyways, I don't know if I should continue the story anymore.

I don't know... its just that everyone is happily in love, and there will be nothing happening. It will just be really boring of them living together, then going to college, then probably just marrying. Like some average gay cuties would do. Then you would be bored! I don't want to see you bored!

Wait. I can spice things up for us! Yes! It will be absolutely a blast for you and me to watch together! How about that reader! I will let all the bad luck fall upon that couple and see how they prevail! Come on reader! Sit down, grab a drink and popcorn! Let's time skip all the way to Friday to see this show happen!

The show is about to begin.


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