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Thank you all for 100+ reads! \('v')/

And I'm sorry, but I probs can't keep uploading every day... school. (-.-) Anyways...



"Yuri has given into Natsuki, and Natsuki has now given into Yuri..." Monika said, "Isn't this just an exciting story, reader!" She sits down at a desk in the classroom. "There are a lot of things I think about when my point of view is shown... like why does the author write stuff like "Monika said" instead of "I said." Monika thought out loud, "Its kinda messed up right?" Monika walked across the room pacing around and thinking. "What do you think?" Monika says as she smiles at you. "I guess this isn't a real run since I heard MC isn't coming this round, but that just makes me even more curious!" Monika stops pacing then looks at you.

"I guess your probably wondering a lot about Yuri and her backstory... but I really can't tell you. I'm sorry. Its not like I don't want to tell you, it's more like "I don't know"" Monika scratches her chin deep in thought. "Doesn't that make you wonder... even I don't know her full background, all I really know is she has problems with self harm because of that. Her sister constantly talks about the "organization" and begging Yuri to join... but that's about it." Monika pauses, suddenly getting very frustrated. "I know everything about the others! Why Sayori's depressed, or why Natsuki's dad hates her.. but not Yuri." Monika finally sits back down. "But that really doesn't matter right now, the story does!" Monika announces. "Ill now make Yuri cut herself one more time, then stop... well not stop, but just do it less!" Monika deleted the code she added in, interested how this will effect the future.

"Its now time to place your bets reader! Who will confess first, Natsuki or Yuri! The choice is yours! My opinion? I'll bet on Natsuki... she was the first one to realize, so is probably the first to confess." Monika said confidently.

"But its really only yours that matters to me!" Monika whispers in your ear. "Okay! On to the next day, day of the festival!"


Natsuki POV

"Okay, can't take this, I have to confess to her as soon as I get to the festival!" I thought as I walked through the schools front door "Just go up to her and tell her!" I arrived at the literature club where the banner that I mad was hung up and there was lemonade and cupcakes lines across the room, but there was no sign of Yuri.

"Where the heck is she?" I thought out loud.

"Who are you looking for, Natsuki?" I heard Sayori say behind me behind me, making me jump.

"Uh uh...."

"What? Did I say something?"

"N-NO, I just wasn't expecting you to..."

"To what?"

I quickly though of an excuse, "get to school so early..."

"Oh, yeah I guess it is kinda unusual of me to do this sorta thing, but this time I have a reason!"she said confidently.

"Wait, what's your reason?"

"Oops I shouldn't of said that..."

"Wait what?" Now I was curious!


I walked forwards, "come on Sayori, I know we don't talk much but you really can tell me anything! What is said in the literature club, stays in the literature club!"

"Should I really say this to you?"

"Just freaking say it!"

"Okay okay alright! I kinda really like Monika but I just don't know if she is straight or anything so I came here early to find out!"

"Wait what I can't hear you..."

"I really like Monika!"

"Like "Like" or "Like as a friend?"

"Your know what I mean..."

"Aw that's really cute! You should totally ask her out!"

"Whatever..." Sayori said turning away from me, "and I saw Yuri walking to the bathroom if that's who you were looking for."

"Uh yeah..." I said, "I'll go check on her."

I walked away quickly. Walking down the hall, I started to form a pick up line in my head. "Hello Yuri, are you a knife? Because you are a cut above the rest! No way to weird, Hey Yuri I LOVE YOU, no too direct.. Yuri I have to say something... I've liked you ever since the day I've layed eyes on you... NONONO too romantic! She'll just run away out of embarrassment! Oh god what do I say!" 

Reached the bathroom, stood by the door, and waited for her to come out, it was taking a long time, but finally the door opened. Yuri then walked out slowly and carefully, the sleeve on her shoulder stained a dull red, a pocket knife in her hand.

"Y-Yuri?" I said, slowly approaching her, "what's with your arm?" Then she started running. She had long strides compared to mine and distance started to appear between us. "YURI!" I yelled as she ran for the nearest exit.

"J-Just go away," she said, now running onto the grass behind the school.

"Why is her sleeve stained with blood... she doesn't cut herself does she?" I thought as I ran faster.

It was obvious enough that Yuri didn't run much because as time went on she started to slow. At this point we were far behind the school, and we stood on a wide lawn. Soon Yuri stopped completely and turned around, tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Why?" I yelled as I stopped in front of her. "Please tell me WHY!" Now seeing Yuri cry caused me to cry, and I grabbed on to her collar to pull her face closer to mine. "Why!? Answer me!"

"N-Natsuki please..." she sounded more scared than anything.

"TELL ME WHY!" I shouted in her face.

"I-I" was all Yuri stuttered out.

I pulled her collar closer, "Yuri... I love you..." I cried thinking about all the times I had been rude or mean to her then afterwards she asked to go to the bathroom. I felt her gentle hands wrap around my cheek and I saw her bend down. Her soft lips touched mine and I accepted it.

I let go of her shirt and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer to me. Yuri was the first to let go. Letting go of my face, and letting her arms fall to my waist.

"I d-don't know why I do it..." Yuri said, tears still flowing from her eyes, "but I-I do know... I love you too." With that statement we kissed again. And stayed like that for a long time.

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