Extra Work

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Yuri POV (next day)

As class ended I walked to my locker and packed all my books and assignments neatly into my backpack. I swung the heavy backpack onto my back, and flinched on the sudden strain on my back. And I walked carefully upstairs to the literature club, and saw that everyone was already there.

"Okay! Now that Yuri is here let's discuss the festival!" Monika announced as soon as I opened the door.

I sat down next to Natsuki and Sayori, and waited for Monika to take out a plan out of her backpack.

"A festival?" I heard Natsuki suddenly say next to me, "The upcoming school festival? The literature club participates in that? I've never seen that before!" Natsuki said crossing her arms.

"Well, this is actually the first time the literature club has participated, its never participated before!" Monika blushed, "But since you joined, the club can now be considered a real club, and will be able to participate in the festival and get our own show."

"Humf" I heard Natsuki say under her breath, "this is just extra work." But I was unable to see her face as she looked away from me. "She should at least be thankful that the student council allowed us to have our own room!" Yuri thought.

"And yes this will be extra work," Monika sighed at Natsuki's obvious frustration, " but in the end, the more club members we gather, the less work we have to do!" Monika said, obviously trying to perk everyone up.

"This sounds like tons of fun!" Sayori blurted out, "I can't wait!"

"That's the spirit Sayori!" Monika said, "okay, since today is Friday, and the festival is on Monday of next week, that means that we will have to split up into groups of two, then, divide and conquer!"

"Monika..."Sayori said quietly, "will you be my partner..."

"Of course Sayori!" Monika cheered as they now held hands. "Then I guess that leaves you two to do whatever you want, just plan to meet up at each other's house at some point." Monika checked her watch "It we have about twenty five minutes left to discuss meet ups!" Monika said as she turned to Sayori and began to talk about houses, and scheduling.

"I n-need to leave for the b-bathroom," I quickly said as I left without asking Monika. I walk down the long hall as I do every day. "I probably shouldn't keep Natsuki waiting" I thought as hurried down the hall walking faster. This time I didn't check if anyone was there, and was under pressure from the time constraint. I ran into the third stall and took off my shoe very quickly. I grabbed the knife, flipped it open and rolled up my sleeve. Quickly, and cut deeply, a lot deeper than I anticipated, and I groaned. "hAh!" I yelped as the blood flowed out in larger amounts than I thought possible. I was feeling quite faint after a while, I tried to wrap it up quickly, but ended up taking much longer. I ran out of the bathroom towards the literature club, and tried to act as normal as possible.

"Yuri," Natsuki grunted, "what the hell was taking you so long, how many craps does it take to clog a toilet" she said rudely.


Natsuki POV

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY, THAT WAS A REALLY STRANGE INSULT" I yelled internally as I saw Yuri's response. She just looked away covering her face with her hair, and slowly rubbing her upper arm. "I'm sorry" I said, not wanting to have to say I'm sorry for two days straight. "Just forget I said that..." I said as Yuri sat down next to me, clearly hiding her face.

"M-Maybe w-we should m-meet on Saturday" Yuri said, stuttering, "then for a little bit Sunday as well."

"No," I said, "my dad won't let me out the house on Sundays." Then an new idea popped up into my mind. "How a-about I go to your house tonight!" I said, blush filling my face. "Then I could sleep over, and leave Saturday afternoon."

"Uh, uh t-that's f-fine," Yuri said, but after a moment of contemplation her eyes widened as she seemed to realize something, "S-Sleepover?" Yuri said seemingly frantically. Suddenly I knew I pushed it too far, but I was determined to spend time with her. "I just want to spend time with her..." I thought as I struggled to find what to say back.

"Y-Yeah!" I finally said, "so I can have maximum amount of time to spend with you!" I said smiling, but within a matter of two seconds my whole face was red, blushing out of embarrassment. "FOR THE PROJECT!" I yelled, "Don't get the wrong idea!" I looked away, "Although I said the truth, she will never know, she cannot know! D-Do- NO! I can't! But-NO. Do I like Y- I SAID NOOO" my brain was internally screaming, and arguing with itself. But as soon as I heard Yuri laugh softly, all my fears were calmed.

"I-I've n-never really been on a sleepover b-before" Yuri said, looking away, playing with her hair.

"You've never been on a sleepover?" I said, kinda not believing her "then I guess I'll be your first!" Blushing I looked away quickly, but I couldn't see Yuri's "beautiful" face since her long hair covering it.

"Y-Yeah," Yuri finally said, "I g-guess so..." As I listened to Yuri, out of the corner of my eye I say Sayori and Monika, staring at us, whispering, and giggling at our conversation.

"Shut up you two!" I said, "I've never felt so embarrassed" I thought as Monika and Sayori Just started flat out laughing. "UGH!"

"Okay, now that the planning is now over," Monika said still giggling a little bit "I will assign what we are each doing! Yuri and Natsuki! You are in charge of food, drinks, and the main banner, and me and Sayori will be in charge of the slideshow and the main room decorations, and don't forget to all make poems to read during the presentation!"

"This is going to be so fun!" Sayori said, jumping about. "I agree, Sayori..." I thought to myself, but making sure I wasn't saying out loud, "And I don't care what my brain says! I love Yuri! Oh God, it felt great to say than and let that out." I thought, feeling like weights had suddenly lifted off my shoulders.

"Yuri, I am first going to my house to get some supplies and extra clothes" I said, "I'll see you around five, then we can get the party started!" Yuri just smiled with a light blush.

"O-Okay, I guess I'll meet you then" Yuri said, then walked out the door. I walked out shortly afterward, not wanting to spark an awkward conversation walking out at the same time. But the suddenly someone grabbed my arm. It was Monika.

"Do you like Yuri?" Monika whispered. That immediately caused me the blush madly.

"No I don't!" I fired back, " don't get the wrong idea!" I tried to leave, but she tugged on my arm even more.

"Please tell me," Monika said giggling,"I actually really ship you two, you two would seem like a great couple!"

Then she finally let go of my arm, giggling as she trotted back over to were Sayori, and started to whisper to her.

As I walked back to my car out in the front of the parking lot, I knew it was my chance to confess my love!


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