Ch. 3: Settling in

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The rest of the evening we didn't talk much. He dismissed every attempt to start a conversation, and hardly asked me to do anything. Needless to say, I was bored out of my mind, and ended up in his library to see if I could find a book to read.

I didn't. Every damn book was dry stuff like history, geography, geology or art. All of them educational books, which meant you had to use your brain to even understand half of what you read. Reading for entertainment was obviously not that important. And since I was never into that intellectual stuff, I left and knew I wasn't going to spend much time in that room in the future. If any at all. I was happily satisfied with being dumb.

My thoughts drifted off, and I started analyzing how different Michael and I were. Everything in his library was so neatly organized that I actually felt scared to touch anything. The OCD monster in him would probably strangle me if I even thought about messing with his alphabetical order. My own book shelf on the other hand, consisted of three interior books, several thoroughly read novels with worn out covers and coffee stains, and a porn magazine. Yep. That's me. And everything looked like it was thrown there.

I sighed heavily and felt relieved when he called my name.

"The clock is five past ten! Why aren't you here?"

I walked into his room and found him sitting with the sling on his lap.

"Ha," I mumbled, and walked closer to study it better.

"Ha, what?"

"That's the coolest sling I've ever seen. Golden rims? And are these the same rhinestones as the ones on your glove?"

He didn't answer that.

"You need to keep track on time, Ms. Jones."

"Beanie," I corrected.
"And have you ever used this sling for anything else than getting back and forth from the toilet?"

I smirked. If he didn't reply to me, I wasn't going to reply to him. Childish? Yup. But I only did it to provoke him enough to get his head out of his ass. And right now he looked slightly confused, waiting for me to give him a clue of what I was talking about. So I wiggled my eyebrows and continued.

"You know, kinky stuff? Have you ever fucked someone in it?"

His face... Where's the damn camera when you need it?

"Just get me into the bathroom and into my bed, and get out of my sight!" he yelled, and got even more annoyed when I kept snickering, totally unaffected by his angry outburst.

"Uptight, I see."

I wanted to ask another question about the topic. A whole lot of other questions actually, but I figured it could wait until later. I was supposed to be glued to his back for God knows how long anyway, so I guess the day would finally come when I didn't have anything more to ask. And that would be a new experience for me, that's for sure!


The next morning, I actually got up in time to be in his room at eight sharp. He was already awake, and I suddenly realized how much I looked like a crack whore.

"I'm... Uhh... Sorry I'm not dressed, sir," I mumbled and tried to distract both of us by frantically combing my fingers through my unruly hair.
"I forgot."

His eyes took a trip from north to south and then back up north again. At least I didn't scare him, because I think I saw a vague smile play upon his lips. Only a brief one, but I saw it.

"Do you want me to go back and put on something?"

I pointed at my bra and panties, then at the door, and felt laughter building up inside. I tried not to giggle. I swear I did! But when I saw him about to giggle as well, I couldn't hold back. He had the cutest laugh I'd ever heard from a man, and I made a promise to myself to hear it at least a few times a day. But way too soon for my liking, we slipped back into business as he nodded towards the bathroom.

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