Ch. 54: Good news?

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"A what? But you know I can't have children." I looked from Katherine to Michael and then back again.

"That might be, but nature has worked wonders before, you know."

Janet started squealing loudly.
"Oh, pleeeease say you have some tests! If not, I'll be on my way to the pharmacy in a minute."

I shook my head.
"No, you don't need to. I think I have some left from... Earlier."
Memories of the depressing time we spend trying to get pregnant came crashing like a tidal wave, and new, large beads of tears rolled down my cheeks. I put Max down at the floor and watched him stumble over to Michael, who gladly picked him up onto his lap.

"Fuck! I can't be pregnant!"

"Beanie, don't swear!" I heard Michael say, at the same time Janet asked in total shock:
"You don't wanna be pregnant?! But... Why? I thought that was wonderful news?"

"It is... But it isn't..." I turned away from them and hid my face in my hands. Janet sat down next to me, and wrapped her arm around me for comfort.

"But Beanie... Why aren't you happy?"

I turned to look at her.
"Because this means that I have to go through another miscarriage."
I sobbed freely now, and Katherine took Max into the kitchen so he couldn't see more of my emotional break down.

"But you don't know that."

I shook my head, and she turned to Michael.
"Tell her that it's not going to happen."

He looked at his hands and then back at me. I knew this hurt him as well. I could see it in his eyes.
"I don't know."

"Of course we don't know yet! That's why you need to take that pregnancy test."

Me and Michael looked at each other.

"I guess we don't know for sure unless we take the test," he finally said. And then he rolled over to me, grabbed my hand and put it on his shoulder, as a sign to follow him. And I swear it felt like we were walking the green mile.

Well inside the bathroom, Michael found the box of tests. There were a few left, and he gave one of them to me. But when he turned to leave, I stopped him.
"Please stay, Michael. I can't do this by myself. I don't know what I'm gonna do if it comes out positive. I can't do this one more t..."

"Shhh, baby. I'm here. And we're gonna make it no matter how this turns out."
He took my hand and kissed my knuckles, knitting our fingers together.
"We've been through rough times before. We can do it again."

"But I don't want to... I can't take to see when it... The blood... I can't do it, Michael. I just can't!"

"Yes, you can. You need to be strong. I need you. Max needs you. And we are just waiting for a phone call from the adoption bureau, and will be parents to two cute, little ones."

That didn't help. At all. I cried loudly while unwrapping the test, and Michael held my hand until I was done. And then we put the test on the sink, before I sunk down on the floor. He removed his foot rests, and pulled me towards him. And then he wrapped his safe, strong arms around me, while I sobbed my heart out.

"I think it's time, baby. Do you want to see together?"

I shook my head. I didn't want to know. I wanted to ignore the whole thing and keep going as normal. I was doing so good now! The miscarriages had finally become a vague sad memory. And now the wound was torn wide open again.

"Okay. I will look, then. Are you okay with that?"

I didn't answer.

"Baby? Is it okay if I check the result?"

I knew what the test would say. He didn't need to say it. And I felt my whole world shattered into pieces.

"Beanie. It's positive. You are pregnant."

"Noooo..... Please don't say it's true... Please... I c-can't..." I was shaking like a leaf and sunk completely down on the floor like a sobbing human ball.

"We can take another one later, B. But I think mother has right. You are pr.."


He was quiet for a while, and I heard him sniffle.

"I'll be right back, B. I'll be right there with you. I just have to talk to mother and Janet. Okay?"

I just sobbed into my knees, feeling the panic tighten its grip around me for real. I heard him roll out of the bathroom and shouted for Janet. And then I heard them talk silently.

"It was positive. She doesn't take it very well. So can you please take Max back to your place? We need a little time to ourselves right now."

"Yes, of course. Is there anything else we can do?"

"No, there isn't. I'm gonna take her to the hospital now to find out how far she is, and we'll take it from there. Is it alright that Max stays with you for a few days?"

"Yeah, sure. No problem. Just... Call me, Michael. I'm so sorry."

"I will. Okay. Bye."

Then I heard him lock the door behind him and roll over to me. And then he climbed down to the floor and scooted himself as close to my back as he could possibly get. And lastly, I felt his warm arms that embraced me tightly. He kissed the back of my head repeatedly, and whispered words for comfort into my ear. But all I could feel was this shadow of darkness that was consuming me.

"No matter what happens, baby, we'll do it together. I'll be right by your side the whole time. I love you."

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