Ch. 83: Bad feeling

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"My father did what?"

"He dropped the charges. Isn't that great?"

A part of me wanted to jump up and down in sheer happiness, but there was a voice deep inside my subconscious that told me to be aware.

"Yeah, I guess. But why?"

"I think maybe his attorney finally made him realize that he didn't really have anything on us. So I asked for a short press conference to get a public apology."

I snorted.

"Yeah, right. Like that's gonna happen. That asshole has never apologized for anything in his entire life, and I'm bloody certain that he won't do it this time either. And much less in publicity."

Michael shrugged.
"It's worth a shot. Maybe publicity is what it takes to make him do it? Maybe he'll be able to change for the better, so he can participate in his grand daughter's life? Who knows?"

"I know! Trust me, that won't happen. Not in a million years. And I will never let him near our kids again."

Michael sighed, obviously in lack of words. So he tried to change topic instead. He rolled close enough to take my hand in his, and then he brought it to his lips and kissed it.

"I was wondering if I could ask you out on a date tonight?"

What? A date?

He chuckled nervously.
"I want to take you out for a dinner, and maybe we'll go to the movies or something afterwards. What do you say?"

I must have looked like I'd seen a ghost. And since he was still holding my hand, and Abigail was safely secured by his other arm, all he could do was to try to catch my gaze with his.

"Earth to Beanie?"

I inhaled sharply after I'd forgotten how to breathe for a few moments, and then I blinked. This was....

"Uhm... Yeah. I... A date, huh?"


"Just like that?"

He frowned lightly.
"What do you mean, 'just like that'?"

"We... We never do that."

He looked guilty for a second and looked down on my hand in his.

"Yeah, I know. But how about changing that? How about going out every once in a while from now on? Just the two of us? It'll be an addition to our date with the couch."

I just stared at him. Is he trying to hide something from me? Is there something he's not telling me about, that makes him feel guilty? Why is he doing this? This is not him at all! Or... Is it?

"Okay, I will go with you, but honestly, Michael. Where's the catch?"

"Catch? There is no catch! I just want to take you out for dinner."

"But you don't need that! I know how much you hate being in public."

"Beanie! Listen to me. I know you say you don't need it, but I really want to do it. Okay? Now, please. Be ready at five. Mrs. Donahue and Ms. Bishop will take care of the kids. I've already talked to them. It was actually Ms. Bishop's idea. And she's absolutely right. I should've taken you out long time ago."

I chewed on the inside of my cheeks. I had turned into him! I had become the person he used to be, always wanting to be at home. Before we met, I would be thrilled to be asked out. But now? Ha! I shook my head at how stupid I was. Of course I wanted to go out with him! What's the matter with me?

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