Ch. 87: I'll always do

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"Are you ready, Beanie? Everybody is waiting for you."

Katherine was standing in the door with Gracie on her arm. She looked amazing in a deep azur colored dress with matching jacket and shoes. And little Gracie were dressed in the cutest pink baby girl dress, just like her sister, Abigail. Max was, of course, dressed in the same colors, only that it was a tiny tuxedo instead of a dress.

The color pink was no coincidence. The pink ribbon was even incorporated in my wedding bouquet and was something Michael and me decided to do to be reminded of this day whenever we saw that symbol. And both of us knew we were going to see it quite often in the time ahead of us, though in much less happy circumstances. But today was all about joy and love.

"Yeah, I am. How do I look?"

Katherine smiled and her eyes already said it all.
"You look stunning."

I walked up to her, adjusted my veil, and tried my best to keep Gracie from yanking it down on our way to one of Michael's golf cars. But just before we left the house, Kathrine stopped me.

"You need something," she said and opened her purse. She pulled up a little gift wrapped in purple and white, and reached it out for me. And while I opened it, she took Gracie again. It was a bracelet. A golden bracelet with four hearts. Two blue and two pink.

"A reminder that your family will always be around you," she said. And then she removed a ring from her finger.
"Here. Wear this."

The ring was pure gold, like the bracelet and had a sparkling blue stone that looked like a diamond on it.

"Now you have something blue, something borrowed and..." She looked at the bracelet.

"...and something new," I finished, and she nodded and stroke my back.

"That's right. Now, go make my son happy."

I felt my eyes got teary, but I fought them back to avoid ruining my makeup. Karen, Michael's makeup artist from earlier, had made me look more beautiful than I deserved. I could never imagine looking this way at all, and it felt so surreal to see myself in the mirror. As cliche as it seemed; This was the day I never even dared to dream of as a little girl.

We walked to the car, where Mrs. Donahue was waiting with Max and Abigail. And with Katherine, Gracie and me in the front seat, we were set to go. We drove passed the carousels and the pool. And the Archade and the Zoo too. And we kept driving all the way to Michael's Giving Tree, where the ceremony was taking place. And the sight made me have to blink away more tears in complete awe. Because what Michael had created was the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

The aisle was a deep fuchsia colored carpet, and the rest of the decorations were light pink as our children's clothes and my wedding bouquet. And since there only was Michael's family present, the chairs were placed one by one on each side of the aisle to make it look longer than it would be if everyone were seated in a row in front.
I looked from each of the guests, and was totally blown away by how flawlessly dressed they were. And they did that for us, for this simple and hasty ceremony.

But the most beautiful person of them all was sitting in a wheelchair next to the priest. And even before I started walking towards him, I saw that he was struggling to keep his tears back. And when the piano started playing this tender and untraditional processional song, he had to dry his cheek.

Max walked in front of us together with Mrs. Donahue, that helped him throwing rose petals to the ground in front of us as we walked. She did most of the job, but that only added to the level of charm.
I let Abigail hold my bouquet before I gently grabbed both her and Gracie's hand and started walking. Abigail was walking quite good now, but Gracie had just started two weeks ago. And I saw both LaToya and Rebbie dry a few tears when they saw us walking slowly up to the altar. Even Marlon did! And Janet was already sobbing loudly into a big handkerchief while she looked at Gracie's tiny feet stumble up towards her father. And when we came close enough, Michael lifted her up and kissed her cheek before Mrs. Donahue took her, Abigail and Max to the side, so the ceremony could start. And the love that radiated between Michael and me as we stood there in front of everybody, took my breath away. I could see by the look in his eyes how happy he was right in this very moment, and I promised myself to make him feel this way as often as I could in the future.

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