Ch. 79: Say cheese!

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"You asked him what?"
Michael propped himself up on his elbow to see me better, whilst I hid my face partially under the bed cover to hide how dark red my face was.

"You asked if he works for your father?! What made you believe that?"

"I don't know! I just got this weird feeling when he came today. And all this information that has been leaked to the press... I just... He was... Look, there was something I found suspicious about him, okay?"

"The only thing suspicious about him, is that he's got a crush on you, Beanie."

I gasped.

"What? You can't possibly not have noticed! His eyes are glued on you whenever you're around."

I didn't think I could blush any harder, but now my face was so warm you could fry an egg on my forehead.

"He's not!"

Michael just smirked self satisfied.

"But... But you're okay with that?!" I asked in disbelief. My eyes were widened to the max, and I knew he had to notice my confusion.

"Of course I'm not okay with it! But you are mine, and as long as he respects that and doesn't try anything, I won't mind to rub it in his face now and then."

"Oh my God, Michael! You're so evil!"

Michael laughed out loud.

"But I really like this guy! He's millions of times better than that sour lady I had years ago. And I actually think I can work well with Kevin."
He sucked on his cheek for a moment, and then added:
"But I will appreciate if you stay away as long as he's in our house. I don't want him to make any moves tha...."

"He's not gonna make any moves!"
I slapped him in the head with a pillow.
"If he's making any moves, it will be towards Ms. Bishop. She's totally captivated by him."

Michael giggled.
"Yeah, he told me."

"What? He told you?! What is with this guy?"

"Yeah. He doesn't like her."

"Why? What's wrong about her? She's a cute girl. And not to forget; his age. They're about the same age. I'm probably five years older than him."


I snorted.

"You asked him?!"

"Of course I did! I need to know what I have to measure up to. I don't want you to run away with a young boy like him. After all, I need to keep my friends close, but my enemies closer, right?"

"So you're in a close companionship with your enemy now, huh?"

Michael reached out to pinch my rib.
"No, silly. He's not my enemy as long as he doesn't hit on my fiancé."
Then he nailed me with his eyes.
"Promise me you'll tell me if he tries something, B! If he does, I'm gonna throw his ass rig..."

"I will! Jesus! Relax, Michael. But we can still try to set them up on a date, can't we?"

Michael frowned.

"Ms. Bishop and him? Why? He doesn't even like her."

I gave him a mischievous half smile.
"You didn't like me either, remember?"

"Heeey! I did so!" he objected, followed by overly dramatical pouting, and I rolled my eyes knowing that we both knew the truth.

"Whatever. I think they would be a beautiful couple."

"Like us?" Michael asked and rolled completely over. I helped him with his leg so he could lay comfortable, and rested my head on his arm.


He kissed my forehead and smiled.

"I love you, B."

"I love you too, handsome."


"Max? Max! Look at daddy!"

Both of us tried to get his attention enough to manage to take a picture of him before blowing out the two candles on his birthday cake, but to no avail. He was way too busy trying to grab it with his hands. And even though Janet did her best holding his hands, he still grasped a bit amount of whipped cream and threw it all over the place.

"Max! Nooo! Stop it!"

But it was too late. He had grabbed another handful of cream and had turned around and smeared it all over Janet's cheek, making her squeal in surprise.
And Michael laughed his ass off.

"Way to go, Max! That's exactly what your daddy would do."

Both me and Janet glared at him, but then Janet blurted out in laughter and grabbed a little piece of cake and threw it at Michael.

"Hey, hey! Stop it, guys!" I shouted.
"Look at the mess you're making!"

But neither of them listened.

"At least let Abigail taste some of the cake before you ruin it completely."

I signed with my hand to take a few seconds brake, just enough to scoop a tiny piece of it over to a plate. And then the cake fight broke loose again. Happy to be left out of it, I went over to Abigail that sat in her high chair next to Katherine and Mrs. Donahue. And at safe distance, we all sat and observed two adults trying to hit each other with as much cream as possible, with Janet using Max as a shield. Max didn't mind, though. He was busy licking cake off his hands, and looked like he was in a bubble by himself. And since both him and Abigail were happy with a good taste each, I guess the birthday cake did it's purpose. Especially for the two biggest children, Michael and Janet.

After they'd cleaned both themselves and the whole dining area, everybody got seated in the living room. It was really crowded, with most of Michael's siblings with families, and all his nieces and nephews gathered around the main attraction for the day: Moudini the magician!
I missed most of the show, though, since I was busy breastfeeding Gracie. But after the magician left, Michael announced that he had another surprise. He rolled over to the door and shouted to someone outside, and moments after one of the zookeepers appeared in the doorway with... Louie.

I heard Kathrine gasp loudly as the llama strolled over the floor and into the living room, while all the kids gathered around him.

"Lift him up," Michael commanded, prepared to take a picture. Mrs. Donahue looked like she was going to faint, so I sent her out into the kitchen, since I knew she wasn't especially fond of Michael's different animals.

"Really, Michael... A llama? In the living room? Who the hec...carrot does that?" I hissed at him, not really willing to put my child up on the overgrown pet.

"Hey! He can hear you! Don't insult him, you know his name is Louie." Michael grinned timidly.

"Yeah, so? He's gonna spit on me?"

He shot me a mischievous glare, that made me step several steps away from the animal, and Michael started to giggle.
"Relax. He won't do that. Just put Max on his back, so I can take the picture."

I still wasn't convinced.
"You're absolutely sure he's not gonna spit?"

He just shrugged.

"I swear..." I mumbled some threats as I passed him, and put a squealing Max on Louie's fury back.

"Say cheese!!" Michael shouted to get our attention. But the second he said it, Louie started to walk around in circles, with me stepping around after with a tight grip around Max to keep him from falling. Everybody laughed and made Louie walk even faster. And to top it all, my nose started itching. Badly.


Things ended exactly the way I expected them to:

I sneezed, making Louie jump a little, and I had to jump after to save Max from falling to the floor. And then Louie glared devilishly at us and sent a huge load of saliva that landed quite strategically in my hair.


And Michael got it all on camera...

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