Meet the Family

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Nyx's P.O.V. :

We just arrived at Calum's house , and it was really nice. It was a medium sized home with the walls a light shade of gray and beige furniture.  Pictures of Mali and Cal lined the hallways, it made the home cozy and welcoming.

"You have a really nice house." I say to Calum smiling as he shows Juliet and I around.

"Thanks." he smiled back.

"This is where Juliet will sleep." Cal said showing us thw gyest bedroom.

it had gray walls with white lining,  a lace white comforter with matching pillows and mahogany dresser and nightstand.

"Geez,  this is really nice." Juliet said looking around the room.

"I'm gonna stay with her, at least for tonight. is that ok?" i asked Calum.

"Yeah definitely. You guys can put your stuff away my mom's making dinner, im gonna go help." Calum said cheerfully heading out into the living room.

Juliet and I walked around the guest room looking at pictures here and there then set our stuff down.

"We should probably go see if they need help." she says.

I nod and we walk into the living room.

"Do you need any help?" I smiled.

"No no, its ok. You girls can get comfortable we are almost done in here." Joy said to us happily.

We just smiled and walked to the couch where Mali-Koa was sitting.

"So Nyx right?  And Juliet?" she said gestering to each of us as we nodded.

"How long have you been dating my brother? " she questioned.

"Oh..uhm.. not long at all. Since yesterday.." I said shyly.

"Well that's nice!  You seem like a good fit for him. He called and told me about you the day they ran into you in  San Francisco. " Mali laughed.

"Oh he did now?" I joked looking over at Calum blushing while setting the table. Juliet giggled.

"Yeah! He said he met a beautiful girl that day and he thought he totally messed it up." she laughed and so did we.

"Nyx didnt even tell me she met him! She couldn't believe he actually thought she was pretty." Juliet added looking at me then Calum who walked over.

"How could I not ? She was gorgeous. " he blushed sitting next to me and Mali-Koa.

"You just treat her well Calum, you know how to respect women." his sister warned.

"Yes, I know." he laughed.

"Come eat now the food's ready." Joy smiled waving us over to the table.

She had made baked chicken with , white rice and broccoli. Calum sat next to Joy, I sat next to him, then Juliet, and then Mali. We sat and talked getting to know each other well, apparently they already knew about me because of Calum and a little of Juliet. I hadnt had a nice meal like this in a long time, I enjoyed it. After everyone was done eating Juliet and Cal cleared the table while I helped Joy and Mali-Koa with the dishes.

"Thank you so much for the lovely dinner." I said .

"Yeah , thanks so much." Juliet smiled.

"We are really tired so goodnight!" I said waving as Juliet and I walked to our room. We closed the door and quickly changed into pajama shorts and tank tops. We crawled into the nice bed and turned out the light.

Juliet's P.O.V.:

"Why arent you sleeping with Cal?" I asked Nyx.

"Because one, I didnt want to leave you alone in here, and two because it doesnt seem appropriate you know?" she said back shifting to get comfy.

"Yeah,  and thanks." I laughed , and just then the door creaked open.

"You guys?" We heard a whisper.

"Calum? " Nyx whispered back.

"Yeah , can i come in?"

"Sure." she answered.

I sat up turning on the bed side lap.

"Whats up?" I said a little louder.

"Nothing. I just wanted to check up on you guys. Everything good?" he asked.

"Yeah we're good." I answered smiling and rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah Cal, we're just super tired. Aren't you?" Nyx asked yawning.

"Kinda used to it haha. Well goodnight Juliet." he said leaning into hug me.

"Goodnight babe." He said kissing Nyx quickly.

"Goodnight. " she giggled as he walked out.

I reached off the bed and turned off the light.

"Why dont you call him 'babe' or anything? " I asked curious.

"Oh I dont know. I just never really had a boyfriend so im kind of awkward. " she shrugged looking up at the ceiling.

"Thats right! I forgot Calum's your first boyfriend. Thats sweet." I joked and she slapped my arm playfully.

"Shut up ahha. Go to bed , you hardly slept on the plane you must be tired." Nyx said to me.

"Yeah I'm starting to feel it haha." I said.

"Well goodnight." she said.

"Goodnight." I yawned and turned to ny side and shut my eyes falling into a deep sleep.

Calum's P.O.V.:

Tonight Nyx wanted to sleep with Juliet which I totally understand that's her best friend , and she has been sleeping in my room with me since she arrived, but I missed her in my arms. it was easy for me to fall asleep when I was holding her small body to my bare chest. Tonight is gonna be long , but I'm pretty tired so maybe I will be ok. It's only around 9 p.m

here but jet lag sucks, and no matter how many times we deal with it I still despise it. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and went on twitter.

'@Calum5SOS why are you guys with those girls?'

'@5SOS Can do much better than those ugly girls. #prettier5SOSFAM '

The tweets people were sending me and the rest of the lads were ridiculous. I needed to say something because if I dont say something it wont stop.

@Calum5SOS: 'Those girls are our best friends Juliet & Nyx. Leave them alone, they're wonderful.' I tweeted then set my phone on silent and placed it back on the nightstand. I turned on my side and faced my window. Little light shined through and I watched the curtains blow slightly from a crack in the pane. I listened to sounds from outside and let the feeling of being home envelope me into an enticing sleep.

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