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Nyx's P.O.V.:

My alarm woke me up playing "The Mortician's Daughter" by Black Veil Brides at some god awful time in the morning. I quickly reached for my phone to turn off the alarm.

"Fuck that.." I muttered and shoved my face back into my pillow.

"Do we h-have to be somewhere?" Juliet yawned half awake.

"..I don't know.. cal will.." I cut off falling back asleep until she kicked me.

"OW! that was mean.. but I don't know Calum will wake us up if we need to leave. Go back to bed cranky." I said to Juliet pulling the blankets over my face.

"Okay.." she mumbled closing her eyes and falling back asleep.

Calum's P.O.V.:

I began to awake at around 8:15 in the morning, and I knew the girls wouldn't be up considering they aren't used to the time difference so I would let them sleep for awhile then we'd head over to the studio. I rolled out of bed in my green toucan boxers, I finally took them back from Luke. I walked over to my dresser and slipped on some gray sweatpants then walked into the hallway.

*knock knock*

I tapped lightly at the girls' door.

"hmmm..?" I heard a groan must have been Nyx.

I gently opened the door and peeked my head through.

"Good morning." I whispered with a smile looking over at them.

"morning." they groaned.

"haha Mum is making breakfast if you want some ." I told them then walked out.

I walked down the narrow hallway to the kitchen where mum was flipping pancakes and Mali was setting the table.

"Good morning!" I smiled hugging my mum.

"Good morning Cal." she laughed.

I laughed slightly then hugged Mali too.

"Where are Nyx and Juliet?" she asked me.

"They are in bed,not quite used to time change." I joked shaking my head.

"Wrong Hood!" Nyx shouted from right behind me.

"AH!" I screamed as everyone laughed at me .

"Hahahha good morning everyone!" Nyx said along with Juliet.

Nyx's P.O.V.:

We all took a seat at the table and ate breakfast which consisted of chocolate chip pancakes,toast with Vegemite ,and orange juice.

"Thank you so much Joy for letting Juliet and I stay here." I smiled

"Don't worry about it hun, you two are always welcome!" she chimed.

Jules and I helped clear the table while Cal did the dishes, Mali helped him and Joy hopped in the shower.

"I'm gonna go get ready the boys are gonna be at the studio in an hour,you guys are coming right?" Calum's asked me.

"Definitely! We will go get ready too." I said then ran down the hallway.

Juliet's P.O.V.:

"When are we leaving?" I asked Calum's before he went to go get dressed.

"In 45 minutes so hurry!" he laughed then walked to his room and I went into mine and Nyx's.

"We have 45 minutes." I told her rummaging through my suitcase.

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