The beginning of the adventure

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Your POV:

As we run, (BF/N) tells me how Bilbo was so funny while looking at his home to see if it was just a dream. I wanted to see that... whatever, I'll see the rest. I'm a bit scared of Thorin's reaction. I guess that I'll have to be even more serious and cautious than normal. Not that I am serious normally or anything.

Bilbo- I'm going on an adventure!

(Y/N)- *fangirling* He's SO fucking cuuute!!!

(BF/N)- Yep. Now, hurry up!

Bilbo- Wait! WAIT!

Here we go... Thorin looks surprised, of course. Cute.

Bilbo- I signed it.

Balin- Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.

Everybody seems happy. This is awesome-

Thorin- Who are they?

Fuck... right when I said it.

(Y/N)- My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and this is my best friend (BF/N). We are here to help you get back your home since we lost ours when we were little and know what it is like to want it back.

I am surprisingly good at lying... I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Anyway...

Gandalf- I know those girls, they will be a great asset to our company.

Thorin- And why is that?

Shit... I can't just tell him that I know the future and that he's going to die and I want to save him... sadly. Maybe if I talk formally they will think that I'm more serious than I really am. Let's try this.

(Y/N)- We have great instincts. But we will need someone to train us how to fight with a sword if that's alright.

Gandalf glares at Thorin... I know that face, he accepts us! Yes!

Thorin- Alright. But you two better not slow us down.

(BF/N)- Of course not, Mister Oakenshield.

A couple of minutes later

Bilbo- *sneeze* It's horse hair... having a reaction. No, wait, wait, STOP! Stop, we have to turn around!

Here we go... should I give it to him now? Nah, I'll wait just a bit. This part is funny.

Gandalf- What on Earth is the matter?

Bilvo- I forgot my handkerchief.

(Y/N)- Here you go. *smile*

Bilbo- W-what? Thank you but why did you have that on you?

(Y/N)- Oh! Uh- I saw it this morning and felt that we might need it. You know, instincts...

Bilbo- Right...

That night

(BF/N) is asleep but I want to see everything... since I don't know how long we are going to stay here. She is riding with Fili while I am riding with Gandalf so it's really not that bad. But we will have to fight monsters soon. Kili is teaching us how to spar and it's like I always knew how. Oh, Bilbo woke up! Poor little Hobbit...

Bilbo- Hello, girl. Who's a good girl? *gives Myrtle an apple* It's our little secret, Myrtle.

Cute... oh, there's the screeching. It's really scary when you're there in real life.

Bilbo- What was that?

Kili- Orcs.

Here it comes... I'm trying really hard not to laugh.

Bilbo- Orcs?

Fili- Throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there. The Lone-lands are crawling with them.

(Y/N)- Yeah. They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep.

Kili- *smiles at me* Quick and quiet, no screams. Just lots of blood.

Fili/Kili- *chuckle*

Don't laugh, don't laugh... oh shit, Thorin.

Thorin- You think that's funny? You think a night raid by Orcs is a joke?

Kili- We didn't mean anything by it...

The awkwardness is real...

Thorin- No, you didn't. You know nothing of the world.

(Y/N)- *triggered* *muttering* Actually, I know more than you right now but whatever.

Balin- Don't mind him, laddie. Thorin has more cause than most to hate Orcs. After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient Dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy had got there first. Moria had been taken by legions of Orcs led by the most vile of all their race:

Balin/(Y/N)- Azog the Defiler...

Oops, didn't mean to say that out loud. But it doesn't look like they realized that I said that. Anyway, back to the awesome story.

Balin- The giant Gundabad Orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin.

Of course, it didn't really work out too well since Thorin and the others are alive... for now at least.

Balin- He began... by beheading the king. Thrain, Thorin's father, was driven mad by grief. He went missing, taken prisoner or killed, we did not know.

Neither, actually...

Balin- We were leaderless. Defeat and death were upon us. That is when I saw him...


Balin- A young Dwarf prince facing down the pale Orc. He stood alone against this terrible foe. His armor went, wearing nothing but an oaken branch as a shield. Azog the Defiler learned that day that the line of Durin would not be so easily broken. Our forces rallied and drove the Orcs back. And our enemy had been defeated.

I'm about to cry... this is so beautiful.

Balin- But there was no feast nor song that night. For our dead were beyond the count of grief. We few had survived.

This is so sad... I want to say something but...

Balin- And I thought to myself then "There is one who I could follow. There is one... I could call king."

Whoa, everybody's looking at Thorin now. This is so dramatic. But beautiful.

Bilbo- And the pale Orc? What happened to him?

Thorin- He slunk back into the hole whence he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago.

(Y/N)- *muttering* Well, that is what you think... or what you are trying to convince yourself of, at least.

Looking at the place the Orcs should be right now, I see them but can't tell them because Gandalf told me to keep that to myself. I'm honestly a bit pissed that I can't act all cool because I know everything. Well, I should go to sleep now. Tomorrow, it's going to be a rainy day which means a bad day.

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