The separation

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Your POV:

I suddenly wake up with a gasp, sitting. I look around and realize that we are next to the boats. The others turn to me and I realize that someone is missing.

(Y/N)- Boromir. Where's Boromir? Please tell me I saved him, please tell me he's not dead.

As I say this, Aragorn and Legolas look at each other.

Aragorn- He got taken by the orcs with Merry and Pippin.

I frown in pure confusion.

(Y/N)- Why? They were told to take the hobbits and kill the others which technically includes Boromir.

Gimli- They probably took him to eat him, stupid orcs.

I think but then nod, okay with that answer. 

(Y/N)- Alright. What should we do next?

Aragorn- Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands. But we will not abandon Merry, Pippin and Boromir to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. 

He takes some things, a determination in his voice that makes me smile.

Aragorn- Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let us hunt some orcs.

Legolas, Gimli and I look at each other. I have a big grin on my face at the news.

Gimli- Yes!

We all quickly get ready with smiles on our faces before leaving. Let's hunt some assholes and save our friends!

(Y/N)- This is going to be awesome! Finally something fun!

I grin at Legolas and he smiles softly, making me blush slightly and look away for a second. He is so cute. I glance for the last time at where Frodo and Sam went before following Aragorn the other way.

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