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Your POV:

As we go into the forest, I take the cape returned to by Beorn and put it on. I know that we have to be captured for the rest to happen so I just think about my life before all this and ignore the group. For some reason, I do not see any illusions and my mind stays clear while everybody panics. They start fighting as Bilbo climbs the trees. I feel so... sleepy. I suddenly wake up in something white. God, I got captured by the spiders! But what happened? I can somehow understand what the spiders say but without the ring. As I try to understand what's going on, Bilbo lets us go and we fall on the ground.

Gloin- You alright there, Bofur?

Balin- I'm alright.

Thorin- Get it off me!

Bofur- Where's Bilbo?

I get free and try to stand but I just can't. I feel even more sleepy than before. Next thing I know, I wake up in Fili's arms to Legolas arriving, killing a spider and pointing an arrow at Thorin's head.

Legolas- Do not think I won't kill you, Dwarf.

I jump down while thinking the line to myself.

Legolas/(Y/N)- It would be my pleasure.

I see Legolas looking at me, confused so I start to panic.

(Y/N)- *murmuring* Did I say that out loud? I think I did. Well, it's not my fault that that line is awesome! 

That's when I remember that Elves have great hearing so I shut up.

Kili- Help!

Fili- Kili!

Legolas- Search them.

(Y/N)- *murmuring* Couldn't I get teleported into Lord of the Rings instead? He's much nicer in them.  And I would not have to listen to all those Dwarves every day. I'm about to burn them alive. 

I groan to myself while thinking about what I just said when an Elf starts searching me. He finds the necklace but as he is about to take it, I punch him in the face. The Elves all turn towards me but I stay calm and just say.

(Y/N)- He didn't have any reason to take my necklace. Fuck off, Elves.

They look at me a bit pissed but continue what they were doing. I hear 'Gimli' and smile to myself, knowing what happens.

Legolas- Are the spiders dead?

Tauriel- Yes, but more will come. They're growing bolder.

Legolas- This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin. Where did you get this?

(Y/N)- It was given to us. We found it in a Troll-hoard and they said that we could keep it, my Prince.

Legolas looks surprised that I can talk Elvish. He turns to me.

Legolas- How is it that you talk like an Elf but look human?

(Y/N)- Do not ask if you do not want to know. So, are you going to bring us to your dungeons or what?

We all get thrown in cells. Mine is far from the others and can't hear what they say because I have some chance for once. I can also see Kili's cell from here so I can watch as he talks with Tauriel.

Legolas- Why does the Dwarf stare at you, Tauriel?

Tauriel- Who can say? He's quite tall for a Dwarf. Do you not think?

Legolas- Taller than some but no less ugly.

(Y/N)- *murmuring* Stop being jealous. It won't do you any good in battle.

I look at the ground as I say this. He might have heard me but I do not care right now. I miss (BF/N) and would like her to see him too even tho she likes Dwarves more. As Thranduil and Thorin talk, I take the necklace that Beorn gave me and look at it. Thorin gets back and as expected, he refused the deal. I watch as Tauriel goes to Kili's cell and talk with him. 

(Y/N)- Why does life have to be so cruel to us?

Legolas- Do you love the Dwarf?

Surprised, I turn to him. I feel that he is angry. Angry at Kili because Tauriel loves him. Looking at the two lovers again, I smile sadly. Kili is going to die. But not if I can do something about it. 

(Y/N)- Kili? I love him as a brother, nothing else. What about you and Tauriel?

As I say this, I point to her and Kili.

Legolas- How do you know her name?

(Y/N)- I'm not stupid, I heard Elves call her that name. So?

Legolas- Who are you? It is abnormal for a human female to stay with 13 Dwarves. Especially to like it.

(Y/N)- Like it? I wouldn't go as far as to like it. I would rather go to the Shire. But I have to help them because I feel that it is the right thing to do. You may not care since you are an Elf and King Thranduil's son, but I know what will happen.

Legolas- Just like you knew what I was going to say? *raises an eyebrow*

(Y/N)- Maybe...

Legolas- How?

(Y/N)- I have no need to tell you. Now, I want to be left alone if you don't mind.

He leaves, now feeling more curious than angry. I know that he was trying to not talk about his feelings for Tauriel but I already know that he loves her. It's sad that she will friendzone him. Bilbo comes a while later and brings us to the barrels and the sleeping Elves. I easily get into one of the barrels and the others soon follow. Then, Bilbo tells us to hold our breath and we fall into the water.

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