Trying to convince them

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Your POV:

As my companions have fun, I decide to go take a walk. As I am observing the beautiful trees, I sense a presence a swiftly turn around when I come face to face with Lady Galadriel herself. Oh fuck.

(Y/N)- My lady, I am surprised to see you here but it is an honor to meet you.

Oh, I forgot that she could read minds. Sorry if I almost tried to stab you. 

Galadriel- *laugh* Now, I heard that you come from another world where there are stories of us and because of this, you know the future?

(Y/N)- Yes, my Lady. But I decided to let it play out. For the most part.

Galadriel- Deaths... 3 are going to die and you want to stop it.

(Y/N)- Yes... they do not deserve to die this way. They are brave and loyal. Please, you need to let me save them.

Galadriel- *smile* I will not try to stop you. I hope for all to live and understand how you feel. But you must understand that it is not your fault if they still die.

(Y/N)- *bow* I understand. Thank you, my Lady.

We hear Gandalf and Lord Elrond arriving so I go to the table so that I can listen to what they say.

Gandalf- I do not believe Thorin Oakenshield feels that he is answerable to anyone. Nor, for that matter, am I.

Elrond- It is not me you must answer to.

Gandalf- Lady Galadriel.

Galadriel- Mithrandir. It has been a long time.

Gandalf- Age may have changed me but not so the Lady of Lorien. I had no idea Lord Elrond had sent for you.

Saruman- He didn't. I did.

As he comes into view, I remember that he will betray them and start growling under my breath. Lady Galadriel looks at me with a questioning look but I do not think that she read my mind or she would have killed Saruman the White and I-think-that-I-am-the-best-when-I-am-actually-stupid. Gandalf does not look happy to see him which I know why. I prepare myself for his stupid comebacks so that I don't try to kill him because he is being a jerk.

Gandalf- Ah. *bow* Saruman.

Saruman- You've been busy of late, my friend.

My friend, my ass! Fuck off douchebag!

Saruman- Tell me, Gandalf... did you think these plans and schemes of yours would go unnoticed?

(Y/N)- Did you think yours would?

He looks at me weirdly while I give him an innocent look. 

Gandalf- Unnoticed? No. I'm simply doing what I feel to be right.

Galadriel- The dragon has long been on your mind.

Gandalf- That is true, my Lady. Smaug owes allegiance to no one. But if he should side with the enemy, a dragon could be used to terrible effect.

Saruman- What enemy? Gandalf, the enemy is defeated. Sauron is vanquished, he can never regain his full strength.

Elrond- Gandalf, for 400 years we have lived in peace. A hard-won, watchful peace.

(Y/N)- Peace? It is not because there are no wars that it is peace. War is coming, wetter you like it or not. Your choice is if you want to fight or watch your world being destroyed.

Gandalf- She is right. Trolls have come down from the mountains. They are raiding villages, destroying farms. Orcs have attacked us on the road.

Elrond- Hardly a prelude to war.

Saruman- Always, you must meddle. Looking for trouble where none exist.

Galadriel- Let them speak.

Gandalf- There is something at work beyond the evil of Smaug. Something far more powerful. We can remain blind to it but it will not be ignoring us, that I can promise you.

(Y/N)- Yes. A sickness lies over the Greenwood. It is now called Mirkwood because of it. The woodsmen speak of a Necromancer living in Dol Guldur. One that can summon the dead.

Saruman- That's absurd. No such power exists in this world. This Necromancer is nothing more than a mortal man. A conjurer dabbling in black magic.

At these words, I give him the middle finger, knowing that he doesn't know it's an insult. Fuck you, dude.

Gandalf- And so I thought too but Radagast has seen-

Saruman- Radagast? Do not speak to me of Radagast the Brown. He's a foolish fellow.

(Y/N)- He's less foolish than you, bitch.

Ha, he doesn't even know that I'm insulting him. Go to hell.

Saruman- His excessive consumption of mushrooms have addled his brain and yellowed his teeth.

And that's my cue to stop listening. I'll just wait that Gandalf shows the blade.

Elrond- What is that?

Ah, here we go!

Galadriel- A relic of Mordor.

Lord Elrond hesitates but shows the blade to everyone. Saruman frowns, probably because he's pissed about being wrong. Ha.

Elrond- A Morgul Blade

(Y/N)- Made for the Witchking of Angmar.

Galadriel- And buried with him. When Angmar fell, the Men of the North took his body and all that he possessed and sealed it within the High Fells of Rhudaur. Deep beneath the rock the buried him in a tomb so dark it would never come to light.

Elrond- This is not possible. A powerful spell lies upon those tombs. They cannot be opened.

Saruman- What proof do we have this weapon came from Angmar's grave?

Gandalf- I have none.

Saruman- Because there is none. Let us examine what we know. A single Orc pack has dared to cross the Bruinen, a dagger from a bygone age has been found and a human sorcerer who calls himself The Necromancer has taken up residence in a ruined fortress. It's not so very much at all.

Now, I've had enough.

(Y/N)- Oh, really? Then let me tell you this, you don't have any proof that I cam from another world, yet, I seem to know everything that is going to happen. We do not have any proof that you are evil, yet you refuse to understand how Sauron is back. And I didn't have any proof that you guys were real, yet I believed it. I may not be as skilled as you, but I know a jerk when I see one. Peace out, bitches.

While I was talking, it was as if the aura around us became dark, powerful but as I finished, it felt normal again. After those last words, I sent a death stare to Saruman and walked out. I've had enough emotions today. I'll just wait for Gandalf.

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