Chapter 7: Bye Odin

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They were now in Norway, Loki falling down because his attack didn't work. Jamie walked up to him and helped him up.

"Babe, you can't just attack a sorcerer," she pointed out.

"I know, but he thinks that Thor and you should handle me," he remarked, dusting himself off.

"Well, I can," Jamie smirked.

Loki just looked at her with a chuckle. Then they all noticed Odin, also wearing Midgardian clothing and looking over a cliff to the scenery before him. Loki and Jamie held hands as they all walked up to him.

"Father?" Thor called.

"Look at this place. It's beautiful," Odin told them, not turning around.

"Father, it's us," Thor said.

"My sons. Jamie. I've been waiting for you," Odin replied.

Loki was a little surprised to hear Odin call him his son. Jamie noticed, so she lightly hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. He turned to her and smiled at her, resting his head on hers and placing his free hand on her hand that was on his arm.

"I know. We've come to take you home," Thor continued.

"Home, yes. Your mother, she calls me. Do you hear it?" Odin asked.

Thor looked at Loki, who returned his gaze and shook his head.

"Loki, lift your magic," Thor commanded.

"He's not doing it, Thor," Jamie said.

"Took me quite a while to break free from your spell. Frigga would have been proud," Odin told Loki then requested, "Come and sit with me. I don't have much time."

Jamie let go of Loki's hand and the two sons sat on either side of Odin while she started to walk off to give them privacy.

"You as well, Jamie," Odin said.

Jamie was a little surprised, but she obeyed. She sat on Loki's lap, which he didn't mind at all since he wrapped a secure arm around her waist. Jamie placed her hand on his in thanks.

"I know we failed you. But we can make this right," Thor replied.

"I failed you," Odin responded, making everyone silent for a second, then Odin continued, "It is upon us. Ragnarok."

"No, I've stopped Ragnarok. I put an end to Surtur," Thor assured.

"No. It has already begun. She's coming. My life was all that held her back. But my time has come. I cannot keep her away any longer," Odin explained.

"Father, who are you talking about?" Thor wondered.

"Goddess of Death. Hela. My firstborn. Your sister," Odin answered.

They all looked at each other in shock.

"What?" Thor questioned.

"Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her strength from Asgard, and once she gets there, her powers will be limitless," Odin explained.

"Whatever she is, we can stop her together. We can face her together," Thor responded.

"No, we won't. I'm on a different path now. This you must face alone," Odin answered then told Thor and Loki, "I love you, my sons."

They all shared a quiet moment.

"Look at that," Odin told them.

They all looked to see the line between the sky and ocean. Tears were threatening to spill from Thor's eyes.

"Remember this place. Home," Odin told them then replied, "Jamie?"

"Yes sir?" she answered.

"When Frigga chose you to be Loki's guard, I had no idea what impact it would make on our family. As I watched you change him little by little, that's when I started seeing you as a part of the family. I've seen how much you love Loki and have watched out for Thor as if he was your brother," Odin explained.

Jamie smiled as she felt a tear fall. She felt Loki wipe it away and she looked to see him and Thor smiling at her.

"Now I must ask you one thing. When I'm gone, continue to look after them," Odin requested.

"Even after death," Jamie promised, leaning into Loki.

Odin nodded then his body glowed and dissipated into stardust. They all stood up and watched the dust leave towards space. Jamie silently sobbed and Loki noticed, so he held her and kissed her forehead as she cried into his chest. Then he noticed thunder approaching and Thor about to let his rage out.

"Brother," Loki said, a little nervous.

Jamie looked to see Thor's fists clenched and little sparks of lightning going across his knuckles. He looked at Loki, not letting the rage die down. Jamie let go of Loki and calmly got in front of him protectively.

"This was your doing," Thor remarked threateningly.

"Guys, please don't," Jamie begged.

Then they noticed a portal forming.


A/N Whoa. Odin's gone.

Thor: Ragnarok (Loki X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now