Chapter 16: Talk With Thor

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Hela had already made herself comfortable in Asgard and resurrected an army of zombie Asgardian warriors and her huge wolf, Fenris, with the Eternal Flame with Skurge by her side. It didn't look good for anyone at this point.

Back on Sakaar, Thor knelt in front of the wall and prayed.

"Odin, I bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave shall live forever. Nor shall we mourn but rejoice, for those that have died the glorious death," he said, the last part with someone joining him.

He turned around to see Loki and Jamie.

(A/N Jamie's outfit, but add the necklace Loki gave her (same makeup from the party).)


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"Hurts, doesn't it? Being lied to

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"Hurts, doesn't it? Being lied to. Being told you're one thing and then learning it's all a fiction," Loki said.

Thor threw a small stone at him, knowing it was an illusion. Jamie sighed, holding the bridge of her nose, while Loki chuckled.

"You didn't think I'd really come and see you, did you? This place is disgusting," Loki remarked.

"I tried to talk him into it, but he's so stubborn," Jamie said.

"You're one to talk," Loki pointed out.

She shrugged as Thor continued to throw stones at him.

"Does this mean you don't want our help? Look, we couldn't jeopardize our position with the Grandmaster. It took us time to win his trust. He's a lunatic, but he can be amenable. What we're telling you is, you could join us at the Grandmaster's side. Perhaps, in time, an accident befalls the Grandmaster, and then..." he explained, gestured to Thor, then him and Jamie, and gave two thumbs up.

But Thor just kept up what he was doing.

"You're not seriously thinking of going back, are you?" Jamie asked with Thor's silence being the answer.

"Our sister destroyed your hammer like a piece of glass. She's stronger than all of us. She's stronger than you. You don't stand a chance. Do you understand what we're saying here?" Loki said.

That didn't stop Thor from giving them the silent treatment.

"Fine. I guess we'll just have to go it alone," Loki remarked, putting an arm around Jamie.

Thor just leaned against the wall.

"Would you say something? Please?" Jamie requested.

No response.

"Say something! I understand why you're not talking to me, but you're really a bastard if you're not talking to Jamie," Loki stated.

"What would you like me to say? You faked your own death, you stole the throne, Jamie knew the whole time and didn't tell me, you stripped Odin of his power, stranded him on Earth to die, releasing the Goddess of Death. Have I said enough or would you like me to go back further than the past two days?" Thor asked.

Jamie turned away with guilt while Loki rubbed her arm in reassurance.

"You know, we haven't seen this beloved champion he talks of, but we've heard he is astonishingly savage. We've placed large wagers against you tomorrow. Don't let us down," Loki stated.

Before he left, Jamie put a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you mind keeping the illusion going for a minute? I need to talk to Thor alone," she requested.

"Alright," Loki agreed, kissed her forehead, and left.

But not without Thor throwing a bottle at the illusion of Loki, making Jamie sigh.

"Piss off, ghost!" Korg yelled, kicking the wall, which surprised Jamie, then he added, "He's freaking gone. But she's still there."

"Korg, do you mind?" Thor requested.

Korg nodded and walked away.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked, standing up.

"Why did you say that I was committing possible treason for letting Loki take the throne?" she asked.

Thor looked at her, confused, then wondered, "You heard that?"

"Oh yeah and I didn't take it too kindly," Jamie stated, crossing her arms.

"Well, you didn't tell me or Asgard. We both went through the same thing. We both thought we lost Loki, and when you found out, you didn't tell me," he explained.

"I'm sorry. If I could've told you, I would have. But I didn't because he wanted me to be quiet about it and no offense to him, but he could've come to you and told you he survived," she defended.

"You're right. He could have. But that doesn't give you the right to keep secrets from your family," Thor pointed out.

"Thor, I really am sorry. I feel horrible now because you're mad at me over it," Jamie said then admitted, "Loki has talked to me about us staying here. I think it's a good idea because we can have a normal life here. But I don't want to lose you in the process. When I met you and him, I didn't want to go back to Earth. My life was and is complete with my boyfriend and my big brother. I don't know if you can forgive me, but I'll always be there for you."

Thor smiled at her and said, "I do forgive you, Jamie. I am a little hurt you kept this from me, but I'm glad to have you as a little sister."

She returned the smile and asked, "Are we good?"

"Yes," he answered.

"What about you and Loki? Your sibling rivalry is adorable, but it can be annoying," Jamie said.

"I don't know. We'll see," Thor answered.

She nodded and the illusion broke.

"You mean all that?" Loki asked.

"Yeah," Jamie answered.

"Even the part about our sibling rivalry being adorable?" he wondered, trying not to smile.

She giggled and said, "Well, to me it is."

She kissed his cheek and hugged him, which he returned.


A/N At least Jamie and Thor cleared up what happened between them.

Thor: Ragnarok (Loki X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now