Chapter 10: Welcomed to Sakaar

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Loki got Jamie into the palace and the guards let them have a room. Once he got her in one, he got her to sit on the bed.

"Stay here. I'm going to see the man in charge," Loki told her.

"We'll both go. We need to let him know who's here," Jamie insisted, standing up.

"No. I'll let him know who came. You need to rest," he declined.

"But Loki, we both need to--" she started.

He interrupted her with a kiss. She joined in for a minute until he stopped.

"Stay here and rest like a good girl, and you'll get more of that when I get back," he smirked.

"Okay, but we both know I'm not a good girl," she smirked back.

He chuckled deviously and said, "That's my girl."

He kissed her forehead then left the room and she laid down until nurses came in to help her.

Loki went up to the door that led to the throne room. The guards stopped him for a minute.

"Who are you?" one of them asked.

"Loki Laufeyson of Jotumheim. I come to pay my respects to your ruler," Loki answered.

They eyed him suspiciously, but let him in.

Loki approached a man who was draped in a fine robe with a blue line down his chin and some blue eyeliner under his eyes. There were two women on either side of him. The man noticed Loki and acknowledged his presence.

"Hello. You must be one of our new visitors," he said.

"Yes. I am Loki Laufeyson and my girlfriend and I want to thank you for letting us in. She was injured when we came here," Loki explained.

"Oh. We got some lovebirds here," the man told one of the women and introduced, "I am the Grandmaster. Are you both fighters?"

"No, sir. We just landed here and are looking for a place to stay," Loki answered.

"Well, look no further. You both are welcome to stay here. In Sakaar," Grandmaster said as he stood up then requested, "Since I've met you, do you mind if I meet your girlfriend?"

"Not at all," Loki agreed.

He lead them to the room he left Jamie in. He opened the door to see the nurses finishing up her bandage on her shoulder. When Jamie saw him, she smiled and got up. They walked to each other and hugged, him kissing her forehead.

"You two make a lovely couple," Grandmaster said, making the couple part a little and smile, then he asked Jamie, "And what is your name, my dear?"

"Jamie," she answered.

"Well, Loki and Jamie, welcome to Sakaar," the Grandmaster said.

"Thank you so much," Jamie remarked.

"You're very welcome. Now make yourselves comfortable," the Grandmaster insisted then everyone left except for Loki and Jamie.

"You actually behaved yourself without me?" Jamie asked in fake shock.

Loki chuckled and responded, "You do realize I have somewhat behaved before I met you, right?"

"Keyword: 'somewhat'," she smirked.

"Just shut up so I can kiss you," he commanded gently.

"Not if I kiss you first," she teased and cupped his face.

She brought his face to hers and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her waist while she wrapped hers around his neck. She felt some pain in her shoulder, but she ignored it so it didn't ruin the moment. They parted and gazed into each other's eyes lovingly.

"I've been waiting for you to come back so I could tell you how much I still love you," Jamie said.

"I wanted to bring you back to Asgard to be my queen. I love you too," Loki told her.


A/N Loki and Jamie are safe, but they don't know what happened to Thor.

Thor: Ragnarok (Loki X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now