Chapter 38: Thor Takes on Hela

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Bruce, Valkyrie, and Jamie dropped Thor off and he returned with a huge gun, giving it to Valkyrie.

"Now the ship has a gun," Thor said.

"I'll take it from here," Valkyrie replied.

"I found this in the armory," he remarked, handing her her Valkyrie armor, then added, "Good luck."

"Your Majesty...Don't die," she told him, then added, "You know what I mean."

As she set the gun up, Jamie walked up to Thor.

"If you die, I will kill you," she threatened teasingly.

"I don't know how you can do that," Thor smirked.

"You know what I mean," Jamie replied, making them both chuckle.

"And are you sure about Loki coming to help?" he asked.

"As sure as my love for him," she answered, making him smile, they hugged, then she added, "Take care of yourself, big bro."

"I will, little sister," he assured.

They parted and smiled. Jamie got back on the ship and they took off while Thor left for the throne room. He saw what Hela had done with Odin in the past from the frescoes above, them killing and taking over each realm. He grabbed a spear and sat on the throne.

Meanwhile, Hela and Skurge approached the doors to the hiding place Heimdall hid most of Asgard. They tore the doors down, only to see no one in there. They were all heading towards the BiFrost.

"We must keep moving! Go to the BiFrost!" Heimdall instructed.

Thor beat his spear slowly against the ground to get Hela to come to him. It worked and her headdress disappeared to reveal her long, black hair.

"Sister," Thor greeted coldly.

"You're still alive," Hela remarked.

"I love what you've done with the place. Redecorating, I see," he commented sarcastically.

"It seems our father's solution to every problem was to cover it up," she replied.

"Or to cast it out," Thor pointed out.

That seemed to piss Hela off.

"He told you you were worthy. He said the same thing to me," he continued.

"You see? You never knew him. Not at his best. Odin and I drowned entire civilizations in blood and tears. Where do you think all this gold came from? And then, one day, he decided to become a benevolent king. To foster peace, to protect life. To have you," she explained.

"I understand why you're angry. And you are my sister, and technically have a claim to the throne. And believe me, I would love for someone else to rule. But it can't be you. You're just the worst. I would even give the throne to Jamie, who has always been like a sister to me. Unlike you," Thor remarked.

"Okay, get up. You're in my seat," Hela ordered, forming her headdress.

He got up and walked to her with the spear, saying, "You know, Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war."

"But must always be ready for it," Hela finished, forming a blade and they charged.


A/N Oh my gosh!

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