Chapter 24: Thor Asks Valkyrie for Help

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The next morning, Valkyrie entered Hulk's room, purposefully kicking one of the guards staffs to make him to put it back. She just laughed and faced Hulk.

"Angry girl," Hulk acknowledged.

She rushed forward, dodged him swinging his hammer, grabbed his leg, and tripped him up.

"What's going on? What are you--" she chuckled.

Then she saw Thor, placing his elbow against the shelf, but it wouldn't stay, so he put it back down.

"You're so thick-headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding all the way across the universe and wants to be left alone?" Valkyrie remarked, heading for the exit.

"We need to talk," Thor told her.

"No, you wanna talk to me," Valkyrie corrected, still going toward the exit.

"I need her to stay," Thor told Hulk.

"Stay? Block," Hulk responded.

He took the bed frame from his bed and threw it at the doorway, blocking the exit so Valkyrie couldn't get out.

"Stay. Please," Hulk requested.

"Please," Thor added.

Valkyrie turned around, saw the drinks, and got an idea.

"All right. Here's the deal. I'll listen to you till this is empty," Valkyrie stated, getting the fullest drink, and began drinking.

"Asgard is in danger and people are dying. We need to get back there. I need your help," Thor said, saw her drink the alcohol quickly, and commented, "Wow."

"Finished. Bye," Valkyrie said, dropping the bottle, and started to walk off.

"Odin is dead," Thor informed.

That stopped Valkyrie in her tracks.

"Hela, the Goddess of Death, has invaded Asgard," he continued.

"If Hela's back, then Asgard's already lost," she pointed out.

"I'm going to stop her," Thor stated.

"Alone?" Valkyrie questioned.

"Nope. I'm putting together a team. It's me, you, and the big guy," he said, pointing to all three of them.

"No. No team. Only Hulk," Hulk remarked, throwing a red ball to the wall.

"It's me and you," Thor replied.

"I think it's only you," she responded, about to leave again.

"Please, listen. The Valkyrie are legend. Elite warriors of Asgard sworn to defend the throne," he reminded.

"I'm not getting dragged into another one of Odin's family squabbles," Valkyrie stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Thor questioned.

"Your sister. Her power comes from Asgard, same as yours. When it grew beyond Odin's control she massacred everyone in the palace and tried to seize the throne. When she tried to escape her banishment he sent the Valkyrie in to fight her back. I only survived because--" Valkyrie explained, hesitated, then continued "Look, I already faced her once back when I believed in the throne, and it cost me everything. That's what's wrong with Asgard. The throne, the secrets, the whole golden sham."

"I agree," Thor said as she started leaving, gently grabbed her arm to stop.

In response, she got his arm away and pointed one of her daggers at his throat.

"Don't get familiar," she warned.

"I agree. That's why I turned down the throne," Thor said, putting down that knife then had to put the other one she had down, and continued, "But this isn't about the crown. This is about the people. They're dying and they're your people, too."

"Forget it," Valkyrie responded, shoving him away, then added, "I have."

"Okay," Thor remarked.

"Okay," Valkyrie said.

"Good. Great," he continued.

"Great," she added.

"Thank you," Thor thanked her.

"For what?" Valkyrie asked.

"For this," he answered, holding the remote to the obedience disk on his neck with a smirk, and asked, "Didn't see that, did you?"

He pressed a button, deactivating the disk. Valkyrie just shook her head.

"There...That's better," Thor commented, getting it off, then added, "You know, go ahead. Stay here and enslave people for that lunatic. Keep drinking, keep hiding. But me..."

He signaled to Hulk for him to pass him the ball, which he did.

"I choose to run toward my problems and not away from them. Because that's what--" Thor started, threw the ball, then it hit him in the face, knocking him down.

He got back to his feet.

"Because that's what heroes do," Thor finished.

Then he jumped out the window and slid down the sides of that building and the neighboring buildings.

"Friend stay!" Hulk yelled.


A/N Valkyrie already is a badass, but when she finished that drink in seconds, I was impressed. 😜

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