Heaven Sends Their Love

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"Do you have the answers for the English homework?" I nodded as we got off the bus. Sammy bumped my elbow with his, smiling when I looked at him. "Are you okay? you've seemed a little spaced out all day."

"I'm fine," I put my bags down and dugout my keys, unlocking the door. Sammy waited for me to pick up my bags and go inside. We put the bags on the kitchen table, sitting down. "English, the Shakespeare homework?"

Lye ah, slyly mind if I copy the answers?" I shrugged, getting up and going upstairs to get my book. Why did I feel miserable? I was with my best friend, I had had a good day. Hadn't I? I stood and just stared at the book in my hands. What was wrong with me?! Get a grip Merin! I shook my head and walked downstairs, sitting in my seat. I turned round and jumped, had Sammy been this close before?

"Here's he book," he leaned back a little and took he book, flicking through it slowly. He looked up and smiled at me, his eyebrows raising. "You're surprised."

"when did you become so smart?" I glared playfully at I'm, making him chuckle. Sammy sat and took a picture on his phone before he sighed and looked at his hands. "Can I ask you a serious question?

"Sure." He fidgeted a little, as if uncomfortable. I leaned back in my chair and let my hands fall in my lap. We sat in silent for another few minutes before he took a deep breath. And let it go. And took another. He was really...I don't know...un-Sammy like. "Sammy, what's wrong?"

"Well, the proms coming up, right?" I swallowed air by accident and began choking. Sammy gave me a shocked look and got up, helping me by smacking my back a few times. I finally managed to calm down after he got me a glass of water, making me drink some. "You okay now?"

"Uh-yeah," I drank the rest of the water and sat the glass down. I sat straight, sitting on my hands. "As you were saying?"

"Right, yea."he took another deep breaths and looked at me. "The prom. Would you-"

"He's never tasted strawberry latte! Never!" Oh Christ...

A wobbling Sam came in, glued to a Demons arm. Sammy stood and glared hard, myself standing with him. I put a hand on Sammy's shoulder to try and keep him calm.

"Take her home, Sammy." He nodded stiffly and left, dragging his sister along with him. Elzaron stood and watched me, hands in pockets trousers. I walked to him and slapped him in the face. He stared at the wall as I took a deep, shaky breath. "You do not belong in this world, Elzaron. You have cards and you are playing them wrong. You take a girl out in this world, you act like a gentleman. Not an asshole."

"Mortal, how dare you lay a hand on me!" He said, quiet whisper turning to a shout. I stood, glaring at him with daggers so sharp.

"I gave birth to you in case you've forgotten!" His face went blank and suddenly a searing pain shit through my body, stomach first. I cried out and crumpled, folding in on myself.

"Elzaron!" The pain stopped, and I slumped on the floor in a heap. A soft hand touched my stomach, above he pain and pressed a little, the pain disappearing. I opened my eyes slightly and gasped. My Angel kneeled beside me, "sweet Merin. Poor, sweet Merin."

"Florenza. What is your business here?" She helped me sit up. Florenza...what a beautiful name. I leaned against the cupboards behind me as Florenza stood, her strawberry blonde hair falling off her shoulders. Her and Elzaron stood and stared at each other, both angry stares.

"I have come to assist Merin. You almost killed her." Not that I wasn't just sitting there...listening to them... "You have hurt her and come into a real without ritual. You, Elzaron, son of Hell, are not welcome here."

"Of course I am not welcome here. I was pushed into the portal." He scowled and I thought I died. Florenza took it, she stood as still as stone, staring at him with pissed off eyes. After and few minutes of awkward staring, Elzaron gave up. He looked to the side, at me.

"Merin Main, Human Host of Earth, I wish permission to enter Earth." I looked up and blinked at her. The Angel was asking me if she could stay on Earth?

"Um...Access Granted?" She gave me a deep curtsy, her hair fanning out around her. I stood, reaching out to touch the locks, unbelieving. She let me touch it, a gasp running out of me. Suddenly, she was in front of me, two huge bright objects coming from her back...Wings?

"I, Florenza, Princess of Heavan, keep Merrin, human Host of Earth, in my protection." Her voice boomed out, like a thousand voices in one tiny room. "If any harm comes to her it shall be exchanged for my health, her injuries transferring into my body and mind."

"What makes you think I won't kill her to get to you?" Elzaron said, glaring and crossing his arms. I watched over her shoulder with squinted eyes. "Because we both know I could."

"But would you?" Elzaron backed off, dropping his arms and looking at me. I could feel the heat come from

him, how he just looked defeated.

She really was my guardian angel.

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