Magic, No Magic!

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My pillow moved and I knew my time sleeping was over. Elzaron sat up, pulling me up with him, and stretched, myself yawning. "Good morning, Merrin!"

"Good morning, Florenza." I stretched, my hand brushing the Demons face. The smell of bacon and hot butter filled the air, making me smile.

"I made breakfast, but you'll have to get up and out of bed." Breakfast. I don't remember the last time I woke up to breakfast. "Also, I in in the mail and there are two parcels for you."

"Thank you," I yawned and opened my eyes, seeing the Angel and Demon sit either side of me. "What time is it?"

"Eleven o'clock, time to eat," I smiled and leaned against Elzaron, tired. "Come on sleepy head."

"Elzaron, would you carry me? I feel really lazy today." He stood up, without a word and lifted me into his arms. He hadn't spoken since I woke up. What was going on? "Are you okay?"

"He feels as if he could be sick. So he is scared incase he is." A loud tumbling went through the room and I knew it wasn't me. "That's was his stomach."

"I think you're hungry, Smurfie." He ignored me and sat me on a counter, leaning back against it next to me. Florenza gave Elzaron and I a plate each, taking one for herself. "How many times have you been to Earth?"

"Many times to study how mortals act." I chewed a piece of bacon as she spoke. Elzaron was watching me, a piece in his hand. He slowly lifted it too his mouth, too a bite and chewed. I stopped eating to watch as he made different face, going to confuse to disgusted to delight.

"Tasty?" He nodded, shoving he piece in his mouth and scoffing the rest. I chuckled as he finished up his plate, smiling with content. Florenza ate hers slowly, delicately with a fork and knife. She had a napkin in her hand, dabbing the corner of we mouth ever now and then. I looked at my half finished plate, I felt so Hungary but I couldn't eat.

"Merin, is it. It to your liking? I felt dizzy, like I could collapse. "Merin?"

"I-" the plate went to the unit top and I went to the sent. Not again!" Hands held my hair back as I gasped again and again. Another hand began to rub my back. Finally, I was sick, a small black pebble coming up and into the sink. I slumped forward, against the sink. "I almost liked up my guts because of a pebble?"

"Not any pebble." Elzaron picked up the pebble and washed it under the sink, lifting it to his face. Florenza tried not to look disgusted, but it wasn't working. "Merin, please switch on the strange heating device."

"Manners. It must be important. And the strange heating device is the oven." I switched it on and watched as he put the pebble on a tray and in the oven. He then sat in front of it and watched as nothing happened.

"Do you wish to try and eat your breakfast now?" I nodded and Florenza handed me the plate of door. We stood for the next twenty minutes l, waiting for something to happen. Elzaron had turned the oven right up but there was still no result. "Elzaron, dot you know how to use your powers?"

"Powers?" He looked up at her with a quizzical look. "I have powers?"

"The son of lucifer, the greatest Angel ever created, and you do not know how to use your own powers?" The Prince just blinked. I looked at the Princess, confused. How did we get to powers? "Something wrong Merin?"

0the powers. How did we get onto the subject?" She smiled at me and raised her right hand, the oven flame brightening and growing, wrapping the pebble in it's colour and warmth. She dropped her hand and the flame died a little. Elzaron stared wide eyed at her. "Have you no idea how to do this?"

"My father has never taught me power, only history of the Realms." He stood and walked to us, taking her hands in his. "Please teach me, Princess of Heaven."

"Of course, Elzaron." She smiled a him as a cat made of fire gave a loud howl.

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