Meeting The Light

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"So, Merin," Sammy grinned at me, and Sam-his twin sister. "What about you? Do you believe in demons?"

"Don't be daft," his sister was just about needing new trousers. I hugged her and glared at him, teasing poor Sam. "Of course I don't believe in things like that, demons are nothing but stories told to children to keep them in their bed at night."

"Such an open mind, Merin." I flashed a small smile at him, what could I do when the sky wasn't even the limit?! "I believe the bell is about to ring-"

I laughed as the bell rang, waving goodbye at my childish friend and saying, "Watch a demon doesn't steal your pencil!"

"They like cold hearts not pencils," I feigned hurt as he turned away with a wink. Sam stayed close to me, as if a demon was going to pop up right in front of us. Stupid twins.

"You don't think Demons really exist do you?" I chuckled and shook my head, poor girl believes anything!

"No, I think it's you brother just being a douche." She let out a nervous laugh and followed me into our R.E class. "Just ignore him Sam."

"Okay," we sat down as Mrs Cork walking in and stood in front of the class.

"Now class, we're starting a new topic today." "Mrs cork turned on the projector, showing the title Angels and Demons. Oh c'mon!


"Woo! Free-" I sneezed and coughed at the same time, my stomach churning. What the hell! What did I eat for my-oh shoot! I ran for the kitchen sink and let all the contents of my stomach go, breathing heavily and wiping away tears. I didn't feel sick-woah! I was sick three more times before I began dry heaving. My stomach felt like someone was trying to become free. I cried out in pain as I began heaving again, clutching my stomach. Oh my goodness! "Muuuum?!"

Silence met my cry. Right, no one was there to hear me. My little brother had left for Greece with my parents. I was all alone.


When I woke up alone, sitting beside the sink, I sighed. The moon had long since risen, and I had fallen asleep only an hour or two ago. No school for me then. Something squirmed in my stomach and made me jump to my feet, bending over the sink, ready in case anything came up. "Oh c'mon!"

It felt like I had a baby kicking in my stomach, pushing at my skin. I groaned and curled into a ball, hugging myself. Is this what it's like to be pregnant?! Holy sugar plum fairies! I cried out at a sharp kick, it left like he pain and what ever caused it grew after each kick. What the hell was happening to me?!

I screamed as a piercing pain ripped through my body, like I was being split in half. I felt tears shoot down my cheeks, flossing my face. I shouted every curse I knew, getting louder and louder until I was screaming them and clutching my fattening stomach. In about nine minutes, I went through about nine months of pregnancy.

I still didn't understand what was happening but I felt like I had been raped by an alien. A shot of pain made me scream, it was like cramps but even worse. I bit down on my lip, my back arching. The pain was ridicules, it was the worse I had ever felt. Excruciating.

An invisible person kissed my forehead, small waves of wind swirling around me, cooling me down. The pain began to fade little by little, making my tears stop. I sighed with relief and let my head drop slowly, so tired. "Almost there Merin."

"Almost there," I whispered quietly, opening my eyes slightly. I saw a girl, a year or two older than myself, smile at me. She had light, strawberry blonde hair, golden skin and a Korean face. Her eyes were deep violet, hidden beneath a netted mask. Her full pink lips were pulled into a kind smile, aimed at me. It was like she was an oxygen mask, giving me breath and relaxing me.

"Lovely Merin, sleep," I tried to fight sleep but my angel kissed my eyelids shut, bringing me sweet darkness.

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