The Cats Deal

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Both Demons and the Angel sat at the kitchen table, silent, thinking. Why would the next move be? "So, Princess, what shall we do?"

"I have yet to think of that," the Demon Prince sat back in his seat while the Demon feline stood and stretched, his flames crackling against the still air. "I think the best thing to do would be to see a preacher or such. Although they would have to meet us, for you both would set a Church alight."

"Demoji can set anything alight." As if to prove the point, a small patch on the table may inflamed, an orange glow cast around them as flames locked the air and embers flew above. Just as soon as it was born, the fire was killed, leaving a black scorch mark on the table through the burnt hole. The Angel clicked her fingers and the mark was gone, along with the hole in the mat.

"You both must behave, we must all keep this house in one piece, for it would do us wrong to create havoc when Merin has so graciously granted us access into her home and world." Florenza stood, giving both flame and Prince a stern look. "I am going for a...shower. Make sure you do not wreck anything. Elzaron, you have et to learn your magic."

"Of course," the feeling stood and did a half bow, half stretch, as the Angel walked out of the room and upstairs. He then turned and sat in front of the Prince, who was watching the at with great curiosity. He had never been so polite to any other than his master, so what was he up to? "The Angel cannot so much as hope to show you your true greatness. I will teach you, and she shall. But she shall teach you the work and I shall teach you the level."

"Sound awfully complex," the Demon said, squinting his eyes at his companion. The cat merely lifted one of its front paws and gave it a few slow licks. Elzaron leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had never known how to do anything but open the portal to Heaven. Which shouldn't have worked, not for any but Lucifer. "I have never known I had powers, let alone how to use them."

"So I shall teach you." The cat looked up, it's black eyes taking on the bright red of the Prince. "If you wish not to see the full extent of your powers, Prince Elzaron, then I shall forget my offer."

"No!" He bolted upright, his eyes wide with fear and lust for the unknown. The cat's ear twitched, an he knew that the Prince was under his flaming, clawed paws. "I wish to learn."

"Then you shall." The fired feline stood on it's four legs and walked around the table in four small circles, hissing some words only some Demons remember, and then spat at the middle of the table, coals in the middle of a small white bowl appearing in the middle of the table. Demoji then sat, looking towards the Prince. "I want you to ignite those coals."

"How?" The cat decided he would stay silent, so instead of answering, he strolled to the coals and sat, then disappeared, turning into his small pebbled form. The Princes' eyes widened an he sat upright, hands on his knees how could he do this? "Answer me Demon fire!"

"No need to be so rude." He waited for Florenza to sit down in the chair opposite him before looking at her. "I see Demoji is teaching you fire? Essential for every Demon and Angel."

"Indeed." She just wore two towels, one around her head and the other around her body. Elzaron looked at the bowl, which was still cold an full of coal. "Yet I haven't the slightest idea as to how to light the coals."

"You haven't explained to him Demoji?" She frowned and furrowed her brows, a few strands falling loose of their cotton cage. They curled around her face, falling against it so delicately it was like they were their own ballerinas. "Then I shall. Hold out your hand."

Elzaron did as told, holding out his left hand and watching as the skin sliced open, just a small cut at his thumb. Florenza's hands were still on her knees, but her eyes were like a cats, slit pupils and eyes like golden liquid. The drop of blood fell from his Hell bound skin and froze in mid air. Elzaron sat dumbfounded, open mouthed, and wide eyes as he watched his companion. The blood drop lit up, turning Ito a tiny flame, only for a few seconds, and then it froze over, frost covering every inch of the dark blue drop, then it exploded, but it's small particles froze and disintegrated into ash, falling like burn snow to the table. One small flame of ash touched the coals and they ignited, Demoji growing slowly back into a cat.

"Florenza. You are intervening where you are not wanted." Demoji's voice boomed around the kitchen, and would have scared a mortal into running. But these were no mortals. These were significant being, an Angel and a Demon. "He will never be able to use his magic, not even to ignite a simple fire demon."

"You don't know that," the Prince sat there, getting angry, as the car sat and told lies. He could light a fire. It was simple. Any Demon could do it. The cat suddenly what extinguished itself, causing Florenza to gasp and Elzaron's eyes to widen. "What did you do?!"

"I have done nothing!" They looked at each other and then it came to mind. He did have magic. He could do it. "Elzaron, you must ignite him again."

"But I cannot! You have seen my works with fire!" He sat, disbelieving as Florenza picked up the small, warm pebble in her delicate hands, and laid it in the bowl.

"Calm down! Now, that's it," he looked with surprise at his Angel acquaintance, who had raised her voice at him. She closed her golden eyes and sighed. Her lips tight until she started speaking. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Ten let it out and try again."

He did as told, closing his bright eyes and inhaling a long, deep breath. He waited a few seconds before letting it out, and all it's stress with it. Then, he opened his eyes, which had turned from a red iris to just red. He could feel something flowing through his veins when he breathed. But why was it? It felt powerful, like thin lines of liquid gold. Everything he saw was sharpened, the speckles of dust so easy to see now. And his ears, so pointed before, just longer than a humans, were now pointed right up above his head. He could hear the dogs barking a few streets over and the he could hear the cars in the main road. His nose had evolved too, but it looked the same. He could smell everything from the burnt odour coming from the pebble to the smell of breakfast the Angel had cooked earlier that morning.

"Elzaron?" He looked at Florenza, who looked frightened was it of him? "Your eyes..."

"What's wrong with them?" The Angel could not speak. She was in fear and caution of what she had done to her companion. He was so...powerful. She could feel the waves roll off him as he lea if his hands on the table, his eyes wide and...emotionless. "Florenza?"

"Let us just carry on." Her voice, soft and mighty before, had dulled and quietened. His eye brows furrowed in confusion at the Angel and her new behaviour, but decided not to say anything. "Look at the bowl."

Elzaron did as told and stared at the bowl, the coal and the Demon pebble. He awaited instructions as he stared, something in his stomach churning. He felt his hands heat up and took a deep breath. He could ignite that bowl. He was the son of Lucifer! He could do anything!

"Elzaron stop!" Startled, he looked again at Florenza, who had shouted at him and saved him from lighting up the whole kitchen. Not only was Demoji once again a feline of flames, but the cooker was alight too. "You have to stop this."

"I cannot!" He cried out, his eyes darkening once again and his ears growing. The tap burst and water sprayed everywhere, not only in the cooker but everywhere else. Demoji rushed to the window, parking himself out if range of the water. Florenza stood, thirsting her hand at the water, freezing the scene. Elzaron sat in shock at his work, then slowly stood.

"I see why you were thrown out if Hell, Prince Elzaron," she said, letting her hand drop as she turned to him, eyes worried and face grim. "You are far too powerful."

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