Mortal Guide For Dummies

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I handed Florenza a pair of PJ trousers and a tank top,smiling at her. "Thank you."

"Thank you Merrin, for taking me into your home." She gave me a soft smile, taking the PJ's. Elzaron came out if the bathroom with his new PJ trousers. Florenza took his place and closed the door, leaving him and I in the room. I turned and looked at where my bed used to be. Mum was going to freak.

"You owe me a bed Smirfie." He leaned against the wall behind him, crossing his ankles. His chest was Hollister worth, stone hard. His legs were long and thin, his arms the same but with a little muscle. His shoulders and hips looked undernourished. He was just...gorgeous all over.

"I can help with that." Flornza smiled at me as she walked in front, standing still and the lifting her hands, thrusting them up, out, side to side and then lifting them again, a bed rising from the floor, a wider version of my other one. I grinned, amazed, and hugged her from behind.

"You're an Angel! Literally!" She laughed, her laugh like your favourite song. She held my hands at her throat, warm, like a mothers hug. "That's bedding sorted, thanks to a certain Angel."

"You are welcome."she let go if my hands, letting them drop to my sides. Elzaron watched us as we went to sit on the bed, smiling.

"I need to see about you guys getting into school if you're staying for a while." Finally, Elzaron sat down, comfortable. They gave me a look like I was strange before agreeing. "I'm going to need help though. And Elzaron, no sleeping with everyone."

"I have found that humans are no fun. But Angels are more to my taste." Florenza tried not to pull a disgusted face but it didn't work. Obviously, there was something going on. "Yet there has always been one Angel that always managed to resist me."

"I do not waste time with Demons." I chuckled and moved back to lean against the headboard. "The Angels you have had quoitis with have had all their wings stripped for a year."

"Every Angel I've had quoitis with has begged for more." I grinned, he's pretty cocky. I shifted, trying to get comfortable. "Are you not comfortable?"

"Not really, I'm too tired." Both Angel and Demon moved, getting off the bed so I could get in and then coming in beside me. I shivered, how on Earth could I be cold?

"Elzaron, you are the warmer of the two of us." An arm went round my shoulders, pressing me to a hard chest. I was stuff as a log as he got comfortable. "Are you not happy?"

"I just didn't think it was necessary." Elzaron chuckled beneath me, making me scowl. What an annoying guy! Goodness!

"You are cold , are you not? We have sworn to protect you."

"You swore , I have not." I stretched a hand out to nip him. He made a sound like a growl. I grinned and let myself get comfortable so I could fall asleep.

"Good night Florenza. Good night Smurfie." Both murmured a goodnight and I felt a kiss on my head.

"Sweet dreams Merin."

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