Chapter One

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"There you go, one cappuchino with extra sugar." Maeryn said and handed the mug to the  tourist. The girl payed for her drink and walked out of the small cafe. Maeryn sighed softly as she walked up to the doors to close the shop. She flipped the sign that was hanging on the door from 'aperto' to 'chiuso' and locked the doors. "Was that the last customer?" Agnella asked Maeryn, walking towards the front of the cafe. "Sí." Maeryn replied as she turned around to face the woman. Agnella was a friendly, old, Italian lady who run an Italian coffee cafe in Volterra alongside her husband, Adolfo. "I wouldn't know what we would do without you, mio caro. I am sure the cafe would have been closed down by now." Agnella said as she helped Maeryn clean up. "I am gratefull that you took me in and gave me a job. I love Italy." Maeryn answered truthfully. Agnella smiled at the young girl, a smile a grandmother would give to her granddaughter. "Like I have told you many times this past year, it is our pleasure. We are glad you are happy here." Agnella gently patted Maeryn's hand as she finished up cleaning. "Now, I am sure the Barone's will be here again tomorrow, so we better prepare for their usual large order of espresso's." Agnella made her way to the back of the shop once more and Maeryn followed. The Barone family was what you could call an Italian mob. They where dangerous and anyone who was foolish enough to go against them would surely end up dead. But they where kind to the people in Volterra, as it was quite a small village everyone knew one another and the Barone's loved Agnella's strong espresso, hence why they would always get one, every thursday around twelve p.m. Maeryn helped Agnella prepare for another busy day tomorrow and went upstairs to the rooms above the shop where the elderly couple lived along with Maeryn. Once they entered the apartment, a delicious smell of herbs and tomato sauce hit Maeryn as she found Adolfo finishing his famous lasagna, which happend to be Maeryn's favourite dish. "Smells amazing Adolfo." Maeryn complimented while she went to set the table. "Grazie, mio caro. You worked hard today since I wasn't able to help out. So you deserve a treat." He said giving a fatherly smile towards the young girl. Adolfo was old and greying, just like his wife. He had rinkles around his eyes from laughing and some elderly spots in his hands and face. While his wife was quite short, Adolfo was quite tall reaching nearly 1m90. But what Maeryn admired the most about the couple was their energy they still had. Both Agnella and Adolfo where hard workers, they wheren't very rich neither poor, but they where happy with their life and their job. Agnella and Adolfo sadly never had been able to fullfill their dream of having children, since Agnella was futile but ever since Maeryn entered their lives barely a year ago their dream still came true in a different way.

Once they had finished their dinner, Maeryn helped cleaning up the kitchen before heading out to the square infront of the castle. Maeryn loved the castle as it was ancient, yet still in a perfect state and there seemed to be something mysterious about it. As if it was holding a big secret inside it's walls. Maeryn grabbed her small scetchbook and pencils and set down on the edge of the fountain and started to draw the impressive entrance. She wasn't very good ar drawing, but it always seemed to relax her after a long day in the shop.

"You know, it isn't safe at such a time." A deep voice sounded from behind Maeryn. Maeryn jumped up slightly but smiled once she saw to whom the boice belonged to. "I am sure you would know all about the dangers that lurks in these streets, Daemon. Seeing as you are one of them." Maeryn replied teasingly. Daemon chuckled and stepped into the light of the streetlight. Daemon was a tall man around the age of 21. He had jetblack hair which was cut neatly, his skin was olive like and his piercing blue eyes finished off the look. Daemon Barone, son of Mauro Barone, the leader of the mob. Even though Daemon was absolutely lethal, Maeryn trusted him with her life. They have been friends ever since he stepped foot in the small shop. It had been a quiet day and Daemon had demanded a free coffee. Maeryn, not knowing who he was, replied back with a smart answer and instead of becoming furious, Daemon had been intrigued by her seeing as no one ever dared to speak against him. Ever since then, the whole gang would always buy their coffee from Agnella's cafe, supporting her to keep the shop open.

Daemon sat down next to her and looked at the drawing. "You surely are getting better, tesoro." He said. Maeryn smiled proudly but soon turned her gaze longingly back to the entrance of the castle. "What is it?" Daemon asked. Maeryn sighed softly. "I just, I have this feeling something intresting lies within the walls of thus castle. Something mysterious." Maeryn said, answering his question. Daemon frowned. "It is just an old castle, tesoro." Daemon said trying to end the concersation about the castle. "Hm. Still, I have a feeling a big secret is hidden in there." Daemon sighed as this wasn't the first timw they had discussed the possibilities of what might lie inside those castle walls. "Maybe it is better to forget about the castle, tesoro." Daemon replied. Maeryn sighed. "Yes. I guess you are right. My imagination is just playing a trick in my mind." Maeryn said as she closed her sketchbook and placed it back into her bag along with her pencils. "Come on, I shall bring you back home." Daemon said as he stood up. Maeryn smiled at her friend and stood up. "Thank you." "My pleasure, tesoro."

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