Bonus Chapter: Movie Battle

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Alright, so before we begin, I'd like to tell you guys that this chapter is in no way influencing the story. However, I just really wanted to add this scene, because it is my favourite scene in the whole series and I just wanted to do this for once. So I hope you enjoy it. Once again, if you don't read it, it will not influence your story experience or the story's plot. It's just a little fun thing that I wanted to do.

"Let us vote, then," he said with apparent reluctance. Caius spoke with eager haste. "The child is an unknown quantity. There is no reason to allow such a risk to exist. It must be destroyed, along with all who protect it." He smiled in expectation. Maeryn smiled, knowing very well that if this was going to keep on going, the battle was only mere minutes away, and she couldn't wait.
Marcus lifted his uncaring eyes, seeming to look through the foes' eyes as he voted. "I see no immediate danger. The child is safe enough for now. We can always reevaluate later. Let us leave in peace." His voice was even fainter than his brothers' feathery sighs. None of the guard relaxed their ready positions at his disagreeing words. Caius's anticipatory grin did not falter. It was as if Marcus hadn't spoken at all. "I must make the deciding vote, it seems," Aro mused.
Suddenly, Edward stiffened at Bella's side. "Yes!" he hissed. Bella risked a glance at him. His face glowed with an expression of triumph that almost no one seemed to understand - it was the expression an angel of destruction might wear while the world burned. Beautiful and terrifying. There was a low reaction from the guard, an uneasy murmur. Including Maeryn's, as she could smell two familiar and three unfamiliar scents. Four vampires, and one like the child on the chocolate brown wolf's back.
"Aro?" Edward called, nearly shouted, undisguised victory in his voice. Aro hesitated for a second, assessing this new mood warily before he answered. "Yes, Edward? You have something further... ?" "Perhaps," Edward said pleasantly, controlling his unexplained excitement. "First, if I could clarify one point?" "Certainly," Aro said, raising his eyebrows, nothing now but polite interest in his tone.
"The danger you foresee from my daughter - this stems entirely from our inability to guess how she will develop? That is the crux of the matter?" "Yes, friend Edward," Aro agreed. "If we could but be positive... be sure that, as she grows, she will be able to stay concealed from the human world - not endanger the safety of our obscurity . . ." He trailed off, shrugging. "So, if we could only know for sure," Edward suggested, "exactly what she will become... then there would be no need for a council at all?" "If there was some way to be absolutely sure," Aro agreed, his feathery voice slightly more shrill. He couldn't see where Edward was leading him. Neither could Maeryn, nor Jane nor Alec.
"Then, yes, there would be no question to debate." "And we would part in peace, good friends once again?" Edward asked with a hint of irony. Even more shrill. "Of course, my young friend. Nothing would please me more."
Edward chuckled exultantly. "Then I do have something more to offer." Aro's eyes narrowed. "She is absolutely unique. Her future can only be guessed at." "Not absolutely unique," Edward disagreed. "Rare, certainly, but not one of a kind." Maeryn fought the shock, where there more creatures like Renesmee? The sickly-looking mist still swirled around the edges of Bella's shield. And, as she struggled to focus, she felt again the sharp, stabbing pressure against her protective hold. But Maeryn wasn't helping this time. She had grown curious to their soon joining guests, her curiosity winning it over her bloodlust.
"Aro, would you ask Jane to stop attacking my wife?" Edward asked courteously. "We are still discussing evidence." Aro raised one hand. "Peace, dear ones. Let us hear him out." Jane bared her teeth at Bella; and she couldn't help but to grin back at her. "Why don't you join us, Alice?" Edward called loudly. "Alice," Esme whispered in shock. "Alice!" "Alice!" other voices murmured around the meadow. "Alice," Aro breathed. Alec's mist still tested, seeking a weakness - Jane would see if Bella would left any holes. And then Maeryn heard them running through the forest, flying, closing the distance as quickly as they could with no slowing effort at silence. Both sides were motionless in expectation. The Volturi witnesses scowled in fresh confusion.
Then Alice danced into the clearing from the southwest, Jasper was only inches behind her, his sharp eyes fierce. Close after them ran three strangers; the first was a tall, muscular female with wild dark hair - obviously Kachiri. She had the same elongated limbs and features as the other Amazons, even more pronounced in her case. The next was a small olive-toned female vampire with a long braid of black hair bobbing against her back. Her deep burgundy eyes flitted nervously around the confrontation before her.
And the last was a young man... not quite as fast nor quite as fluid in his run. His skin was an impossible rich, dark brown. His wary eyes flashed across the gathering, and they were the color of warm teak. His hair was black and braided, too, like the woman's, though not as long. He was beautiful. As he neared the vampires in the meadow, a new sound sent shock waves through the watching crowd - the sound of another heartbeat, accelerated with exertion.
Alice leaped lightly over the edges of the dissipating mist that lapped at Bella's shield and came to a sinuous stop at Edward's side. Bella reached out to touch her arm, and so did Edward, Esme, Carlisle. There wasn't time for any other welcome. Jasper and the others followed her through the shield.
All the guard watched, speculation in their eyes, as the latecomers crossed the invisible border without difficulty.
The brawny ones, Felix and the others like him, focused their suddenly hopeful eyes on Bella. They had not been sure of what her shield repelled, but it was clear now that it would not stop a physical attack. As soon as Aro gave the order, the blitz would ensue her. Edward, despite his absorption in the coup he was directing, stiffened furiously in response to their thoughts. He controlled himself and spoke to Aro again.
"Alice has been searching for her own witnesses these last weeks," he said to the ancient. "And she does not come back empty-handed. Alice, why don't you introduce the witnesses you've brought?" Caius snarled. "The time for witnesses is past! Cast your vote, Aro!" Aro raised one finger to silence his brother, his eyes glued to Alice's face.

Alice stepped forward towards the Volturi, Jasper following close behind her. Demetri, followed by two other guards walked towards them to stop them. "I have evidence that the child won't be a risk to our kind. Let me show you." Alice said as she held out her hand towards Aro. Aro mentions for her to step foreward. Alice slaps away the guards arms and walks towards Aro, while Demetri slaps Japer in return of Alice being so overly confident. Maeryn was cautious of this vampire, wondering what she is up too. Aro takes Alice's hand and sees what the others cannot see.
After a short while, Alice frowns and pulls her hand back from Aro's. "It doesn't matter what I show you." She said accusing him. "Even when you see. You still won't change your decision." She turned around towards the foes and looked Bella in the eye. "Now." She mouthed.
Bella looked pained but did what she was told. "Take care of my daughter." she whispered in Jacob's ear, whom in return whined shortly before taking off into the woods behind them. Maeryn bit her lip. This was it, the big moment. "Get them." Carlisle said to some guards, but Alice turned her head back, facing Aro. She bend down and kicked him right under his chin, sending him flying behind his guard. Maeryn and Jane looked up shocked and worried at their Master, while Alec glared at Alice, no longer using his gift against Bella's shield.
Aro landed on his feet and stopped himself by putting his hand in the snow, sliding down just alittle further. As Alice tried to run away, two other guards grabbed her and pulled her back, while Jasper was struggling against his own guards. "Take her away." Aro said as he stepped forward in front of his guards once more.
"Let her go!" Carlisle screamed as he started to run towards the guard. Two different guard members ran up to him, put Carlisle pushed them away. He took one jump into the air and Aro followed. Aro landed on his feet while Carlisle fell down. Aro stood up with a sadistic smile as he held Carlisle's head in his hand. A heart-breaking scream could be heard from Esme as she watched her mate's body set flames due Caius' flame.
All of the foes faces looked shocked, but the shock was soon over and turned into Bloodlust as they started to run towards the Volturi. Revenge. That was the only thing on their mind. They finally wanted to be free of the reign from the Volturi.
Maeryn wanted nothing more than to jump right in, and that is exactly what she did when Aro gave the sign. He opened his arms straight forward and that was it. The guards and even some witnesses ran past him towards the foes. Edward jumped up into the air and hit a guard, while the other bashed into one another, fighting their own battles. Ripping off as many limbs as they could. Little Jane and Maeryn walked through the battles, picking out foes who were trouble for their own guard. Tia ran up to Maeryn, but Maeryn was fast. She opened her hand towards Tia and as quickly as she could closed it, causing cracks to form on Tia's skin. Once Maeryn opened her hand again, Tia fell down into a pile of dust. Benjamin noticed this and screamed in pain. He tried to run to Maeryn to attack but was pushed aside by a guard. Maeryn made sure to get away quickly and keep her guard up the whole time.
Demetri was fighting his battle with Jasper when Jane used her gift on him. Bella saw this and interfered, using her gift to protect him. Jane looked at Bella and Maeryn was ready to break her shield when Alec ran up to Bella, fury in his eyes. Now that Jasper was without Bella's protective shield, Jane could use her gift once more. Jasper, no longer able to fight Demetri, fell down to his knees by one single push from Demetri. Felix held back his arms while Demetri ripped his head off. Another heart-breaking scream could be heard from across the field, only this time it was Alice's.
Bella kicked Alec off of her and Maeryn growled, she got ready to attack Bella and protect her mate when Esme ripped her backwards by her cloak. Maeryn fought Esme while trying to use her gift, but Esme kept distracting her, making sure Maeryn's hands where kept open.
Meanwhile, Emmett had seen that Bella was struggling with Alec in their fight and ran up to him. Emmett grabbed Alec by the neck and pushed him down into the snow. Alec tried to fight back but Emmett had pushed his foot onto Alec's neck while pulling his body away from his head, throwing it infront of Jane and Maeryn. Maeryn had kicked Esme away and had seen everything.
Jane's eyes filled with pain while another heart-breaking scream could be heard from all over the field. But this time, it was Maeryn's. Her world was gone. The ground beneath her feet was no more. She looked at the decapitated head of her mate as she gently took it into her hands, stroking his cheek lovingly.
Peter came up to her but Maeryn was filled with rage. She grabbed Peter's brown locks and ripped his head from his body with her teeth. Red. That was all Maeryn could see. A burning red right in front of her eyes. She would vengeance the loss of her mate. She looked carefully and found Rosalie. Maeryn ran up to her and tackled her down while Felix and Jane held Emmett down. Slowly, Maeryn used her gift on Rosalie, making her beautiful, porcelain skin crack slowly, and painfully while her mate was struggling against the tight grip of Felix. Emmett was forced to watch while his mate slowly turned to dust. He screamed in agony before his head was ripped off by Felix.
But Maeryn's vengeance was far from over. Every last one of the foes had to die. And she would make sure of it. Or at least she would battle until the very end.
Alice had ripped herself loose from the guards and made a run for Jane. In the meantime, Jane attacked a wolf with her gift, making it whine in pain. Felix ran up to the wolf and wrapped his arms around it, shattering his rips. The wolf fell down and took his final breath.
A beautiful white wolf saw this and howled for her little brother.
Benjamin, who still was broken by the loss of his mate, saw that his side was losing, so he cracked the ground open and many vampires fell into the pit that was forming. Esme fell down into the pit with a Volturi guard clinging onto her while she digged her nails into the rocks. The white wolf saw she was struggling and jumped, pulling the vampire away from Esme but falling down into the pit herself. Esme looked down with sorrowful eyes as the wolf fell down. "Leah!" she screamed but it was too late, but Esme had no moment left to mourn. In the meantime, Edward seemed to have fallen down into the pit too, until he jumped out of it and over Demetri, Edward pulled Demetri's head over his shoulder until it ripped off.
Jane watched in disbelief as yet another member of her coven was beheaded, but the distraction didn't last long. Alice had regained her concentration and made her way once more towards little Jane. Jane tried to stop Alice by using her gift but it was to no avail as Bella's shield protected her. Alice took out Jane's bodyguards and made a run for it. Maeryn tried to take Bella's shield down but was once again held back by Esme, who too felt a burning rage for the loss of her mate.
Alice grabbed Jane by her cloak and dragged her towards a huge black wolf. Alice threw little Jane infront of the wolf's awaiting fangs and the wolf left no moment to spare. He sank his fangs into the little vampire's neck and ripped the head off like it was a toy before throwing it away.
Maeryn looked at disbelief as Jane's head fell in front of her feet, and was distracted for just a second. But that second was enough time for Esme to rip little Maeryn's head off and tossed it next to Alec's. She was still alive and could see a flame from the torch coming her way. The last thing she could see and feel was the heat of the flames licking at her porcelain skin, turning her into ashes.
The three ancients and their wives were shocked to see their most prized possessions now laying ripped to pieces on the ground. Aro was furious and ripped his cloak open, a sign that it was time for the ancients to interfere with the battle. Caius smirked and ran up to Tanya, ready to attack, but Tanya pushed him off and Garrett kicked him towards Kate. Kate caught him and used her gift of electricity to keep him grounded. Tanya slowly walked up to Caius and put on hand in his mouth and she grabbed his hair with her other. Slowly she ripped his head in half leaving him dead. Athenodora screamed in pain and fell down to her knees, mourning the loss of her mate.
Stephan and Vladimir ran up to Marcus. Marcus smiled and opened his arms welcoming. "Finally." Was all he said before the two Romanian vampires ripped off his arms and head.
Now Aro stepped onto the battlefield, he wanted revenge, for the loss of his brothers and the loss of his beloved coven members. He made a run for Bella and pushed her away and into Edward. He ran for the two vampires once more, but Edward pulled his wife up and Bella kicked Aro in the face, making him stumble down slightly. Edward came up behind Aro and tried to pull his head off, but Aro managed to get away from his grip and now tried to do the same thing to Edward. Bella climbed into of Aro's back, trying to pull his head off and making him releasing Edward. Aro loses his grip and Edward kicks Aro's knees, making him bend down. And finally, Edward jumps up and kicks Aro's body down, allowing Bella to rip his head off in the process. Bella grabbed the torch and set fire to the final ancient vampire while his mate, Sulpicia, falls down onto the ground, letting the foes rip herself and Athenodora to pieces, as neither of them had the strength to fight against it.Aro released Alice's hand and looked at her in shock, followed by looking at everyone he saw die and kill in the vision. "Now you know." Alice started, venom in her voice. "That's your future. Unless you decide on another course." And Edward knew, Aro was convinced and would listen to what these new witnesses had to say.

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