Chapter Four

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First Encounter

Daemon threw the last cloath soaked with bleach in the trashcan as his gangmate moved the pile of cloaths soaked in blood and bleach away, when a man approached him. His skin was translucently white, like onionskin, and it looked just as delicate, it stood in shocking contrast to the long black hair that framed his face. His eyes were red, but the color was clouded, milky. He was dressed in a completely black suit along with some neat shoes. Daemon looked up at the man but quickly bowed his head in respect. "It's alright, my boy. I just simply like to talk." the man said. Daemon nervously nodded his head as the man lead him into a small office. Daemon followed close behind. 
The man stood still, almost like a statue while Daemon closed the door behind him and turned around to face the man. The man slowly approached Daemon, as if being carefull to not scare him away, and reached out his hand. Daemon bit his lip and placed his hand into the man's hand. The man placed his other hand over Daemon's and stared at it, seeing the many thoughts and memories flash by that once had passed Daemon's. The man had soon enough found what he was looking for and smiled brightly, like a small child in the candy shop. He released Daemon's hand and took a step back. "You can go. Thank you. Tell your father that his payment will be send to him soon, and also give him my gratitude." The man said friendly. Daemon bowed his head once more before quickly leaving the room and castle.
The man made his way into a throneroom, where two other men where sitting on their thrones. The man on the left throne had black hair to shoulder length, standing 1m80 tall, with an average build and. His white skin was translucent with a papery texture, and his red eyes had an overlying milk film. He, just like the man entering the room, was wearing a black cloak. But his facial expression was quite the opposite of the man that had entered the room. His facial expression was totally expressionless and uninterested.
The third and final man sitting on the right throne had skin so white that it almost seemed to be translucent and was comparable to an onion's skin. His eyes were dark red, though cloudy or milky just like the eyes of the other two men. His snow-white hair was shoulder-length and was very close in color to his skin tone. This man was average build just like the other men in the room and just like them, he was wearing a pitch black cloak.
The first man sat down on the middle throne, his smile still displayed around his lips. "What is it brother?" the man with blond hair asked. "It seems that our dear human has arrived in Volterra, and she is of age." The first man replied. The third man smirked. "Does she know about her gift?" he asked the first man. "No not yet. But ofcourse Munin's gift is quite powerfull. She wouldn't remember that night until he gives it back to her." the first man replied. "Well, why are we waiting? Let Demetri fetch and change her."The third man said impatiently. "Patience brother. I think it's best if we get her loyalty and trust first." the third man scoffed but didn't question his brother any further. The second man whom had been listening to the conversation smiled a small smile. "I am sure Alec will be pleased." he said in a monotone voice. The first man smiled. "Ah. Giovane amore." he said dreamily.

It had been a quiet day in the cafe and Maeryn was already occupied with cleaning up when the bell rang that hung above the door. She quickly made her way towards the front of the shop to greet the guests but was slightly taken back when she saw them. Four people, three men and one woman.
The woman seemed to be around Maeryn's age. She was 1m60 tall and had a tiny body with lank, pale brown hair trimmed semi short and pale skin to match it. She could easily have been mistaken for a preteen boy if not for her girlish face and full lips. Her eyes where a strange violet colour but beautifull nontheless. The woman wore a dark grey almost black dress, which could have been from a few decades ago but it suited her.
The first man was 2m tall with a muscular body and had a slightly olive complexion which, to Maeryn's opinion, looked odd combined with his chalky pallor. He had short, cropped, black hair and his eyes where a dark brown. He was dressed in a grey, kinda oldfashioned coat.
The second man could have been the first man's younger brother. He was lean and was quite tall but shorter than the first man, he also had an olive complexion with a chalky pallor, black hair that reached his shoulders and had the same brown eyes. He to wore an grey and slightly oldfashioned coat.
But the final man seemed to take Maeryn's breath away. The third man looked very similar to the woman, as if they could have been brother and sister, though his hair was a darker brown, he was taller in stature, probably around 1m75, and his lips weren't as full as hers. His eyes also were a strange violet collour and he was also dressed in an oldfashioned coat, just the other men, but his was a dark grey, almost black.
But the thing they all seemed to have in common was that they where all extraordinarily beautiful. Their beauty could only be described as angelic or even god-like.
Maeryn quickly shook her head and smiled politely. "Good evening. How can I help you?" she asked the group. All their eyes focused on Maeryn and grew slightly wider, the third man's eyes grew the most. But the woman quickly regained herself and put on a small smile. "Ah yes. We would like four buns, please." she replied. Maeryn was quite surprised by the sound of her voice. The girl's voice was alluring, melodic, and almost seductive. Maeryn nodded her head and made her way to the back of the shop to fetch the buns, but was just intime to see the woman snap her fingers infornt of the eyes of the third man, the one who looked alot like her. Maeryn quickly grabbed the nicest looking buns and put them in a box before sealing the box shut and making her way back to the front of the shop. She placed the box on the counter and gave a polite smile. "That will be 3 euro's please." she said. The tall man handed her a 5 euro bill. "Keep the change." he said as Maeryn wanted to hand him back his change. "Thank you. Have a nice day." she said as the four angels departed from the shop. Maeryn snapped out of what seemed like a small daze that these strangers seemed to bring upon her. She shook her head and went up to the door, trying to get one last glance of these strangers, especially the handsome boy with violet eyes. But to no avail, as the strangers had already dissapeared. Maeryn sighed and busted herself of being dissapointed as she flipped the sign that was hanging on the door from 'aperto' to 'chiuso' and locked the doors.

The third boy hadn't believed his eyes and even now he still disstrusted his memories, as if they where playing a sick joke with him. But it had been real. She was here, and of age so that would mean she would be changed soon enough. And that thought made the man happy and smile so bright that even his burgundy eyes shone along with his smile.

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