Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It had been very empty. Maeryn had no idea what to do with herself. When Felix told her Alec was dead, she was empty. But she had noticed something else as well. She no longer felt loyal towards Aro as she used to feel. She guessed because he was dead and now the Volturi had no longer a leader. As a matter of fact, it no longer existed . Her whole coven was gone in just mere hours. She was one of the remaining ones alive, but she knew she was hunted on. She had to be alert, but at the same time she wanted to end it all. Perhaps it was alright if the Romanians came back for her, to kill her off. At least then she would be with Alec, even real hell would be better than staying here without him. Empty.

"Maeryn, come on. You have to hunt." Felix said. Maeryn just laid on her side like she had been for the past three weeks. She never moved. The thought of hunting made her throat dry and burning with the desire, but she couldn't feel the mental energy to get up. "If you hunt I will have a surprise for you. Come on. It will be fun." Felix said. Maeryn sighed, her first sigh in three weeks, and finally sat up. "Fine. Let's go then."

Drenthe had many forests, and many ways for people to get lost and not be found. So they started the hunt. They soon found two hikers with their dog. A woman and a man. The thing was, Maeryn didn't feel that comfortable killing anymore. She took a closer look and realised these two humans looked a lot like her birthparents. The woman had thick, black, curling hair that fell beautifully around her pale, oval face. Her eyes where as green as the forest around her and she was thin and short. The man on the other hand was tall, he had a slightly tanned skin and had deep blue eyes. His hair was graying but streaks of his dirty blond hair was still visible. He was well build, maybe slightly overweight but due to his tall figure, his extra weight was well spread over his body. And then there was their little dog. A beautiful, blond Labrador. His coat was shiny and had different shades of yellow. His beautiful brown eyes showed he loved life, and he was curious for the different smells he smelt on the trees and the sounds he heard. Of course his hearing was much better than a human's hearing, so he had heard the deer a couple trees away, but he didn't even think twice about leaving his humans.
"Ready?" Felix whispered. But Maeryn couldn't do it. She shook her head no and ran off. Why she couldn't do it was simple. It would feel like killing her parents all over again. Of course she knew this wasn't her parents, but they looked so much alike that she couldn't even bear the thought. She came into a meadow and collapsed onto the ground, her arms hugging her body, sobbing dry tears. Dry tears for Alec, and for her parents she had totally forgotten about the past eleven years. She had learned that humans are worthless. They had no greater purpose than to feed on. And for a very long time she believed it. But now, she was doubting herself. She made the decision to at least no longer kill innocent humans. Only the trash. No one would miss them. No one.
Felix ran to her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" he asked. The same phrase he had been repeating lately, trying to help her at least continue her life the best way she could without her mate. Felix never had a mate so he wasn't very familiar with the feeling himself. Of course he had seen the impact it had on Marcus but he never could imagine the feeling of losing your other half. "They looked so much like my parents, Felix. So much. Even the dog resembled my old dog. I just couldn't. I simply couldn't." she said. Felix sighed. "Come on then. Let's go to Amsterdam and grab some pimps and junkies. How about that?" he said. Maeryn nodded her head and followed Felix to Amsterdam.

Maeryn groaned in satisfaction as she dropped the pimp on the ground, completely drained from his blood. "Feeling better?" Felix asked. Maeryn nodded her head. "Much better. So tell me, what is the surprise? You have my full attention." Maeryn said as Felix and her made their way back to the cabin. "Well, how about a little revenge?" he asked, a huge smirk plastered on his face. Maeryn looked at him confused. "What do you mean by that, Felix?" "I mean that I happen to know that Vladimir and Stephan are here, in the Netherlands. They are in Rotterdam trying to gain more vampires for their new forming reign." Felix explained. Maeryn stopped dead in her track and smirked. "Let's go then."
Maeryn followed Felix and soon a huge mansion came in view. It was white, with a black roof. Ivy was growing on the sides of it, leaving the windows open. There was a huge fountain before the entrance and a fence that protected the property. Maeryn and Felix climbed over the fence and quietly made their way into the mansion. Maeryn felt her energy flowing back through her body. The thought of killing her mate's killers was exciting and the thought of their dead was very satisfying indeed.
Felix killed the guards before they could alarm the owners and Maeryn quietly climbed into the attic. The attic was empty, apart from a few very old paintings in paper wrap to protect them from the damage of time. Maeryn walked around the mansion and found that the owners where not home yet. So Maeryn decided to be dramatic and grabbed a bag of blood from the fridge and poured it in two of the remaining wine glasses. "Better have a drink while we wait." She said as she gave Felix a glass. Felix chuckled and took the glass, quickly taking a sip. "Hmm, AB. And quite a good one that is. No traces of alcohol, nicotine or drugs." Felix said. Maeryn took a small sip and the cooled liquid quenched her thirst slightly. She indeed could taste that the blood was really clean. It was delicious. She quickly took another sip and sat down on the sofa chair. She crossed her legs and waited patiently while playing with her glass, occasionally taking a sip.

Then the moment came where the two vampires had been waiting for. Stephan and Vladimir walked in, ready to attack. Without a doubt had they smelled the two hostile vampires on their property and they were very cautious. None of them possessed any special talents and Maeryn was sure to kill them quickly with her gift. "Welcome home gentleman. Drink?" she asked as she poured another bag of blood into the last two remaining wine glasses. The two vampires where frozen in their place. "Oh come now. I first like to have a small chat over a drink. We have much to discuss." Maeryn said as she stood up, grabbed the two glasses and held them out for Vladimir and Stephan to take. They hissed slightly and Felix cracked his knuckles. "If you'd like to live, you will take that drink and sit down." He said threatening. Vladimir and Stephan shared a quick look before they took the glasses and sat down on the couch, opposite of the sofa. In between the sofa chair and the couch was a coffee table made of glass. "So, now that we can have a polite conversation, I would like to ask you a few questions. First off, where are Tanya and Kate?" Maeryn asked, taking a small sip of blood from her glass. "They are dead. We disposed of them. Weird ones with their weird diet. They are quite a shame to the vampire world." Vladimir said. "Hmm. Too bad." Maeryn said and she let a short silence fall between them. The tension was clearly feel able in the room but no one dared to break it yet. "Who where your allies besides them and who survived?" Maeryn asked after a few seconds. "Basically everyone who also was there the 31st of December back in 2006. Except for the Cullens. They refused to play a part in this war. I guess they never did any of us any harm, so we let them be." Stephan said. "For a coven of that magnitude, they are sure very peaceful. They just wished to live in peace." Vladimir said, admiration gleaming slightly through his words. So Cullens had no part in her mate's death. "How many survived?" Maeryn asked very calmly. "Almost no one. The amazon clan went back to their home afterwards, along with the Irish coven and French coven. Gerratt is still out there. We have no idea what happened to him. He fled after Kate died, after first putting his head back on his body, of course." Stephan said quickly, feeling the threat growing. Maeryn nodded her head and took another sip of her blood. The two vampires on the couch hadn't even drank a single drop of blood. They knew that the chances of survival was slim.
"Hmm. It is sad actually." She said calmly. Stephan and Vladimir shared a look of fear before Vladimir softly asked. "What is?" "That your answers where not really satisfying. Meaning I will make your death as slow as I possibly can." Maeryn stood up and dropped the glass, spilling blood on the white, fluffy carpet that laid beneath the coffee table. Vladimir and Stephan hissed and jumped up, but Felix grabbed both of them and made them kneel down, just like Kate made Alec kneel down when they killed him. Maeryn smirked and watched the two vampire's struggle under Felix's strong grip. "So, who will have the honour to live the longest? After all, you will go down in history as the last, remaining member of the Romanian coven. Exciting, isn't it? Knowing that a century old coven is about to end, for good. Oh, how I am going to savour this moment for the rest of my existence." A small, girlish giggle escaped Maeryn's lips. But it did not sound pleasant at all. No. It sounded evil. This was the giggle of a woman who was about to avenge her mate. "Well, let's see. Stephan you held me down while Vladimir here ripped Alec's head off. So I guess it only seems fair that he will get the honour, don't you think?" she asked in a sugar sweet voice. Stephan growled and tried to break free of Felix's grip but to no avail. Maeryn smirked. "Now them. Let's really get down to business, shall we Stephan?" Maeryn said as she held her hand out in front of her, her hand open. She felt her rage fill her body, making it feel warm as her gift slipped through it to the palm of her hand and fingertips. She locked her gift on Stephan's body and kept him there. Very slowly, she closed her hand, feeling his life flow out of his body and into her hand. Stephan was barely alive, cracks forming all over his body and face. Maeryn felt his life in her palm, and she slowly closed her hand completely, crushing his life and his body. All that there was left was a pile of ash.
Maeryn smirked, feeling very satisfied as she turned to Vladimir. The one who had done the deed and had ripped her mate's head off. He looked at the pile of dust that had been his most loyal companion for centuries just mere seconds ago. And he knew that it would not take long before he too would lay in a small pile of ashes. Vladimir realised in that moment that he had killed the wrong mate. Maeryn was still fairly young, but the love she had for Alec was amazingly large. Vladimir knew that there was nothing he could do about it and closed his eyes. He imagined that he would soon lay back in his beautiful mate's arms. The one that had been taken away from him many centuries ago. In the last battle with the Volturi before only Stephan and he where left. Vladimir slowly felt the cracks forming, he felt them breaking every limb in little pieces. It hurt really bad. Not even vampire venom was this painful. He could feel every little crack from, and then the most painful moment of his life happened, but shorty is was all black around him as his body was no longer more than a pile of ashes.
Maeryn felt really satisfied and Felix smiled. "Come on. Let's go. Oh, and remind me to never get on your bad side." Maeryn laughed. "I will."

"So are you sure? We could travel together if you'd like?" Felix asked. Maeryn had decided she wanted to see the world for her own. She wished to be alone for a while. Maybe a few decades. "I am sure Felix. I need this. Besides, I will make sure to contact you as much as I can." She promised. Then, Felix did something he had never done before. He carefully hugged her small frame. Maeryn was shocked but slowly responded the hug by wrapping her own arms around his waist. "Be careful out there. I will miss you little one." He said as he brotherly placed a kiss on top of her head. "I will miss you too." She said before letting go. She gave him one last smile and then she ran off. Off to see the world for her own.

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