The kiss got slightly rougher, and Maeryn pushed Alec against the wall, leaving small cracks on the wall behind him, but neither seemed to notice. The mixture of the burning of their hunger for blood and each other's touch was driving them mad, and they needed more. Maeryn pulled Alec closer to her, not knowing her own strength yet. Alec groaned slightly and pulled away. "Carefull, amore mio. You are way stronger than me now." He whispered in her ear. "Or maybe you just can no longer handle me." Maeryn whispered back before giving him a playful wink. Alec growled playfully. Maeryn giggled and ran off, Alec following close behind her.
Maeryn laughed as she felt the lovely feeling of the wind playing with her hair. Alec was close behind her and used shortcuts to try and grab her. But Maeryn pushed herself to go faster and use the trees to jump and give her even more speed. Maeryn could no longer hear Alec behind her, making her believe she had lost him. Maeryn laughed in victory and continued to run for a little longer. However, her moment of feeling victorious was short lived, as she soon was tripped and fell to the ground, making her and her attacked roll down a hill. Maeryn hissed and growled, but her attacker held her hands above her head. "Never challenge an older vampire, amore mio. It can be quite dangerous." The seducing voice of Alec whispered in her ear. Maeryn relaxed almost immediately once she had heard his voice and smelt his lovely scent of rain, roses and sunshine. Alec moved his lips slowly towards her neck and caressed his favourite spot with his lips. Maeryn closed her eyes and lightly moved her head back, giving him more space to roam his lips. "Hmm, maybe I like to play dangerous." She whispered back, her own singing voice now slightly seductive. Alec growled slightly and kissed her once more, giving in to his lust. Maeryn smirked against his lips, knowing very well what she is doing to him. Their lips moved in sync as the quiet night was filled with the sound of their stone hard lips colliding in love and lust.
Maeryn rolled them over and pushed Alec's arms above his head, just like he done to her just mere seconds ago. She pulled her lips from his and he opened his eyes, patiently waiting to see what her next move will be. "You were holding back before." She stated, almost in an accusing kind of way. "Yes I did." He said, a smirk around his lips. Maeryn was slightly taken back by this and Alec took his chance. He freed his arms and placed them tightly around her waist, sitting them both up with her in his lap. He placed his lips once more against her neck, lightly grazing his fangs on her now hard skin. "If I'd let myself go like I do now, I would have claimed you and drained you, amore mio. And I am too selfish to lose you. You are mine, for all eternity." He whispered against her neck. Maeryn smiled. "And you are mine." Was all she said before they sealed their small vows with a kiss filled with love.
"Maeryn! You're back!" Jane said the minute Alec and Maeryn walked through the iron gate that lead to the cave system under the castle. Jane ran up to Maeryn and kissed both her cheeks. "What? Maeryn gets a hello, yet your brother, who has been your brother for over a millennium might I add, doesn't even get a glance?" Alec said, pretending to be hurt. Jane rolled her eyes before also kissing both her brother's cheeks. Maeryn giggled "Hello, Jane. It is great to see you again." "It has been quiet around here. You have been gone for at least a week. I hope you had a good hunt. The first hunt is always the most memorable." Jane said as she smirked slightly a Alec, who returned her smirk. Their first hunt was one they would surely never forget. Maeryn frowned slightly, she could remember Alec mentioning his first hunt, but her human memories where quite blurry. "Now, come on. The masters are waiting for your arrival." Jane said as she started to skip gracefully towards the throne room. Alec chuckled at his sister childlike behaviour and grabbed Maeryn's hand. "Ready to become a true Volturi?" he asked as he kissed her hand lightly. Maeryn smiled. "Yes I am." She replied and the couple followed Jane into the throne room.
"Ah Alec, Maeryn! It is such a pleasure to see your return. I hope you had a good hunt, dear ones?" Aro said as he made his way towards the couple. He kissed both Maeryn's cheeks lightly before turning to Alec to greet him. Aro shook Alec's hand, reading his thoughts at the same time. Aro smiled and released Alec's hand. "I see everything went well. And don't worry, dear Maeryn. The first year is quite difficult with the thirst. I promise we will help you through this, painful yet exciting period of your immortal life." Aro said smiling. Maeryn bowed her head lightly. "Thank you master." She replied. "Dear Maeryn, we would be honoured to have you be a part of our family. And we are sure to use your abilities and gift to the full extend. Would you please accept our offer?" Aro asked. Maeryn smiled proudly. "I would be honoured, master." Maeryn replied, knowing Alec and Jane had the same proud smiles on their mouths as Maeryn had.
"Felix, Demetri." Aro said, motioning with his hand. Felix and Demetri both stepped foreward. Felix was holding a dark grey cloak, identical to Alec's and Jane's cloaks, while Demetri was holding a jewellery box. Alec took a small step back, looking at his mate with proud in his eyes. Aro grabbed the cloak from Felix. "Thank you, Felix" he said. Felix bowed his head slightly. "Master." Was all he said before he made his way back to the left side of the door. Aro turned towards Maeryn. He gently placed the cloak on her shoulders before clasping it shut.
Aro turned towards Demetri, who had now opened the jewellery box, revealing a beautiful necklace with the Volturi crest made from pure gold hanging from a golden chain. Maeryn turned around and Aro clasped the necklace around her neck. Maeryn turned back around, feeling proud. "Welcome, Maeryn Volturi!" Aro exclaimed excitedly before returning to his throne while every member of the Volturi present in the throne room excitedly applauded for their new coven and family member. And in that moment, Maeryn felt very proud. Powerful. She was now part of the most powerful coven in the entire world, and she knew that no other coven could possibly bring them down. They were too powerful, and Maeryn also knew that.
In Alec's excitement, he grabbed Maeryn by her waist unexpectedly and kissed her, right in front of the whole coven. Maeryn smiled and returned his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. However, a small cough pulled the couple back towards reality. "Alec." Aro said in a fatherly tone, yet a small smile displayed on his lips. Alec cleared his throat lightly while Maeryn looked down at her feet, trying to hide her smile. "My apologies master." Alec said as he bowed. "Not to worry, dear one." Aro said smiling fatherly. "Just don't distract her while she is training." Caius said, as a small smile had also reached his lips. He had grown fond of the girl. "Now hurry up. Maeryn needs to be prepared well. Felix, Demetri, Jane and Alec, you know how to help her." Aro said. The five vampires bowed their heads before making their way out and towards a training room.
Inside the room, was a vampire tied to a sturdy pole. At a closer look you could see the vampire had been weakened due to lack of blood. The thought of that made Maeryn's throat burn and she hissed slightly under her breath. Alec grabbed her hand in his and rubbed soothing circles on the top of her hand. Maeryn took a deep breath and relaxed, feeling the fire slightly lay down, but the irritating drought remained within her throat. A drought that never seemed to fully leave her throat, no matter how much blood she had. But it was a small price to pay for her immortality and abilities as a vampire. Not even mentioning the eternity she had with Alec. Nothing would ever separate them again.
Once the vampire had noticed the five vampire's presence, he started to fierce fully growl and hiss, while trying to release himself from the pole. Jane smiled at him and soon the vampire was screaming out in pain. Maeryn watched and felt very intrigued by Jane's gift. "Now be a good help, and you will be put out of your misery soon enough." Jane said sweetly before skipping over towards Felix and Demetri. "We are going to train your gift mostly. As that will be the most protection you can have. Focus on this man." Alec explained. Maeryn nodded her head and focused her attention on the already weakened vampire. He was quite handsome, but not too handsome. He had dirty blond locks which were tied back by a small string of leather. His clothes where old and ripped. His oversized, white shirt was hanging from his fragile frame while the darkened brown trousers seemed to be slightly too small. His face was flawless, yet seemed slightly grey from the lack of blood. His onyx eyes only confirmed this theory. Maeryn tried to concentrate but wasn't quite sure as to how her gift had first occurred and how the outcome of her would be, now that she was a vampire.
Alec noticed her struggling and he gently placed his hands on her hips, placing his lips closely to her ear. "Imagine him being Diablo. Imagine what he has done to you and to so many people. Make him pay, Maeryn. Make him suffer." He whispered in her ear. The mention of Diablo's name made Maeryn rage with anger. Her right arm started to shake as she saw Diablo now tied to the pole instead of the vulnerable and weak vampire. Maeryn saw Diablo's satisfied smirk and she lost it. Slowly her hand turned into a fist and the vampire screamed in agony. Cracks slowly started to form on his skin, and the sound of metal breaking could be heard. And before anyone could have jumped in, before anyone could have saved the vampire, he was no more. All that was left was the vampire's clothes, covered by a pile of dust.
For a short while, the whole room had been quiet. Maeryn stared the pile of clothes and dust, a pile that had shortly been a vampire. Then the silence was disturbed by a small applause. Aro and Caius had been watching from a corner, Renate close by them. "Wonderful! Absolutely mesmerizing!" Aro said, a huge smile around his lips. Caius also showed, a rather rare, smile. "Your gift is truly inspiring, my dear Maeryn. Now I do wonder, Renate, dear one." Aro said as he turned around. Renate took a step forward. Renata had black hair and was slight in build, being 1m52 in height. "Yes master?" she replied giving a small bow. "I am just wondering dear, if we may have finally find a way to break through shields. You see, Maeryn, Renata's gift is the ability to divert physical attacks. She repels them by implanting a thought in their minds to make them want to go in another direction, with a confused memory as to why they wanted to go there in the first place. Her repelling power is powerful but almost unnoticeable. Renata is also able to project her shield several meters out from herself to protect others. Now, I just simply wonder. Renate, if you'd please like to expand your shield?" Aro said. Renate seemed slightly unsure but didn't felt any need to question her master. She concentrated and spread her shield to halfway into the training room. Maeryn took a deep breath and concentrated.
At first she couldn't see Renate's shield at all, until she started to concentrate very hard and noticed a small, almost completely transparent spot, and Maeryn knew this was Renate's shield. Maeryn took another, much unnecessary breath, and followed her gift. Her arm raised and her hand was stretched wide open. Maeryn concentrated hard on the spot she had found in Renate's shield and slowly her arms started to shake once more as he hand slowly started to form into a fist again. Only halfway through closing her hand, something held her back. She couldn't go any further. At first she thought nothing was happening but Maeryn did see very delicate cracks forming on Renate's shield and she also noticed that Renate was having slight trouble by keeping her shield strong, as she gave another hard push which forced Maeryn's hand to fully open again, taking the force away from Renate's shield.
Aro laughed in excitement and clapped his hands together. "My dear Maeryn. This is absolutely fascinating. Please, do keep practicing your gift. Renate, please do help her. This will be very useful in the protection of our family." Aro said as he and Caius left the training room. Maeryn felt very proud and couldn't wait to continue training her gift, feeling more powerful each time she could control her gift even better. And, even though she couldn't crack Renate's shield completely, it did leave cracks that where big enough for Felix and Demetri to break through and attack her, making her vulnerable to physical attacks.
"Come on, that is enough for today, amore mio." Alec said as he grabbed Maeryn's hand. They had just finished training for over 10 hours, yet Maeryn still liked to continue. But looking at Alec and his slightly pleading expression, she gave in. "Alright." Maeryn agreed and the couple made their way towards Alec's room. Once inside, Alec closed the door and pressed Maeryn against it, taking her by surprise. But the surprise wouldn't last for long as Alec placed his lips upon hers, claiming what was his. Maeryn gladly returned the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck, a small moan escaping her lips. This only made Alec's ego grow as he gently placed his hands on the back of her knees, bringing them up to his lips. Maeryn smiled and tightly wrapped them around his waist, not wanting to let him go.
Alec walked over towards the bed, not breaking their kiss once, and gently laid Maeryn on the bed, crawling on top of her. Maeryn smiled and unclasped his cloak, making it fall onto the bed. Alec did the same to her cloak and started to kiss her neck, and sucked on his favourite spot, earning him a sweet moan from Maeryn's lips. However, before anything could escalate, Alec pulled away and looked into his mates bright crimson eyes with his burgundy ones, who also where quite bright due to the huge hunt he had just returned from. He gently stroked her cheek, to which Maeryn responded by resting her face in his palm. "Whatever you want, amore mio. We can also wait." He whispered softly to her. Maeryn, even with her newborn emotions, or more lack of them, was quite touched by this and felt a slight clear moment in her head. A moment that wasn't filled with thirst for human blood or lust to her mate, no, a real clear moment where she could think straightly. Ofcourse she wanted to give in to his sweet touch, but would she want to do that while she wasn't completely herself yet? How she was now was a vampire who was consumed by her thirst for blood and lust for her mate, most of her secondary emotions hadn't returned yet, and would most likely not until her first year as a vampire.
"You would wait for me?" Maeryn whispered back, placing her hand lovingly on his. "I have waited a millennium for you, I can wait a little longer. As long as you would like me to wait." Alec whispered back, not wanting to hurt his mate in any way. Maeryn smiled and kissed the palm of his hand. "I would like to wait. At least until I am no longer a newborn." She whispered. Alec smiled. "Then we will wait. Just having you in my arms is enough to satisfy my needs." He whispered before placing his lips onto hers again. This time, giving a sweet kiss, filled not with lust, but with love.

FanfictionHis burgundy eyes pierced through her green-grey ones, a burning lust could be seen in his eyes and her breath was caught in her throat as his eyes fixed on her neck and leaned foreward, lips slightly parted. (Alec Volturi)