Chapter Ten

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The Last Birthday

Two weeks passed and soon it had been half November. Maeryn had spent most of her days in the castle, getting to know her soon, new family. Aro had been very pleased with the news that Maeryn would be joining the Volturi soon, Felix and Demetri usually teased her about the fact that she was slower and alot weaker than them everytime she wanted to enter the throne room or library, due to the doors being very heavy, she always had to ask someone to open them for her, which would always lead to Demetri and Felix chuckling and Alec growling at them. Jane seemed to like Maeryn. The fact that Jane sometimes gave her a small, gentle smile proved that. Jane was simply happy that her brother had found his mate, even though Jane still hadn't. Besides, due to Maeryn still working in the cafe daily, she and Alec could still spend time, but that was also due to the fact that Maeryn had told Alec to not keep on hanging in the cafe too much, mostly so he would spend time with Jane or on his own but also because he was distracting Maeryn from her work. Anytime he was in the cafe while Maeryn was working she would suddenly turn a lot clumsier because all she could think about or look at was Alec, which he ofcourse found very entertaining.
Sadly, she hasn't seen Daemon lately. After their fight Daemon ignored Maeryn completely and Maeryn didn't feel any need to go and talk to him. But she had also been occupied by her preparations on leaving the human world and entering the vampire world. The most difficult part of that transition would be that she had to make Agnella and Adolfo believe she died, and Maeryn knew that that was going to break their hearts but it must be done.
Maeryn closed the shop at 5 p.m. and made her way upstairs to the little apartment. To Maeryn's surprise, all the lights had been turned off. She frowned and turned them back on, only to be surprised by a handful of people all yelling 'SURPRISE'. Ofcourse Agnella, Adolfo and Alec where there, but what surprised her was that Jane and Daemon where also in the room. "Happy birthday, mio caro." Agnella said as she embraced Maeryn tightly. Maeryn smiled and returned Agnella's embrace, knowing these will be one of the last hugs she will ever receive from Agnella. "17 years old already, my dear time sure flies." Agnella said as she let go of Maeryn to go into the kitchen. Adolfo gave her a quick hug too, Jane nodded her head and smiled politely at her while Alec quickly pecked her lips. "Happy birthday, amore mio." He whispered softly to her. Maeryn smiled. "Thank you."
"Alright, present time!" Agnella said as she clapped her hands once. Maeryn bit her lip, but didn't argue against it, as that is what her parents had thought her to never seem or be ungrateful for something that you simply receive.
Agnella smiled and gave her a small box. Maeryn opened it and found a small charm for a bracelet of the tower of Pisa. Maeryn smiled. "Whenever you look at that charm, you can think of us." Adolfo said. "It's beautiful, thank you." Maeryn said as she first embraced Agnella and afterwards Adolfo tightly. Daemon was the next person to give Maeryn her present. It was once again a charm, but this time it was an owl with bright, blue eyes, just like his. "The owl is a wise one, even if we don't always understand why he does certain things, in the end it will always be a wise one." Daemon explained and Maeryn understood. This was his way of apologising for their fight. Maeryn smiled and pulled him into a quick hug. "Thank you." She said before pulling away, only to be quickly pulled into Alec's arms. "Alright, our gift." Jane said as she handed Maeryn an envelope. Maeryn opened it and found two tickets to Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands. "You have been working so hard the past year, we thought you deserve a small break. Your plane leaves the 17th of January, two months from now." Alec said, Maeryn smiled and pecked Alec's lips but wasn't too sure on how to thank Jane. Jane chuckled, which sounded like bells being played by a soft wind. She carefully pulled Maeryn in a quick hug. Maeryn was surprised but glad. But she also knew what this meant. She only would have two more months to spend with Agnella and Adolfo before they would fake her death."Alright. Who wants some cake?" Agnella asked. Daemon imediately shot foreward to grab a slice while Alec and Jane politely rejected. Adolfo gave Maeryn a huge slice with extra whipping cream. Maeryn smiled and thankfully ate her slice. Jane and Alec where having a small conversation in the corner of the room while Daemon sat down next to Maeryn. "So," he started. "Should I expect a wedding invitation soon? Or is that going too too fast?" he asked jokingly. Maeryn chuckled. "Probably not. I find the whole change a huge step and big enough for now. But who knows. After all, we will have forever." Maeryn replied. Daemon nodded his head but sighed soon after. "Look, tesoro, I am truly sorry for my behaviour at Halloween. It is your life and it is up to you what you will do with it. Even though if I do not like it, I still need to accept your choice." Daemon said. Maeryn smiled and hugged him quickly. "Thank you." she replied. "May I ask you a favor, Daemon?" Maeryn asked hesitantly. Daemon smiled at her. "Ofcourse you can, tesoro." he replied looking at her. "Can you take care of Agnella and Adolfo once I am gone? Please? I am not sure how they will react to my death and they really need the help in their cafe. I will try to see if you can get time off of cleaning in the castle. Please? As a last birthday present?" Maeryn finished. Daemon sighed but nodded his head in agreement. "Alright tesoro." he replied while looking at his hands. "Is something bothering you?" Maeryn asked worried. "I am just affraid you might not be the same anymore once you have been changed." Daemon replied honestly. Maeryn chuckled and gently kissed his cheek in a sisterly way. "I am sure I will be just the same Maeryn as I am now. Only less vunerable and weak." she said, half joking. Alec smiled at her and Maeryn smiled back. "Excuse me." she said to Daemon as she made her way towards Alec to give him a small peck on the lips, which made her miss the last few words Daemon said to her. "You already are changing, tesoro."That evening, after Daemon and Jane had left, Alec had crawled through the window once more, holding her warm body against his cold one, warming him up. Alec gently played with Maeryn's long locks, relaxing. Maeryn played with his necklace, deep in thought about how her death could possibly affect Agnella and Adolfo. Would they hold a funeral for her? Even though there would be no body in the coffin they would sink into the soil.
Alec felt her mood drop slightly and pulled her even closer to him, kissing her forehead. "Everything will be alright, amore mio. I promise." He whispered gently to her. Maeryn nodded her head in agreement. Yes, everything would eventually get better. All there was left was to enjoy her last few months before swallowing a bitter pill. But a bitter pill with a sweet after taste. She would soon join Alec in immortality, she would soon no longer be a weak human, but a strong, beautiful and powerful vampire with a new family who was waiting on her with open arms. A family that was willing to give her some time to say goodbye to her old family, her old life before joining a new family and a new life.
Alec kissed Maeryn's head once more and continued to play with her hair, while Maeryn's eyes grew heavier and soon enough she was off to neverland again.

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