Chapter Twenty

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The Immortal Child

Three months passed when a letter came.
Bianca, the new human secretary, walked into the throneroom, a silver platter in her hands and a note on top of it. The three masters where sitting onto their thrones, dressed in the deepest black. Jane, Alec and Maeryn where standing on the right side of the throneroom, by Caius. Demetri and Felix where standing near Marcus, on the left side of the throneroom, and Santiago guarded the door and closed it once Bianca had entered the room. Bianca was quite a pretty human. Her golden hair was curled and fell over her shoulder, he body was very slim. She wore a blood red dress with black high-heels. Her face was flawless and slightly tanned and her green eyes, her green eyes showed fear as every vampire in the room could hear her heart beat franticly.
Bianca went up the stairs and presented Aro the silver platter with the note on top of it. Aro took it and Bianca took a few steps back, shaking slightly.
Aro read the note. "Oh, it is from Carlisle. Which is spelled with an s, sweet Bianca." He said while he lengthen the s. Aro mentioned for Felix and Demetri whom sped and stood behind her. "He has added a new member to his coven." Aro continued. "Ah." Marcus said, almost joyful. "Increasing his power." Caius said, clearly satisfied with the news. Maeryn was also glad. At least now the Volturi no longer had anything to do with the Cullens, well at least for a while. Aro slightly laughed at Caius' comment and looked at Felix and Demetri. They grabbed Bianca by her arms and dragged her out while she dropped the platter and screamed for mercy. Aro shook his head and looked at the girl pitifully. "First it's the spelling, then the grammar." He said while handing the note to Marcus. Maeryn watched Bianca being dragged away. Not the she truly cared. Bianca was only a human after all with no gift. The only thing she was good for was providing blood, nothing more.
"At least our dispute with the Cullens is over." Marcus said, once more with a slight joyfulness in his voice. "Over?" Aro asked. "Hm hm." Marcus said agreeing. "Goodness no." Aro said, to which the remaining vampires looked at him questionably. "Our dispute goes far beyond the fate of a mere human." Marcus lowered the note and seemed slightly disappointed. "And what might that be?" Caius asked. "My brother, I thought you understood. They have something I want."

So, Bella and Edward where married and Bella was changed into a vampire. Everything seemed quiet and peaceful again in the vampireworld. That is until a certain immortal entered the castle with grave news that would change everything.
It had been a peaceful afternoon. Alec, Maeryn and Jane accompanied their masters while reading through some history books, when a blond, female vampire with blond hair walked through the throneroom doors. Felix and Demetri stepped close by, to prevent the blond vampire from attacking.
"What a pleasant surprise." Aro said, seemingly not very interested. Caius closed his book with a loud thud and turned towards the vampire. "What do you want?" he asked. The vampire didn't answer. "Hm?" he asked once more, tilting his head slightly to the left. The vampire took a few steps forward, followed by Santiago, Felix and Demetri. "I have to report a crime. The Cullens, they have done something... terrible." The vampire said. Once the name Cullens fell from her lips, Aro's red eyes grew wide. He slammed the book shut and rushed towards the vampire while Caius had a small smirk playing around his lips. "Allow me, my dear?" Aro asked as he took the vampire's hand. As Aro read her thoughts, the others gathered behind Aro, very curious to what he had seen.
Aro let go of her hand and was seemingly shocked. "Oh my." Was all he said.
Aro gathered everyone to the throneroom to share what the crime was. "Dear ones, it saddens me to tell you this that our dear friends, the Cullens have committed one of the worse crimes our law knows. The Cullens, have created an immortal child." And with that, the whispering started. Whispers of fury, and disbelief. "I know how shocking this betrayal is, and I promise my friends, that justice will triumph! So let us make our preparations, bring our dear friends so they can let the world know, the world of vampires will soon be peaceful again!" Aro said and the lower guard all left to gather other vampire's. However, the higher guard remained and trained for the fight that would come.

However, at night when training was over, and Maeryn was playing with Alec's necklace once more while he stroked her bare back, she did wonder. What where immortal children precisely?
"Alec?" Maeryn asked looking up, just in time to see Alec open his eyes and look at her. "Yes, amore mio?" "What are immortal children precisely, and why are they forbidden?" Maeryn asked. "I am sorry I haven't informed you sooner. As your creator I should have." He said and kissed her forehead before explaining.

"Immortal children are human children who have been turned into vampires at a very early age. Creating immortal children has long been outlawed by the Volturi due to their inability to remain concealed from the human world. There is no absolute age limit set as to what constituted an immortal child; it was a subjective definition, based on the child's ability to behave himself in a way consistent with vampire law.
Like all vampires, immortal children are frozen at the mental and physical age at which they were transformed. Post-transformation, these small children continued to exhibit childish behaviours, including impulsive acts, tantrums, irresponsible activities, and a general lack of circumspection. It is said that an immortal child's tantrum can kill people, since restraint is basically impossible for someone so young.
Another aspect was their appeal; they were both beautiful and endearing that any human or vampire would automatically love them. Carlisle described them as adorable little children with smiles and dimples that would destroy a village in one of their tantrums.
It is presumed that while their mental maturity is frozen at the age they were transformed, they still have the vampiric gifts of enhanced strength and speed as well the supernatural gifts of certain vampires.
The uncontrollable, childish behaviours of immortal children battled the vampire laws of secrecy, and these children often attracted the notice of humans.
Because they were too young to be controlled, the Volturi killed all those who could be found. Under this law, anyone who knows about or stands by the child is also punishable. Countless humans and vampires were massacred because of these creations. The creators of immortal children and those who knew of them were utterly devoted to the children and opposed the Volturi at all costs to protect them, and were all destroyed in the process.
The Volturi found themselves punishing individual covens for the behavior of their immortal children with a much greater frequency than other occurrences of lawlessness. Because of the devotion inspired by immortal children, the Volturi were forced to destroy full covens in order to destroy one immortal child. After some study into the matter, the Volturi decreed that immortal children were not capable of following the law, and therefore it was made illegal to create them. Creating one has since become the worst crime in the vampire world, under penalty of death for both the child and its creator, whether the child has broken the law or not.
Even after the law was established, we kept two children to experiment on. A boy named James and a girl named Mandy. However, no matter how many centuries we'd spent teaching the children, they still could not be controlled or taught. After they determined that immortal children could not be tamed, they had the children destroyed. "

"hmm. I can see why now. They are indeed a threat to our safety." Maeryn said. Alec nodded his head and pecked her lips. "Will there be a fight?" Maeryn asked, slightly worried. "Most likely, but don't worry. We have never lost a battle, and we never will. I promise." He said as he pulled her down and kissed her passionately, continuing the love they had just taken a break from.

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