Chapter 14

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Newt's pov

I couldn't stop thinking about what Cally had told me. She remembers... her family, her friends, her life... I would give everything to remember.
     I was lying on my own bed, Minho was already asleep in the bed beside mine. But I couldn't fall asleep. Was it really true? Did she come from some other bloody dimension? Is that even possible?
     A loud snore from Minho woke me from my thoughts. After the first snore, it didn't stop. He just went on and on. Having enough of it, I decided to wake him.
      "Minho." He didn't wake up.
     "Minho!" He still didn't react. I took a pillow and threw it at him. When it hit his face, he woke up. Realizing what had happened, he took the pillow and threw it back at me.
     "What the hell, man?" He mumbled in a sleep drunk voice.
     I caught the pillow and lay down on it again. "You were snorin', it was bloody annoying."
     "You're bloody annoying, Shuckface." Minho growled while closing his eyes again, "now let me sleep."
     It didn't take long before Minho had fallen asleep again. And not long after that, I was also trying to sleep, but everything that Cally had told me was still creeping through my mind. Was it true? Probably not... she seemed really upset about it all, but what if she was acting? What if she actually is one of the creators? As soon as the thought entered my mind, I dismissed it. It didn't feel right. Cally, she... what was she? Kind? Funny? Confusing, that one for sure. Ever since she appeared, I had a feeling about her, a good feeling, a familiar feeling... Ugh!
     I turned around to lay on my other side. I did not know how to feel about it all. I knew it would be smarter to just tell Alby... but breaking the promise I made to Cally did not sit right with me. No, this will be my responsibility. I'll keep an eye on her, see what she does, how she acts. Maybe what she's saying about being from another world is true, I mean, who would make up such a bloody ridiculous story? Or maybe she is confused, or maybe the Creators messed with her brain more than they did with ours.... but then again, the phone...
     I did not remember falling asleep, my brain racing with thoughts one moment, and the next, I was dreaming of dogs and mountains and a girl dressed in purple, dangling from strings of ivy.


The next morning, I woke up to a pillow hitting my face. I opened my eyes to see Minho standing beside his bed with a big smile plastered on his face. "Payback for last night." He said.
     I shove the pillow off of me, and it fell on the ground, "I expected somethin' like that." I mumbled as I sat up in my bed. Looking at my watch I saw it was just 5:45. "It's bloody 5:45, why wake me this early?" I groaned while letting myself fall back into my bed.
     "Aw, is our Newtie still tired? Maybe you shouldn't have stayed up so late." Minho said teasingly, "Why did you stay up so long anyway?" Before I could say a thing, he continued, "ow yeah! Of course, because of the Greenie, right?" I felt a knot in my stomach as Cally came back to my mind. I glanced over to Minho, there was a look in his eyes that I was way too familiar with. It was the 'I know something you don't want me to know' look.
     Not being in the mood for his assumptions, I rolled my eyes at him. "We were just talkin', that's all."
     "Talking? Really? Is that why you guys went to the Deadheads?" There it was again, that look. This time, it got accompanied by his voice of suspicion.
     When he mentioned the Deadheads I looked up at him. How did he know that? Did someone follow us? Did they hear our conversation?
     Apparently, I had looked up too fast because my movement made a cocky smile appear on Minho's face. "So I was right, something did happen between you two. I suspected something when I saw you two wonder off towards the trees last night, but I wasn't sure if something happened."
     Okay, so he didn't know what we talked about. If Cally found out someone knew the day after she told me she wouldn't trust me anymore. And if I want to find out more, she needs to trust me. Besides... I didn't want her angry at me.
     "Well," Minho continued, having no regard for my mental conversation. "What happened? Are you two a thing now?"
     I took my shirt from the ground and put it on, "nothin' happened, between us." I tried to convince him, but he clearly didn't want to believe me.
     "Of course not. Then what did you guys do in the Deadheads?"
     "We went for a walk. Cally likes the Deadheads, so we walked there with Bark for some time until we decided to go to sleep."
     Minho squinted his eyes together, still looking at me with suspicion. "There really didn't happen anything else?"
     Again, I rolled my eyes at him, "No, there didn't."
     "Okay, if you say so."  After he said that, the interrogation stopped, and silence fell.
     "Why are ya even up this early?" I asked him, realizing he hadn't given me an answer before.
     "Because I've got to start Cally's training. I'm gonna show her some stuff before we go into the Maze, so I thought it'd be better to start early." After he said that, Minho took his bag from the ground and walked out of the room.
     It's only 6:00... I could sleep for another 30 minutes....

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