p r o l o g u e

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"What?" Violetta blurted. She was currently in dirty pajamas, thanks to Mateo spitting up on her. She hasn't showered since the morning before. She hasn't slept since Mateo started crying at four in the morning, and she knew once she laid him down, he'd start crying again.

"I'm asking about you and León," Camila repeated. "You guys have been back together for six months, do you think he'll pop the question soon?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure if I'm ready to be married again. I'm happy where me and León are at at the moment. We don't need to be married or engaged to show our happiness," Violetta told Camila.

León was leaning behind the wall, listening into Violetta and Camila's conversation. He was playing with the engagement ring he had given to Violetta years ago. He had planned to give it to her again, soon, but after hearing the conversation, he let it fall between his chest and the fabric of his shirt, and walked away from the kitchen.

"But if he were to ask, I'd say yes, because I know I want to be with him for the rest of my life."

so welcome to the sequel of her ex husband. :)

• this is two weeks after the epilogue of her ex husband

• id prefer you to read the first book before this. But you do you, boo. but you'll have better context if you read the first book.

• i hope you enjoy this book :)

her ex husband 2 (Leonetta)Where stories live. Discover now