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Violetta woke up to an empty bed and a quiet house. Which seemed odd, since Federico and Ludmila stayed the night, not wanting to wake the twins just to go back home after Ludmila's birthday party. She was sure that she would've been woken up by some crying from the twins or Mateo, or at least some laughing.

Violetta stepped off the bed, and went to her vanity, her hand carefully grabbing the chain with her engagement ring. She set it back down on the top of her jewelry box, and left her bedroom.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Federico smiled, he had a smiling Emma in his arms. "It's about time you woke up."

"What time is it?" Violetta asked, when she entered the living room, seeing it full. "What are you all doing here?" Violetta paused, "Wait, I didn't mean to sound rude."

"It's almost noon," Diego responded. "And León was feeling neighborly and invited us to brunch," he said motioning him and Catalina, who was holding Mateo.

"We all kind of woke up like a half hour ago," Ludmila added. "It was a long night." Everyone quietly agreed. Because it was Ludmila's birthday party last night, Violetta let María and Sofia stay up later than usual. It was also the weekend.

Cuidado!" León shouted from the kitchen. Instinctively, Violetta rushed into the kitchen. The girls and León we're surrounding the island.

"You three are cooking brunch?" Violetta asked. The girls both nodded, they each had an apron, and a small chef's hat.

"They wanted to help," León responded. "And you were sleeping."

"I'm stirring the eggs!" Sofia smiled, showing her mother the whisk in her hand.

"I'm buttering the toast!" María told her mother. "Dad told me I'm impatient because I can't wait for the toast to be toasted. What does impatient mean?"

"It means that you can't wait for something to be done," Violetta told her oldest. "What's with the brunch idea?" Violetta asked León, who was busy with the bacon and sausage.

"Spend time with some friends," León shrugged. "And Ludmi wanted to talk to you before they left, but didn't want to wake you up."

"That's not like Ludmi," Violetta frowned, knowing Ludmila would wake her up whenever, no matter the importance of the topic. "I'll talk to her in a bit. Need another hand?"

"Why do we need three hands?" Sofia responded, confused. "I don't have three arms for another hand. It's impossible."

"We wanted to surprise you with breakfast, well, brunch in bed," León said. "But you woke up, and we're almost done anyways, right, girls?"

"Only the eggs need to be cooked?" Sofia asked, looking in her bowl of raw eggs. "And we can all eat the delicious food!"

"Violetta," Ludmila walked into the kitchen. "Tenemos que hablar." Before Violetta could respond, Ludmila walked out, and Violetta sighed before following her into the master bedroom.

"Are you okay?" Violetta asked, closing her bedroom door. "You don't look so good," Violetta said as the both of them sat on the bed.

"Don't point out the obvious please," Ludmila frowned. "It was a long night, and I never thanked you for the party. Thank you for hosting it, and I loved spending time with everyone, and I really appreciated the surprise with Fede."

"It was all him," Violetta said. "And, you're my sister. I would do anything for you. You're welcome for yesterday." Violetta stared at Ludmila, studying her face. "Ludmi, tell me what's going on."

"We already got in an argument." Violetta frowned, and hugged Ludmila from the side. "The second day back, and we already argued. I missed him so much these past weeks, and so did the twins, as young as they are. The twins have gotten so much bigger since the last time he saw them. I don't understand why me wanting him to help a little with the twins is such a big deal, since he hasn't been here for how many weeks?"

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