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"He's been a bit gassy lately, so don't forget to burp him," Violetta reminded Diego. "He's also running out of diapers—"

"I have a box of diapers," Diego interrupted Violetta. "He's going to be fine. He's been fine every time he's with me. Go relax, because you need it."

"He's also been really clingy lately. You'll have to hold until he's asleep and then some before you lay him down," Violetta responded. "Oh, and I've been trying to switch him to formula, so I've been added it to the breastmilk. There's some extra milk in the diaper bag, and you still have some right?"

"In my freezer, yeah," Diego grabbed Mateo from Violetta's arms. Mateo gave a smile as Diego held him. "Anything else?"

Violetta smiled at Diego, "The girl at the wedding, have you talked to her yet?"

"Go relax, and take a shower, I can smell you from here," Diego responded. Violetta's mouth dropped, and she glared at him. "Her name's Catalina, by the way," Diego shouted as Violetta was walking back next door.

"I hope you got that second date!" Violetta yelled back before walking into her and León's house.

Forty minutes later, Violetta walked out of the bathroom in just a towel as she went into her and León's bedroom. It was quiet in the house, since León took the girls to the park with Andres, Maxi and Ana.

She slid open a drawer, grabbing a shirt, a small silver chain falling out of the shirt. After getting dressed, Violetta picked it up seeing it was her first engagement ring, with two extra words engraved in it. It once read 'mi princesa' now it read 'mi princesa para siempre'

"What is that?" A voice interrupted Violetta's racing thoughts. Violetta turned around to see Ludmila.

"The ring León proposed—"

"He proposed again?" Ludmila interrupted, and covered his mouth from another outburst. "I hope you don't mind, but the twins are asleep in Mateo's pack and play downstairs."

"No, he didn't propose," Violetta told Ludmila. "I haven't seen this ring since I gave it back to him," Violetta quietly added, looking at the ring. "Do you think he's going to propose again?"

"He might. Wait, is that the chain he's been wearing?" Ludmila asked. Violetta looked at her, and back at the chain the ring was on, and nodded. "He's been wearing it since before the wedding. Has he been dropping hints, or asking you about your future together?"

"Ludmi, I'm not ready to get engaged again, let alone married," Violetta stated. "I know León and I are bound to get married again, but we only just got back together six months ago."

"You and León belong together, it's inevitable that you two are going to be together forever—"

"Para siempre," Violetta interrupted. She handed the ring to Ludmila, who gasped at it.

"Ay, this is gorgeous," Ludmila commented. "León is honestly the most romantic guy I've ever known," Ludmila added when she read the inscription. "Wait, I mean second, next to Fede," she corrected herself, handing the ring back to Violetta. "So you're not ready to get married?"

"I– I don't know. I am and I'm also not. Do I want to be with León for the rest of my life? Yes, of course. There is no doubt in my mind."

"And if he proposed?"

Violetta played with the ring in her palm. "I would say yes."

"Then you have nothing to worry about," Ludmila responded. "Now, all you have to do is wait for him to propose."

"Let's change the subject," Violetta said. "How are you holding up? It's been a week since the start of Fede's tour."

"Theoretically, everything is fine," Ludmila replied. "Realistically, this is the first time the twins have napped at the same time since he left. This is really hard, I don't get how there are single moms in the world that can raise kids and still have a job, and a social life."

"But you're not a single mom, and you're not alone," Violetta told Ludmila. "Federico is just a call away, and I'm sure the twins miss their father's voice. And if you want to, León and I wouldn't mind having you stay here for awhile."

"Please!" Ludmila immediately replied. "I mean, that would be nice, if León doesn't mind.  The twins just started teething, and I haven't gotten any sleep. They only stop crying when they hear Fede's songs, and I need help."

"I'll call León and tell him your staying over for awhile," Violetta said, grabbing her cell phone from the nightstand. "Before you ask, Mateo is at Diego's, which is why it's quiet and I was able to bathe," Violetta told Ludmila, before dialing León's number. "So, I'm helping you on my relaxation day." Ludmila gave Violetta a huge smile, and mouthed 'Thank you'.

"León, Violetta loves you, you must have not heard the entire thing," Maxi told León. "Sometimes you hear things out of context."

"She told Camila that she wasn't ready to get married again," León responded. "She said she was happy where she and I are at."

"Then why do you two need to be married?" Andres added. "You're happy, right?" León nodded. "And she's happy. And didn't things go south after you two got married?"

"Really, Andres?" Maxi questioned. "Andres is right, though. If you both are happy right where you are, why do you need to be married? She loves you, and will always love you. There's always been something magical between you and Violetta since you two met."

"I guess, you're right," León told Maxi. "It's Vilu," León said when his phone rang. He walked away from the two of them. "Hello?"

"León! I have a quick question," Violetta stated.

"Ask him about the—"

"Shh!" Violetta shushed Ludmila. "Do you care if Ludmila stays with us for a couple days? She's been having trouble with the twins since Fede's been back on tour."

"Is she going to be there for the rest of his tour?" León asked.

"No, just a couple days," Violetta responded. "To be honest, I wouldn't have suggested her staying until he comes back."

"Wow! León, nice hid—"

"Sorry. It's only for a couple of days, and she needs help," Violetta stated.

"She can stay," León told Violetta. "You didn't need to ask me."

"I know, but it's not just my house," Violetta responded. "I have to go. Te quiero."

"Yo también te quiero," León responded before he hung up.

i got excited and wrote the first chapter quickly. it's also one in the morning and i start writing this two hours ago. :)

i hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

i'm currently listening to descrubí, and trying not to sing along because i'm sleeping in the same room as two toddlers and i don't want to wake them up.

Q: Favorite ship other than leonetta?
A: I really like Fedemila, probably because i love ludmi and fede. idk.

her ex husband 2 (Leonetta)Where stories live. Discover now