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"Are you sure this isn't awkward or anything?" Catalina asked. Violetta shook her head pushing Mateo's stroller, the five month old was sleeping.

"Do you feel awkward?" Violetta asked. They were walking together to meet up with Francesca.

Catalina shrugged. "I feel awkward because it doesn't feel awkward. Shouldn't it be awkward being around your current boyfriend's ex?"

"Wait— you guys are in a relationship now?" Violetta questioned.

"Not yet— we haven't had the relationship talk yet, but we're acting like we're in one, right?"

"You and Diego are really good together," Violetta told Catalina, who smiled in response. "Diego and I had a lot of history together, I'm sure you already—"

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" Francesca said walking up to the two of them, smiling.

"Diego," Catalina and Violetta said simultaneously, and laughed.

"Like Diego, as a person, a father or a boyfriend?" Francesca questioned.

"He's technically all three," Catalina answered. "To be more specific, two out of the three—"

"Either you are suggesting that Diego is an alien, or you two haven't had the talk yet?" Francesca interrupted. Catalina smiled, sheepishly, at Francesca.

"It's not that I don't want to have the talk, it's just that— my last relationships ended because of their exes, they were either not over their ex, or their ex wasn't over them and ended up getting back together because of their history," Catalina responded.

"Vilu and I are the only people that has dated Diego, that we know of," Francesca replied. "And there's no way that Vilu and I would try and get back together with Diego. I'm married, and Vilu is enga—"

"Engaged to be engaged," Violetta interrupted. "And Diego isn't one to go back with an ex—" Francesca coughed. "We both were single before we got back together— but that doesn't matter."

"You're right," Catalina responded, then sighed. "If you really wanted to stay with Diego, you two would've been married right now?" Violetta nodded. "Since you both were with Diego for awhile, you know a lot about him?"

"I think Marco would know a lot more than we do," Violetta replied. Francesca agreed.

"Like Marco ever tells me anything," Catalina joked. "You guys must have embarrassing stories of him. Or Marco, so I can hold it against him whenever we go back to Mexico."

"Tell me your complete honest opinion," Diego said to Violetta. He was picking up Mateo for the week. "I know this was the first time you were ever alone with Lina."

"My opinion is she is really nice," Violetta replied. "My complete honest opinion is— you two are really good together, and she's really amazing."

"Quick question, if I were to ask her to be my girlfriend, are we moving too fast? We met a
little more than a month ago."

"If you are asking that, you might be moving too fast. But just go with your gut, because sometimes it's right," Violetta smiled.

"Thanks, Vilu," Diego responded. "What did you two talk about?"

"You know, just girl stuff," Violetta shrugged. "Maybe something about someone putting on a clown no—"

"I did that for you," Diego interrupted. "And no one had to find out about it."

Violetta smirked, "don't worry, Catalina loved it. She thought it was sweet how you cheered me up with it. How you carried it everywhere because you never knew when I needed to be cheered up." Diego gave a small warning look to Violetta. "Don't worry, Fran and I only told her stuff that would make her like you even more."

"You and Fran?!"

"We're the only two who can tell her how you are as a boyfriend, and she was smiling every time we told her something about you. So, if your gut is telling you to ask her to be your girlfriend, do it."

"My gut is telling me not to trust whatever you and Fran said."

Violetta let out a small laugh. "Trust me, we only told her some things about you that makes you an angel. Then Francesca proceeded to tell embarrassing stories about Marco, so Catalina can use them against her cousin."

"Did you tell her that he dressed similar to Francesca when they first met?" Diego asked. Violetta nodded. "You have to admit, it was adorable."

"It was, and I hate to do this, but I have to go get ready," Violetta glanced at the clock, and stood up from the couch.

"Hot date tonight?" Diego joked. "Are you going to be engaged tonight?"

"I'm not talking about being engaged with anyone right now, or even the thought of being married," Violetta answered. "It's been awhile since we were alone. You have Mateo, and my dad and Angie have the girls."

"Oh god, just don't be loud and obnoxious neighbors," Diego said. Violetta laughed. "And if you are, just make sure you're safe, Mateo is too young to be an older brother."

"Just as long as you're safe."


Violetta sat beside León as they were drinking glasses of wine. Instead out going out to eat, like they originally planned, they decided to stay at home and be in a quiet house together. They were both sitting on the couch with their pajamas on.

"You're still wearing the ring," León pointed out. He secretly wished, deep down, that she would be ready for them to get engaged again.

"It's such a beautiful ring, I love wearing it on this chain," Violetta replied. "I can't picture it on my hands right now."

"Vilu, if we forget about our marriage in the past, would you be wearing it on your hand now?"

Violetta glanced at León. He had a serious face, and she sighed. "I don't know. León, I love you, always have and always will. It's just, I did just end an engagement months ago, and—"

"I understand," León interrupted.

"Do you?" Violetta questioned. "Because you tell me you understand everything. I ended an engagement to be with you, León. It was the right choice, because I could only be happy for so long if I married Diego. I am one hundred percent sure that I want to get married again. I want to get married to you again. But every time we talk about this ring or our future, I feel like you are rushing me into a decision. A decision that could honestly be a wrong one if we don't wait."

"A wrong decision? Are we a wrong decision? Was it a wrong decision for me to come back to Buenos Aires? I chose you over extending my contract. I will choose you over anything, Violetta. But, would you choose me?"

"León, can we not fight? All I am asking for is for you not to bring up the pending engagement. I am wearing the ring, aren't I?"

"We're not fighting, mi amor. I'm just asking you about your—"

"My decision is I want to wait until the time is right. Mateo is only five months, and I ended an engagement eight months ago, and all that is on my mind is Mateo, the girls, you, helping Ludmi with the twins, helping Fede with his surprise in a couple weeks, planning Ludmi's birthday. The last thing I need right now, is you rushing me into a decision. Yes, you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. But that's what I wanted ten years ago, too, but that didn't turn out so good. Please, just understand why I can't accept your proposal now."

Omg. I haven't updated this since April 23. And it's almost 3 in the morning. :)

This feels rushed, but it's like the tenth version of this chapter, and I needed to update this book.

Q: How old are you guys?
A: I'm 19, which I just realize that I have like nine months of being a teenager left😭.

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