f o u r

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Violetta knocked on her father's door, waiting for an answer. She usually had a key, but she didn't drive, and she was carrying Mateo and his diaper bag. And a box. María and Sofia were running around the front yard.

"Violetta!" Angie exclaimed seeing her niece/step-daughter. She grabbed Mateo from Violetta's arms.

"Thank you for watching Mateo and the girls tonight," Violetta thanked Angie. "It's been awhile since everyone saw each other, and—"

"I'm happy to be seeing them," Angie said. "And Ludmila already dropped off the twins." Angie motioned behind her. Herman was sitting at the table with two high chairs, and baby food on his white shirt.

"Are you sure you two can watch three infants?" Violetta asked. Angie nodded. "Okay. If Mateo does act up, María does calm him down with his little monkey. Also, I realized we were running low on diapers, so we stopped by and got a small box of diapers."

"Everything's going to be fine, Vilu. Tell Camila happy birthday from me," Angie told Violetta who nodded, setting the diaper bag and box of diapers down.

"Woah, is that your engagement ring?" Camila asked, pointing to the chain around Violetta's neck. Violetta nodded. "Is that the same one he first proposed with?" Violetta nodded again. "He kept it all these years?"

"So he actually proposed?" Francesca asked.

"León proposed?" Ludmila exclaimed. "Finally. It's about—!"

"No, we're not engaged. We're just taking it slow this time. And—"

"That would've been the best birthday present," Camila frowned. "I mean, unless I found out I am pregnant again."

"You're pregnant?" Violetta and Francesca asked at the same time. Camila tried to keep a straight face. Ludmila stared at Camila before she cracked a smile.

"I took a pregnancy test this morning, and it was positive," Camila told the three of them. Then motioned them to stay quiet as Broduey, Andrés and León came walking back to the table.

"We got some drinks, and we made sure to get a soda for Fran," Broduey said.

"Oh, thank you," Francesca smiled.

"I don't feel like drinking tonight," Camila lied. "Could you get me a water with ice?" She asked, and he happily obliged.

"Sorry we're late. My mom thought she was babysitting tomorrow night, instead of tonight," Maxi said as he pulled out a chair for Naty. "Happy Birthday Cami."

"Thank you, guys." Camila smiled. Broduey came back, setting a glass of water in front of Camila. "Fran, when is Marco coming?"

"He went to pick up Diego and Lina. He should be here soon," Francesca replied, looking at the time on her phone. She looked up. "Is that Gery and Clement?"

Camila turned around seeing the couple by the door and waved them over. "Oh, I forgot I ran into them a couple days ago. I invited them since we never see them anymore."

"Hey everybody," Clement said as he sat down beside Gery. "It feels like forever since I've seen you guys."

"Didn't you two move to France?" Ludmila asked.

"We're just visiting his dad and Jade for a couple weeks," Gery told Ludmila. "Letting them see their grandkids."

"You guys have kids?" Naty asked, a bit too loudly. "I'm sorry."

"We have four kids, two sets of twins," Clement told everyone. Everyone's jaws kind of dropped.

"We're finally here!" Marco announced as he walked into the buffet restaurant. "Sorry, we're late, but someone thought it was at five and wasn't ready."

Catalina raised her hands. "In my defense, that's the time Diego told me. You or Fran could have told me the real time."

"Whatever, I'm starving, and I wanted to wait until everyone was here before we started eating," Camila said while standing up. "What?" Camila asked when everyone stared at her. On cue, everyone shouted 'Happy Birthday!' Camila smiled, and thanked everyone. "Now can we eat?"

Everyone stood up to go to the buffet. Camila wanted to have her birthday dinner at a buffet so that there would be no waitress or waiter having to deal with a huge party of people.

"Fran, can I ask you a quick question?" Catalina asked as she and Fran were the last ones in line for the buffet.

"Anything. What is it?"

"Did you and Diego use to date?" Catalina asked. "Marco kind of told me, but— sorry. I thought he just dated Violetta."

"We dated for a couple years, yeah," Francesca told Catalina. "Don't worry, I don't have any feelings for him, or whatever."

"I hope you don't, since you're married to my cousin," Catalina responded, giving Francesca a smile. "I don't have to worry about any crazy exes, do I?"

"The last people he dated are either married, or are almost engaged. Before Vilu and I, I'm not sure about any crazy exes. The only crazy person in his life is probably his dad," Francesca joked.

"How have you been?" Clement asked Violetta. "I haven't seen you since—"

"Everything's been good," Violetta interrupted. "How's France, and Gery?"

"Everything is perfect." Clement responded, glancing at his wife talking with León and Diego. "I'm actually thinking of taking her on a second honeymoon. But she hates being away from the kids."

"Instead of taking her on a second honeymoon, you could just take her out on a day-date while you're here in Buenos Aires. Jade and your dad will most likely babysit for you, and you could plan a whole day just for you and her, and at the end of the day, have family time," Violetta suggested.

"That's not a bad idea."

Everything had sat back at the table, having their little conversations to the people closest to them.

"Ludmi, how's Noah and Emma?" Naty asked. "I haven't seen them in awhile."

"They're both teething, and I've become a recluse never leaving my house. It is so hard taking care of two infants by myself," Ludmila replied. "Vilu, do you think dad and Angie would watch them overnight?"

"Marco and I can watch them!" Francesca told Ludmila.

"What?" Marco interrupted.

"It'll be good practice," Francesca told Marco, who eventually agreed.

"Guys! I have an announcement!" Camila announced before standing up. Everyone looked around confused, and then glanced at Broduey who shrugged in response. "Okay, first I want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate my twenty-ninth birthday with me. Second, I love everything that everyone gave me, but Broduey gave me the best gift, and it's a gift for him also, because he is my other half. I'm pregnant."

After Camila finished her little speech, everyone clapped and cheered. And went on congratulating her and Broduey.

i didn't update last week, and I'm sorry. It was just writer's block/laziness/excitedly writing another book that took up my mind.

I remember saying that Gery and Clement were going to make an appearance in the first book but they never did. So I decided to let them appear for awhile.

Also, here is some self-promo.
I have a new Violetta book out called The Arrangement . It's dieletta because that ship made more sense for the book. the first part of already out, and the book is going to have one update every two weeks until June-ish/July-ish.

So Catalina is actually in the book now, and everyone likes her. :)

Q: what was your favorite friendship in Violetta?
A: I loved the Federico and Violetta friendship. And the Fran/Cami/Vilu friendship bc who doesn't (as I listen to Veo Veo at 2 in the morning)

Hope you guys liked the update. I try and update once a week, but I had writer's block for this chapter. Btw, this is the fifth version of chapter four.

Also it's 2 in the morning on Monday, and I have a 9 am class tmrw. So idk if I'm going to wake up for it.🙄😂

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