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FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!" was read on a pink banner across the trees in León and Violetta's backyard. Cheetah print and pink balloons surrounded it.

Violetta stood a few feet away, and looked at it. "What do you think?" She asked the pregnant woman beside her. Francesca studied it for a few seconds.

"It's very Ludmi," Francesca responded. "What time did you tell her to come by?"

"Six," Violetta replied. "Fede's planes lands at in an hour, and León is picking him up. It gives Fede some time to do whatever and plan his surprise."

"Please tell me he's going to climb out of a giant cake! That'll be the best thing ever," Francesca laughed.

"I would agree, but finding a giant cake right now would be difficult. He already has a present, which he hasn't told anyone about, but he needs help with the surprise entrance," Violetta paused. "Quoting him 'One that makes Ludmila cry'."

"That's rude," Francesca added. "She's going to cry anyways because he's been gone for almost two months. He could just walk outside and she'll start crying."

"That's true, but you know Fede."

"True, but maybe we should tell him to a simple entrance to his wife's birthday party. He's here for two weeks until he leaves."

"And he's gone for four more months," Violetta added. "I'll have León tell him about a simple entrance, and he can save the big one for when he comes back." Francesca nodded, agreeing. "You want to ask something, I see it in your face."

"You and León seem really happy together now, and you're still wearing the ring as a necklace," Francesca said in one breath.

"Just because we're happy doesn't mean we need to get engaged again," Violetta responded. "I just don't want what happened before to happen aga—"

"But it won't," Francesca interrupted. "Look, I've known you two for a long time. When you first got married, you guys were so young. And then you got pregnant after many times of losing a baby, you became one of those overprotective parent who only you and León could watch or hold. You and León, then, had so many arguments about everything, but you two didn't even think about marriage counseling or whatever, and you two went through a divorce which really wasn't necessary." Violetta remained quiet, taking in her best friend's words. "If you two had thought about counseling and helping your marriage, you two would've made it through and not gotten an unnecessary divorce."

"And the girls wouldn't have travelled a lot like I did, and León and I could've still be together for the last six years," Violetta added quietly.

"That could've happened, but let's not think about the past, because without the divorce, you wouldn't have had Mateo," Francesca quickly interjected. "Don't think of the past. It is a big part of our lives, but it's all in the past. Think about the future, the one with you and León getting married again. Becoming Violetta Vargas again. Possibly having more children."

"Do you think that's what León wants?" Violetta asked.

"I can't read minds, Vilu," Francesca joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Why don't we go to your father's and get the cake Olga made?"

"Yeah, that'll be good," Violetta said. Francesca waved Marco to her and Violetta. Marco left Diego and León alone with the hanging streamers.

"Vilu and I are going to get the cake. Please don't let anything happen when we're gone," Francesca told her husband. "And León is probably going to leave before we come back, and it's just Maria, Sofia and Mateo, and Diego's here."

Violetta stood behind Ludmila as she led her step-sister into the middle of the backyard with a blindfold. Violetta gave a small thumbs up to León, who motioned Federico to come out.

Ludmila heard the first strings of Ti Credo and froze when a voice started singing. She reached up and pulled the blindfold off. Tears in her eyes as she saw her husband for the first time since they said goodbye at the airport.

Maxi was in charge of recording the sweet moment between Ludmila and Federico. Once Federico stopped playing, he was eventually standing in front of Ludmila, he pulled Ludmila into a tight hug.

"Feliz Cumple, mi supernova," Federico whispered into Ludmila's ear. They stayed hugging for a minute before they pulled away. Violetta tapped Federico's back, and handed him the envelope with Ludmila's birthday present. No one knew what was in there, except Federico. "Ludmila Ferro, is a name I had given to a star," Federico looked up at the night sky. "And it only makes sense if I name two other stars." He pulled out two folders from the envelope. "Two smaller stars are near your star, and they just happened to be named Emma and Noah."

Ludmila's mouth dropped, memories rushing through her mind when Federico named a star after her and showed her while they were in Seville.

Ludmila's mouth dropped, memories rushing through her mind when Federico named a star after her and showed her while they were in Seville

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"I love you so much," Ludmila squealed, hugging her husband again. Everyone, then, started to cheer. Before they pulled away, Federico pulled his wife into a quick passionate kiss.

León stayed outside longer, cleaning off the tables, throwing everything away in the large black trashcan. Federico walked outside, after Ludmila had fallen asleep with the twins in the guest rooms.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Federico asked. León shook his head, ripping off the plastic tablecloths off and tossing them into the trashcan. "León, I am not stupid. You have something on your mind, and I'm positive it's about Vilu."

"It's really nothing. I understand why she doesn't want to get engaged so soon. But she's wearing the engagement ring around her neck, but I would rather see it on her hand."

"You understand?" Federico asked, León nodded. "If you truly understood, it wouldn't be a problem. You love Violetta and she loves you, and there is no reason why you two need to get married, or even be engaged. Maybe you two are not meant to be married. You two may be better together, but why do you need to get engaged."

"I guess you're right," León responded.

"Just listen, and don't say anything. You and Violetta did get married once, and you two started fighting and the only solution you two had was a divorce, when you two could've went through counseling. You didn't understand why Violetta was so overprotective about María, but León, Violetta went through multiple miscarriages. It was hard for Violetta to leave María alone with anyone but you or her. Now, I hear you two are fighting about getting engaged. Just let the woman breathe, she just had a kid and ended an engagement."

León remained quiet, letting Federico's words sink in.

"I love Violetta, I would wait a million years for her."

"Maybe I am ready to get engaged again," Violetta told Francesca over the phone. "I just kept replaying your words from today. And I love León and I want to be with him forever."

I want to finish this book, but then again I don't because it's the sequel to my first Violetta fan-fiction.

Idk, but I always got Violetta and León contradicting one another. But it makes the story keep going.

Also I can't sleep, so why not update? (This is why I like summer vacation.)

Q: iPhone or Android? (idk what to ask anymore)
A: iPhone. And usually people say, you wouldn't say iPhone if you had an Android, but I've had both, and prefer iPhone. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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