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"There's my little man," Violetta cooed when she grabbed Mateo from Diego's arms. "How was he?" Violetta questioned, sitting on the couch, holding her son up.

"He's getting better at sleeping during the night," Diego replied. "And he drank his first all formula bottle last night, with no problems at all."

"Really?" Violetta asked, Diego nodded. "Thank god!" Violetta exclaimed. Diego laughed, Mateo made a loud gargling noise.

"Was it that bad, breast feeding?" Diego questioned.

"You don't even know. I'm glad we switched him to formula before he started teething," Violetta told Diego, who made a face in response. "Anyways, can I ask you something?"

"I know it's about Catalina," Diego replied. Violetta nodded slightly. "What about her?"

"She seems nice," Violetta stated.

"She is nice. Vilu, I know you, you really want to know something about her, what is it?" Diego responded.

"I care about you, Diego, and I want you to be happy. I really hope she is the one to make you happy," Violetta told Diego. "Or is that too much for me to say?"

"I care for your opinion, Vilu." Diego replied. "If you or anyone doesn't like Catalina, there's a reason, and you guys are my friends. But she and I only started seeing each other, and I want to see where it goes."

"Does she know about Mateo?" Violetta curiously asked, bouncing Mateo with her arms.

"She does, and when Marco came over after he and Fran got back, he brought her," Diego said. "Mateo likes her."

"Babies are the best judge of character," Violetta stated. "And if she get's his approval that's a good thing."

Diego smiled, "After you asking me a personal question, how are you and León?"

"We're good, thank you," Violetta responded.

"Anything happened within the past weeks?" Diego asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Violetta questioned. "Do you know about León wanting to propose?" Violetta quietly asked.

"You know?"

"I saw the engagement ring, and overheard a conversation between León, Fran, Fede and Ludmila," Violetta told Diego. "It's not that hard to figure out."

"I hope me asking didn't ruin anything," Diego added.

"If anyone ruined it, it probably was me," Violetta quietly replied. "You know what, maybe we're not ready to go to the next step, it's—"

"You two love each other, you two will always be together, nothing or no one will be able to come between your love for each other," Diego interrupted. "Trust me, I know." There was a silence between the two adults, Mateo garbling. "I should get going, Catalina invited me for drinks," Diego said before standing up.

"Have fun!" Violetta said before Diego left.

"Mateo!" María ran into the living room stopping in front of her mother and brother. "Hi baby brother," Maria cooed letting Mateo grab her hand. "When can he play with me and Sof?"

"He's still to little, María," Violetta told her oldest. "Maybe once he can sit up on his own."

"But he's sitting up now," María responded.

"But I'm holding him up," Violetta replied. Maria let out a little 'oh'.

"When is dad and Sofia coming back?" Maria asked. "I'm bored." Maria jumped on to the couch dramatically and sighed.

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