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"What's on your mind?" Violetta asked Camila. The two were free and met after Violetta dropped the girls off with her father, and Mateo was with Diego and Catalina.

"It's just hitting me that I'm going to have three kids. Two toddlers and a baby," Camila responded. It's been a two months since Camila announced she was pregnant with her and Broduey's third child. "Val is finally over the terrible two's, and Antonio is almost two. We just wanted another baby while our other children are still babies."

"You guys can handle it. I mean, you two have handled each other for the past couple years," Violetta joked. Camila gave a fake-laugh and playfully glared at Violetta. "Your children are close in age, that's better than have children with huge age gaps, you know what I mean?" Camila agreed.

"What about you? What's on your mind?" Camila asked. "You haven't worn the chain in how long, and the ring isn't on your finger yet?"

Violetta sighed. "I haven't worn it in three weeks. I know León probably wants to surprise me again, but it's been sitting on my jewelry box for the last three weeks. If I moved it, you'd know where it was by the dust."

"I'm sure he's noticed it," Camila responded. "But you should be patient, knowing León, it's going to be a romantic surprise. He's probably planning the sweetest and most romantic proposal ever."

"I just want to be with him for the rest of my life," Violetta smiled. "He could just ask me in the middle of the night in our pajamas and I would say yes. I want to be Violetta Vargas again."

"Aren't you still technically, Violetta Vargas? I mean, you didn't change your name back to just Castillo," Camila added. "You've been Violetta Castillo-Vargas the almost a decade."

"Can I tell you something?" Violetta questioned.

"I sure hope you can, I am your best friend," Camila joked.

"I never changed my name back to just Castillo after León and I divorced because I kind of knew that León and I would end up together again eventually," Violetta told Camila. "It was inevitable and—"

"But you were engaged to Diego," Camila interrupted.

"I know," Violetta added. "I was going to drop his last name before Diego and I got married, but that never happened. And I got back together with León, so what was the point of dropping his last name? Because I knew we were going to be together for the rest of our lives. That's why everyone knew how I felt about León when he came back. We are always finding our way back to each other."

"Fede! How's the tour going?" Violetta asked when she answered her phone. "You're in London, right?"

"We just left London," Federico responded. "But it was amazing, Vilu. Performing in front of so many people is just- this is what I was meant to be doing."

"I know, being on stage felt like being at home," Violetta agreed. "You never call me this early, what's up?"

"Before I say anything, I want to apologize really quick," Federico rambled.

"Fede, what did you do?" Violetta asked. "Wait, do I want to know what you did?"

"Before Ludmila's party, we were talking, and you told me not to—"

"Fede," Violetta interrupted.

"Not to talk to León, no matter how much I wanted to talk to him," Federico continued. "You just told me everything you felt about you and León. I couldn't help but talk to him about it."

"Federico, what did you do?"

"I'm sorry. I just asked him to see it from your point of view, and gave him more reasons of why you wanted to wait. And I didn't really think I would be able to change his mind, but I might've changed his mind," Federico finished.

"I asked you not to talk to him about that because he actually listens to you—"

"That's why he asked. . ." Federico trailed off into a whisper. Violetta caught what he said.

"He asked who?" Violetta questioned.

"She's going to kill me now," Federico answered. "I can't be in between you guys while being in a different country."

"He asked Francesca?" Violetta asked. "Francesca is the only person to change my mind by making me think things over constantly. I cannot believe him."

"Oh no, Vilu, please don't be mad!"

"I'm not mad, Fede. It's just— he asked Francesca to change my mind?"

"But you still want to get engaged before anyways," Federico added. "At least, that's what you told me."

"I have to go, Fede," Violetta said goodbye and ended the call.

"León, you should just propose now," Francesca told him. "I mean, she's ready, and you're ready."

"No, you convinced her she was ready," León responded. "I'm sorry I asked you to help, but it's just better if we just wait until we both are actually ready."

"You're ready, yes?" Francesca questioned. León sighed.

"But she's not. If—"

"If she wasn't ready, I wouldn't have been able to convince her, and you know it. Violetta is stubborn, but she'll be convinced if she agrees with it. She wants to be married again."

"I suppose you are right," León told Francesca.

"When am I not right?" Francesca asked. "Don't answer that," she quickly added. "You two deserve to be happy. Just do it before you two change your mind again."

León ended the phone call, and slid his phone into his pocket before going towards his and Violetta's bedroom. The bedroom was empty, and he walked towards Violetta's vanity. Looking at the top of jewelry box. The chain wasn't there. He dug into her jewelry box, the chain and engagement ring was gone. He checked behind the vanity, in case it had fell, nothing except some coins. The ring was gone. León looked around the bedroom, wondering where it had gone. He saw it there in the morning, and after lunch, and after dinner.

León looked up when he heard Violetta cough. The chain was hanging in her hand, and the ring was in the middle of her palm. "We need to talk."

Okay, I haven't updated in like three weeks and I wrote this in like an hour.

I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, but let's hope I can update the next chapter soon, but my soon is like in the next two weeks because school started for me.

Also, I wanted to write a nice friendship scene between Camila and Violetta because I feel like it's underrated. But it was one of my favorite friendships on the show.

What do you think is gonna happen next?

Q: What's your top three favorite songs at the moment?
A: Escondida (Jorge Blanco), Nadie Como Tu (Soy Luna), and Monster Amongst Men (5sos).

tbh, I've been listening to Soy Luna soundtrack a lot lately. And I'm already halfway done with the first season...

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