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León sat on the edge of the bed, holding a sleeping Emma. Violetta and the girls were still sleeping, and Ludmila was just barely awake with a now-sleeping Noah.

León walked back into the guest room, seeing Ludmila on the verge of passing out. "She's asleep," León told Ludmila, who mumbled a thank you. León laid Emma on the bed where she slept during the night.

"León?" Ludmila called out before he left the room. León replied with a quick 'yeah'. "I thought you were going to propose to Vilu. What happened?"

"I— Nothing happened, I thought we should just not rush into anything, we're fine where we're at," León responded. Ludmila looked at him, and gave him a smile.

"I guess you're right, maybe you should hide the engagement ring better," Ludmila added.

"Did Violetta see it?" León quickly asked. "I don't want her to see it and think that I'm trying to ask her soon."

"No, she didn't," Ludmila lied. "But she could've. So either ask fast, or hide it better."

"I think you should get some sleep before thing one and thing two wake up, because I only feel nice right now," León joked.

"My children are not little monsters with blue hair!" Ludmila quickly responded, throwing a pillow at León, missing as he walked out of the guest room.

"How was the honeymoon?" Violetta asked when she opened her front door and saw Francesca. Francesca laughed, and walked into the house.

"It was great, Marco and I had such an amazing time. We first went to Italy, and ended up in London," Francesca told Violetta. "Is that Emma?" Francesca questioned, looking at the baby in Violetta's arms. "Where's Mateo?"

"Yeah, Ludmila's staying with us for a couple days. And Matty's at Diego's," Violetta responded. "Where's Marco?"

"He's at Diego's," Francesca replied. "Diego apparently has another date with his cousin."

"Diego has a date with who?" León asked walking into the living room. "Are you two intervening?" He handed Emma's bottle to Violetta.

"Wow, León, I can't believe you think me and Violetta are capable to intervene with people's love lives," Francesca said. León only replied with a look. "Actually, it's just Marco intervening. So don't give me or Violetta that look."

"Is that Tia Fran?!" Sofia ran into the living room, her older sister quickly following her.

"Did you bring anything back?" Maria asked after hugging Francesca.

"Maybe, you'll see when you visit me and Marco," Francesca replied, giving them a big smile. The girls squealed, and jumped around before running back into their playroom.

"– she's right here," Ludmila spoke while walking into the living room, holding her phone and Noah. Ludmila sat beside Violetta, and pointed the camera towards Emma, so that Federico could see her.

"Emma!" Federico exclaimed. Emma looked around for the voice, and then stared at her mother's phone screen. Her eyes lit up, and she leaned towards the phone, Violetta making sure she didn't lean to far forward. "I miss them so much."

"We miss you, too," Ludmila responded. "Just twenty-something weeks left."

"Doesn't Fede have a—" Violetta and León looked at Francesca, Violetta mouthing 'be quiet.'

"It can't come faster," Federico replied. "I'm just glad the tour ends before their birthday."

"Me too," Ludmila agreed.

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