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León looked up when he heard Violetta cough. The chain was hanging in her hand, and the ring was in the middle of her palm. "We need to talk."

León stared at Violetta before he slowly got to his feet. "I guess you realized that I haven't touched the ring since you stopped wearing it," León lied. "I couldn't have you knowing when I was planning the proposal."

"You planned it already?" Violetta gushed. "I didn't ruin the surprise, did I?" Violetta pouted, sitting on the bed.

"No," León responded. "You just know it's soon, but you have no idea what I planned. You're going to love it," León added sitting beside Violetta.

Violetta smiled in response. "You know what I love, León?"

"Me? The kids? Our friends?"

Violetta shook her head at all of León's corny answers. "I love when people tell me the truth. I mean, why do people have to lie? I did tell a couple of lies before, but they only got me in trouble. Lies just lead to trouble, you know? I should know that better than anyone."

León nodded, in agreement, adding, "Sometimes a little white lie is necessary."

"Really?" Violetta chuckled. "But sometimes a little white lie, isn't exactly a little white lie."

"What are you talking about?" León questioned.

"León, I have a question for you." León hummed in response. "León, you know I love you, right? And I do want to be your wife again, eventually. I mean, we're not even thirty yet, but we know we want to be together for the rest of our lives. There is no one else I see myself growing old with."

"Where are you going with this?" León asked.

"Nowhere," Violetta answered. "But, I have one more question. It's a simple question, and I think you know the right answer."

"Okay?" León was confused. He watched as Violetta settled herself on the bed, and she had the chain in her hand. She wouldn't let it fall out.

"We've been together for awhile, you know me better than anyone else," Violetta paused. "But maybe Fran know me a little bit better. I mean, of course she does, since you asked her to talk to me about the pending engagement of ours."

León's face fell. He knew asking Francesca to do this, was a mistake, but he couldn't take it back. León should've known Violetta would eventually find out. She always eventually finds out.

"Are you not going to respond?" Violetta asked, before shaking her head. "I cannot believe you asked her to do that."

"What else was I supposed to do?" León responded. "We're not getting any younger—"

"Be patient. That's what you could've done. Just be patient. We are going to get married again, because we are both ready, but why does it have to be so soon? 'We aren't getting any younger,' but what does age have to do with getting married. León, you and I got married when were still teenagers. Now, we're both adults with children, and maybe— maybe now we're actually ready to be married again," Violetta trailed out the last sentence looking at León. "I— León, I'm one hundred percent ready to get married again."

"Are you sure?" León asked.

"One hundred percent. León, I—"

"So you're not mad at me?" León interrupted. Violetta laughed, shaking her head.

"I still am, but I wouldn't be if you— hold on," Violetta lifted the ring and chain, and unhooked the chain sliding the ring off. "Here," she added, handing the engagement ring to León.

"Right now?" Violetta nodded in response. "Oh, okay." León stood up from the bed, to kneel in front of Violetta. "Violetta Castillo, the mother of my two daughters, mi princesa para siempre, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife, again?"

"Is that all you can do?"

León gave Violetta an 'really?' look, that made Violetta smile. "Sorry, there would've been some fireworks and doves if you would've been patient," León joked.

"I'd love to be your wife again," Violetta responded. "Only if you want to be my husband again."

"I'd always say yes to that," León said sliding the engagement ring on Violetta's ring finger. "Still a perfect fit."

Violetta leaned down, and pressed her lips against León's in a sweet, yet passionate kiss. When they both pulled away, both León and Violetta had a huge smile on their faces.

"I have to go pick the girls up from my dad's," Violetta announced, somewhat in a haze. "I'll be back soon," Violetta added before leaving León alone in their bedroom.

León watched as Violetta left, and his heart almost jumped out to follow her. They were finally engaged again, and León couldn't be any happier, neither could Violetta.

This is a short chapter, but this book is almost over. 😕 I've also been super busy with classes, even though I take two. 😑 I just get distracted easily.

I made new covers for this book and the first book. I swear I change covers more than I update.

Q: Do you guys hate when you exit apps and accidentally exit out of your music app?
A: I absolutely hate it, and I just did it. And I couldn't think of a question.

I hope you guys like this chapter!

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