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"Can you believe we did this again?" Violetta questioned, straightening out the bottom of her dress. She looked at León from the passenger seat, and he had a big smile on his face.

"It feels like everything is finally put in place," León responded as he pulled out of the driveway of Herman's house. They dropped off the girls off with Violetta's dad. Gregorio was watching Mateo for the night while everyone was going to Francesca and Marco's house.

"We're going to have to tell them eventually," Violetta told León. "Before one of the girls say anything, at least."

"But not at Francesca and Marco's gender reveal party," León said.

"They're surprising the godparents, and we have no idea who they are," Violetta added. León put all of his focus onto parking the car. Violetta noticed, and something clicked. "You know who the padrinos are, don't you?"

"I know nothing about anything," León said putting the car in park. "I just know that Francesca planned this party so we, as in everyone, can find out who are the godparents of their child."

"You're just guilting me to not ask you anymore," Violetta responded, unbuckling her seatbelt. "But you do know, don't you?"

"I know as much as you do, Vilu," León lied, turning the car off. "They're going to tell us in like a couple minutes anyways."

Violetta nodded, understandingly. "Wait, what if they notice—?" Violetta held her hand up, the band and engagement on her ring finger. "Camila can notice the tiniest of things."

"We can take the rings off for the night," León told Violetta. She was twisting both the wedding band and engagement ring around her finger, and eventually sighed.

"It's Francesca and Marco's gender reveal, they won't notice," Violetta hoped. It's been almost six years since she'd had both rings on, and she didn't want to take them off anytime soon, or at all.

"Finally!" Francesca complained when Violetta and León walked in. "You guys are late," she said. Francesca was now in her last trimester, her baby bump easily visible. Her and Naty's due date was three weeks apart.

"You said five, it's four fifty-five," León responded.

"Francesca runs ten minutes earlier than everyone else," Ludmila said, leaning against kitchen door. "Now, can we find out the gender, and that either Vilu or Cami is the godmother?"

"Why do you assume it's either Vilu or I?" Camila questioned. Camila's baby bump was barely visible, but it was there.

"Am I wrong?" Ludmila asked.

"You could be wrong, the godmother could be Lina, she is Marco's cousin," Camila responded. Catalina, heard her name and looked towards the group.

"She's actual family, she's a blood aunt. The godmother is obviously you or Vilu," Ludmila said. "We could bet on it."

"You're not betting on the godparents of my daughter," Francesca said, and covered her mouth. "I'm sorry, Marco." Francesca quickly apologized to her husband.

"You've kept it for two weeks, I'm proud of you," Marco yelled from the kitchen. "But what are we going to do with the glitter bombs?"

"Glitter bombs?" Violetta asked, wearily.

"We can still do it," Francesca smiled. Everyone looked at the Italian woman uneasy. "The godparents were going to be the only ones with pink, while everyone else got silver."

"You and Marco were going to shoot Glitter bombs in your house?" Diego questioned.

"Were going? No, we are going to," Marco said coming out of the kitchen with many hand sized Glitter cannons.

"That's going to be a mess that you're still going to clean after a year," Naty added. "You don't want that."

"Maybe I do," Francesca responded, then thought it through. "Fine, everyone outside in the backyard."

"Can I just stay in here?" Ludmila asked, but Francesca grabbed her hand guiding her outside.

Marco handed out small glitter cannons to everyone, and stood beside Francesca. "On the count of three, pull the—"

"I swear, Ludmila if you pull the string earlier I will hunt you down," Francesca warned. Ludmila mumbled something inaudible. "One. . . Two. . ."

"Three!" Everyone shouted excitedly, pulling the strings off their glitter cannons. Violetta and León both had pink glitter surrounding them.

"I told you it was Vilu!" Ludmila said when she saw Violetta had pink glitter. Everyone crowded each other, the newly expecting parents in the middle, with a group hug.

"Thank you for staying to help clean up," Francesca told Violetta.

"León wanted to help, I wanted to go back home and watch Aladdin," Violetta joked. "It was a nice party. I'm very happy that you made León and I the godparents of your daughter."

"Of course I made you the madrina. I didn't make you the godmother because I am María's and Mateo's," Francesca started. "Violetta, you are my best friend, and without you, I wouldn't be able to say you are going to be my daughter's godmother. I don't think I would even be married to Marco if it wasn't for you running into him." Violetta looked away, and smiled.

"I love you, Fran," Violetta said hugging the pregnant woman. "Which is why I can't lie to you," Violetta started, as she pulled away from the hug. "León and I got married."

"You're funny, only two weeks ago you guys weren't even engaged," Francesca responded. Violetta grabbed Francesca's hand, and Francesca got a glimpse of the rings on Violetta's hand. "You're kidding. How? And why didn't I get an invite? Or even be a bridesmaid?"

Violetta chuckled. "I found out about León's plan, that you helped with—"

"I'm sorry. But you guys are now married, so it shouldn't really matter," Francesca quickly interrupted, smiling.

"You're the only person who can make my deep feelings come up, and I realized that I do want to be married to León again. So we got engaged again, and yesterday we went to the city hall, and we got married again," Violetta concluded. "And now I'm back to being Violetta Vargas."

Francesca tsked. "You were always Violetta Vargas because someone was too lazy to change her name back to just Castillo."

"It worked out, now I don't have to change it again," Violetta added, with a smile. Her ex husband was now just her husband.

I decided this was a good last chapter, because I want to focus on school, and my other stories. There might be an epilogue. It might be a jumble of stuff happening that I can't write as a whole chapter, i.e., Federico coming back from tour, Fedemila's twins' first birthday, Francesca giving birth, as well as Camila and Naty.

I seriously debated whether or not to go on a hiatus. Because I am super busy with school, babysitting, and family stuff. But I love writing, and I want to continue writing. And writing stories relieves stress sometimes. I added more stories to my drafts, but who knows if I'll actually upload them or not.

It is also almost a year since I uploaded the prologue of Her Ex Husband, aka my first Violetta Fanfiction. It's gonna be a year on Oct 23. 😊

Q: What's your favorite animal?
A: I like llamas, even though I've never seen one in real life. I have a llama blanket, four llama pajama pants, two llama pajama shirts and a stuffed llama.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :)

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