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Every day for the past three weeks, León has noticed Violetta's engagement ring on her jewelry box. Untouched, unmoved, but León stared at it when he woke up, and before he slept. He couldn't help it.

He should be happy that Violetta wanted to finally get engaged, but after his and Federico's talk, he finally changed his mind and decided to wait for Violetta. He finally understood how Violetta felt.

"Do you remember the favor I asked?" León asked into the microphone on his phone. Francesca sighed from the other end.

"You ask me a lot of favors. You have other friends, you know?" Francesca responded. "Does this one include a certain person?"

"You talked to her, didn't you?" León questioned.

"I talk to her everyday."

"At Ludmila's party, you talked to Vilu."

"Is this about you asking me to try and persuade my best friend to get engaged?" Francesca asked. "Because she does want to now, right? She called me that night saying she was ready. Are you planning on doing it soon? Do you need a babysitter because Marco and—"

"You actually convinced her?" León interrupted. "Wait, a minute. How did you convince her? And why didn't you tell me before?"

"Was I supposed to tell you? Wouldn't you know when you saw the ring laying around somewhere?" Francesca responded. "Are you having second thoughts now? León—"

"It would've been nice if you told me that day."

"She called me before I fell asleep. Was I really supposed to text or call you after she did? You just asked me to convince her that getting engaged is a good thing, not to tell you when she thinks it is," Francesca paused. "Is this you telling me that you want to wait? Because you're a pretty impatient person."

"I finally understood why Violetta didn't want to get engaged, and once I fully understand why, she wants to get engaged again?"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Francesca asked. "You still want to get engaged to her, right?"

"We just wanted to, you know, go with the flow. We've only been back together for, like, nine months and getting engaged is rushing it thought. Isn't it?"

"What are you talking about León?" Francesca started. "Everyone knows that you and Violetta belong together. You two are the perfect example of soulmates. You proposed to her at nineteen! Now it seem like you're rushing it? León, you wanted to propose to her weeks ago, what changed your mind?" León stayed silent. "León Vargas, if you hung up on me, I swear—" Francesca sighed, on the other. "What changed your mind?"

"I just wanted to get into Violetta's mindset, and realized that waiting would make it better. That we don't need to be engaged or married to be happy."

"Then why did it take you so long to do that? Why did you ask for my advice and help when you could've done that yourself?" Francesca questioned. "It is rude to lie to pregnant woman. And I don't appreciate you lying to me, because I have a feeling who convinced you to change your mind."

"I'm sorry, Fran. Maybe asking for your help wasn't the best idea. Fede convinced me that waiting was the best option. Violetta went through a lot this past year. Ending an engagement, giving birth, getting back together with me, and whatever she did."

"Federico." Francesca groaned. "Why did you even listen to him? He uses way to much hair product, and he is—"

"Why did Vilu listen to you?" León interrupted.

"Vilu values my opinion, and I persuaded her opinion to help you."

"And I value Fede's. I just want to wait, until it feels naturally right. But I don't want Violetta to feel I might propose any second, because she doesn't like the suspense. Maybe you can—"

"No! I love you, León, but no. I can't persuade Vilu to wait, when I just persuaded her to not wait. I've been helping you since you came back. You persuade her to wait again. Or just propose to her again."

"Please, Francesca. I'll decorate your baby's nursery, and I'll babysit for you and Marco whenever you two need a break or a date night."

"Fine! But you don't need to decorate the nursery, and I'm sure as the godparents you'd babysit whenever for us."

"Wait, we're the godparents?"

"Ugh," Francesca sighed. "We were going to tell you guys at the baby shower. Just don't say anything to Vilu. We had something planned for the godparents."

"Thank you so much, Francesca."

Federico fell back onto the hotel bed. He was glad, yet sad, to be back on tour. He missed Ludmila and their twins, but he loved the adrenaline that came with performing.

Federico's phone was buzzing in his pocket, and he pulled it out, seeing Francesca's name on it. He slid to answer only to hear her yelling his name.

"Federico Paccini! What did you say to León?"

"Uh, you have to be more specific please," Federico responded, scratching the back of his neck.

"I finally convinced Vilu that she shouldn't wait to get engaged, and now León wants to wait! What did you do?" Francesca asked.

"I told him why Violetta wanted to wait, something Violetta had told him multiples times before. I just wanted to help her. He wants to wait now, and Vilu does too."

"No, Violetta wants to be engaged again. She's ready to get married again," Francesca corrected Federico. "You changed León's mind."

"Which is a good or bad thing?" Federico questioned.

"If you talked to him before Ludmila's party, a good thing—"

"I talked to him after."

"Which is a bad thing because they both changed their mi—"

"So, Violetta wants to get married now? And León wants to wait? Let's just try and changed León's mind again?" Federico suggested. "It wasn't that hard to change it before."

"Why did you even want to change it?" Francesca questioned. "If you hadn't talked to León, they could've been engaged and happy."

"I talked to León because I talked to Vilu and she was telling me everything she was thinking about, and I hate when she overthinks about stuff. She and León are happy, why do they need to be engaged? And don't blame this on me. If you hadn't talked to Vilu, they could've been happy waiting," Federico finished.

"I know Violetta, deep down she wants to get married, I just helped her realize that. I helped her realize her feelings for León before she married Diego. This is all about Violetta realizing these things—"

"León needed to realize why Violetta wanted to wait, and not rush her." Federico interrupted. "Fran, it's getting late here, and I have to leave for an long bus ride early tomorrow."

"Before you go, can you talk to León?"

"Can you talk to Vilu?"

"I'm not going to contradict whatever you're going to say to León," Francesca responded. "Tell León that soon is a good time to propose to Vilu. Because if I know Vilu, she's waiting for León to propose, and she's not a patient person."

"How about you talk to León and I'll talk to Vilu?" Federico suggested. Francesca sighed, but agreed.

So this chapter is mainly dialogue, and only has three characters in it. :) i think this is poorly written, but I'm happy with it.

This is what I usually call a filler chapter. And I've been focusing on this book more than my other books, hence why I unpublished my other incomplete books. :)

I love feedback! What do you think is going to happen next?

Q: Favorite Jorge song?
A: I've been obsessed with Si Te Tuviera and Una Noche lately.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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