Chapter 4

369 13 0

Madhouse- Little Mix

Demons- Imagine Dragons

Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol

Adam's Song- Blink-182


*italics indicate voices*

The room is dark. You're stupid. I'm trying to sleep, but the voices won't stop. HAHAHAHA!

I want them to stop. They don't stop. FUCK YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

I'm so tired, my eyes are heavy. I want to close them... Don't sleep, they'll come for you.

You're so stupid, why are you closing your eyes? WHAT DID I TELL YOU? They'll come for you.

My eyes are closed. I hear loud breathing by me. I know there isn't anything there. OPEN YOUR EYES. THEY'RE COMING.

I can't open my eyes. If I do, the voices win again. I can't let them win. You don't need sleep.

Yes I do. I'm so tired...


I walk down a big hallway. It's very dark and I'm scared. Something grabs my foot. I trip and hit the cold ground. My face falls in a puddle. I don't know where I am. There's red eyes staring at me. Wait. The eyes are mine. It's my reflection.

Kill them. Kill them. Kill them.

Kill who? There's no one around me. It's so dark.


Something grabs me from behind. I turn my head. It's my father.

"We don't love you." He says.

I try to speak, but my voice doesn't work.

"You are a waste of space." He growls and hits my face. I fall to the ground again.

He'll kill you.

He won't. He can't. Can he? He's my dad.

He walks towards me and I cower away. I corner myself in the wall and have no where else to go. My dad crouches down in front of my face. He's going to hurt you. I'm scared. He leans closer. His blue eyes turn black all around.

"Harley!" I scream. She's not here. She doesn't care about you. No one does.

My dad smiles demonically. His teeth are sharpened like a shark's and the smile is too big for his face.

"Harley!" I scream again.

She makes the voices go away. I need her here. She will make them stop. No she won't.

My dad growls and pulls a knife out of nowhere. He puts it on my throat. Fight him.

I can't. My body won't move. "Harley!!" I yell again. Why isn't she here? She won't come.

The walls close in around me. My dad keeps smiling at me with the knife to my neck. The walls push me close to him. The knife is so cold. He growls.

Hit him.

"HARLEY! HARLEY! HARLEY!" I yell. I feel tears roll down my face and I'm so scared that I'm shaking.

My dad winks before moving the knife off me. HE WILL KILL YOU. YOU'RE SO STUPID. KILL HIM BEFORE HE KILLS YOU!

Maybe I want to die.

I always have.

My dad draws the knife back to get ready to stab me.

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