Chapter 15

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Phoenix- Fall Out Boy

Don't Let Me Go- Harry Styles

Be The Song- Foy Vance


I hear Greg and Niall's voices rising from Niall's room. At first, I think they're just being guys and talking loudly, but then I hear Niall scream in horror, and Greg calls for help.

I run into the room and Niall is sitting in his desk chair gripping his neck, squeezing it as if he's choking himself. He is gasping for air, and his eyes are screwed shut. Greg stands a few feet away from him, staring in complete shock and horror, not knowing what to do.

"Niall!" I yell and sprint over to him.

Most people would be afraid of him right now, but I'm not. Not even the slightest.

"Niall!" I call his name and start to try to pry his fingers away from his neck, but he's much stronger than I am. It's no use.

He gasps for air, but his fingers don't move.

"Niall, open your eyes!" I tell him, but he obviously doesn't listen to me.

I hear Harry's loud footsteps storm into the room behind me. "God damn it!" He mumbles.

"He's going to pass out!" I tell Harry.

"I know! Come on, Niall! Damn, let go!" He tries to pull off Niall's fingers too, but Niall has a great grip on his own neck.

"Harley! We need to get him on an IV! STAT! He needs 1 mg of Midazolam!"

I run to retrieve the supplies and when I come back, Harry, with a few other nurses, are strapping Niall down in his bed. Niall is thrashing and screaming at the top of his lungs, screaming, "It hurts! Stop!"

"Harley! Hurry, hook him up to the IV!" Harry instructs.

I remember what Niall told me a while ago; that the sedations make his hallucinations and dreams worse than normal. I really don't want to give him the Midazolam, because it will make him miserable. But he's thrashing violently and he was hurting himself and he won't calm down, so I know I have to.

The others move out of the way and I hook Niall up to the IV. I have to hold his wrist down so he won't try to thrash it around and make me mess up.

He's still screaming, and if it weren't for the multitude of straps all over him, his whole body would be flailing.

"Harley! No! Please! Stop! Harley!" He screams, and cries, to me. As much as I hate doing this to him, I know I have to.

I start to slowly put the Midazolam through his IV, and his movements eventually begin to calm. His rapid breathing slows, and his heart rate becomes normal again.

As I wait for the medicine to take full effect, I look around and see Harry sitting at the desk chair, watching Niall intently, and Greg in the corner of the room with his hands pressed up to his face, staring in complete horror.

"Well, Harley, I've got to go. Call me over if anything else happens. Okay?" Harry says and grabs my wrist, pulling me to him so he can gently kiss the top of my forehead before walking out. He takes a final look at Niall at the door, but continues down the hallway.

I take Niall's vitals once he has fully calmed down, and everything is normal again. The medicine has caused him to be loopy; his head sways back and forth on the small pillow and he has a weird, idiotic smile on his lips. It's actually kind of adorable, in a weird way.

"Hey, Niall. You okay?" I ask him.

He nods, "Just dandy." His tone is monotonous, despite the smile on his face.

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