Chapter 8

345 11 0

Towers- Little Mix

Tee Shirt- Birdy

Amnesia- 5SOS


I wake up with a massive smile on my face yet again because of Harry. He was so sweet last night, so funny and charming that I didn't want to leave. We took about 20 minutes to say goodnight at my front door. It's Saturday, but I still have work. I am working so much so I can pay off my college. I don't mind it though, because I genuinely like spending time with Niall and seeing his progress, and the other nurses there are extremely sweet. And I get to see Harry, too!

Since it's Saturday, today all of the "high risk" patients get to spend some time outside, and it's absolutely beautiful today. 70 degrees and clear skies for the weather report today, which is nice for this area. I wonder if I can get Niall to spend some time in the sun and get some color to his pale skin, and maybe get him to interact with other patients.

"Good morning!" I chirp as I walk into Niall's room.

He's asleep, but he wakes quickly at my voice. He's not wearing his shirt, which I see thrown on the floor. His freshly cut hair is messily resting around his head in a blonde halo and his eyes, though tired, shine bright and blue. His body is more muscular than I had expected before. Not that he is massively ripped, but I pictured him being rather skinny, but actually he's got a nice amount of muscle on his chest.

He yawns and reaches his arms out to stretch, "Morning," he mumbles.

I give him his food, which he eats all by himself, and I check my schedule for the day. Turns out, I get to bathe him today. After he eats. Yippee.

"After you eat, you have to bathe." I tell him. He groans.

"I know, I know. It sucks. But you don't want to smell do you?"

"Yes!" He smirks playfully.

I shake my head disapprovingly, "Well, too bad."

He continues to smirk. Every day since I have met him, I have had to force him to take his medicines. But today, after he finishes his waffle, he takes the pills right away without me even asking him to.

As he moves to get his shirt, I see a small scar on his chest. I wonder how he got it.

"What's that from?" I ask him, pointing to it.

He looks flustered, "uhm, nothing. I don't know" he mumbles quickly with his head shaking.

He puts his shirt on and we start to walk to the bathrooms. He holds my hand again. I don't know why he does this, but he seems to like it and I honestly don't mind it, so I let him.

He follows slowly, so our connected arms are slightly stretched away from our bodies as we walk. He hums softly, a song I don't recognize, and smiles lazily.

We reach the bathrooms and he sits on a bench while I gather a towel and body wash and shampoo for him, then turn on the shower head.

"The doctor lets me shower by myself." He says. I doubt that.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He replies innocently, and starts walking to the shower. I stop him, though. If he can't even go get his food from the cafeteria by himself, then I highly doubt they will let him shower.

"Are you lying to me?"

He gasps a little and answers, "No!"

I open my clipboard to see if he is in fact lying, but to my surprise, there is a note on the side that says, "Patient is allowed to shower independently, but only under supervision."

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