Chapter 25

190 9 2

Say Something- A Great Big World

Stay- Cher Lloyd

Kiss Me- Ed Sheeran


I wake up to the sound of my door quickly opening and shutting. I look out the window and it's still pitch black outside. The rain has gotten worse throughout the night. It's now fully storming. But I have my iPod on shuffle on its charger playing music softly. It's only on like two notches of volume, so it's perfect to sleep to. I made a playlist of slower songs that help me fall asleep. It helps a lot.

I hear muffled sobs coming from my doorway. The light is off, so I can't see who or what it is. I know I'm just hallucinating, but I'm curious.

Once my eyes begin to adjust, I can make out the small figure. It's Harley.

"Harley?" I mumble. My voice is raspy and dry from sleep, and it sounds weird.

She sniffles and I see her hand reach up to pull the hair out of her face. This is a really weird hallucination. Maybe it's a dream.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I-I should go. I'm sorry." She stumbles up, and for some reason I know now that I am definitely not hallucinating or dreaming. But this is real. And she's in my room in the middle of the night sobbing.

She starts to leave but I jump out of bed to stop her. Thankfully the room is so small that it doesn't take much.

"Harley, what's wrong?"

She shakes her head and continues to cry, "Nothing." Sniffle, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here. Go back to sleep. I'm so sorry."

"No." I grab her wrists gently to prevent her from leaving.

"Niall, please. I'm fine." She begs softly.

"No. You came here for a reason. Look at you." I wipe a tear from her face and her make up smears more, but I don't care. "You're all dressed up, looking absolutely beautiful, but you're here in the middle of the night, sobbing your eyes out. You're not fine."

She wipes her tears and says, "Really. I'm okay. I need to go. I can't put this on you. I'm sorry."

I put her face in my hands and whisper, "Harley. It's okay to not be okay. Please. Just talk to me. I'm right here. You came here, and I'm not going to let you leave until you tell me why you're crying like this."

"Why does it matter?"

I sigh, "Because I love you. And I hate seeing you this way."

She bites her bottom lip to prevent herself from crying harder.

"Harley," I start, "You've helped me countless times when I've needed you. And I'm here to return the favor. Please. Just talk to me." I beg, still holding her face in my hands.

Her face falls into my chest and I wrap my arms around her. I hold her tightly against my chest. I know her makeup will be all over this white shirt, but I don't care at all.

"It's Harry." She mumbles.

"The doc-"

"Yeah. We're dating,"

"I know." I tell her.

"How did you know?" She asks, looking up at me with red, puffy eyes.

"I saw you two the other day. It doesn't matter. What did he do to you?" The last sentence comes out in almost a growl.

I hate that guy. I hate him so much. I always knew I didn't like him, but now I know I hate his fucking guts. I don't know what he did, but he hurt the girl I love.

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